For lower doses, the FePc film is decoupled from the copper substrate, restoring the gas phase triplet spin state (S=1). A higher dose induces the transition from ferrous to ferric phthalocyanine, in its intermediate spin state, with enhanced magnetic moment due to the interaction with the atomic ligands. Remarkably, in this way, three different spin configurations have been observed within the same metalorganic/metal interface by exposing it to different doses of NO2 at room temperature. The epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading across the world. As the first country who suffered from the outbreak, China has been taking strict and effective measures to contain the epidemic and treat the disease under the instruction of updating guidance. To compare the changes and updates in China's clinical guidance for COVID-19. We explored China's experience in dealing with the epidemic by longitudinal comparison of China's clinical guidance for COVID-19. As of March 4, there are 7 editions of the guidance. With the increasing understanding of COVID-19, changes have been made in aetiology, epidemiology, pathology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria, clinical classification, and treatment. We have made a summary of the changes and updates in China's clinical guidance for COVID-19, which mirrors the deepening understanding of the disease over the course of fighting it, hoping to help clinicians worldwide. We have made a summary of the changes and updates in China's clinical guidance for COVID-19, which mirrors the deepening understanding of the disease over the course of fighting it, hoping to help clinicians worldwide.Adenosine boasts promising preclinical and clinical data supporting a vital role in modulating vascular homeostasis. Its widespread use as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent have been limited by its short half-life and complex biology, though adenosine-modulators have shown promise in improving vascular healing. Moreover, circulating adenosine has shown promise in predicting cardiovascular (CV) events. We sought to delineate whether circulating plasma adenosine levels predict CV events in patients undergoing invasive assessment for coronary artery disease. Patients undergoing invasive angiography had clinical data prospectively recorded in the Cardiovascular and Percutaneous ClInical TriALs (CAPITAL) revascularization registry and blood samples collected in the CAPITAL Biobank from which adenosine levels were quantified. Tertile-based analysis was used to assess prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; composite of death, myocardial infarction, unplanned revascularization, and cerebrovascular accident). Secondary analyses included MACE subgroups, clinical subgroups and adenosine levels. There were 1,815 patients undergoing angiography who had blood collected with adenosine quantified in 1,323. Of those quantified, 51.0% were revascularized and 7.3% experienced MACE in 12 months of follow-up. Tertile-based analysis failed to demonstrate any stratification of MACE rates (log rank, P = 0.83), when comparing low-to-middle (hazard ratio (HR) 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.68-1.78, P = 0.70) or low-to-high adenosine tertiles (HR 0.95, 95% CI 0.56-1.57, P = 0.84). In adjusted analysis, adenosine similarly failed to predict MACE. Finally, adenosine did not predict outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome nor in those revascularized or treated medically. Plasma adenosine levels do not predict subsequent CV outcomes or aid in patient risk stratification.Menaquinone (MK) serves as an essential membranous redox mediator in various electron transport chains of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. In addition, the composition of the quinone/quinol pool has been widely used as a biomarker in microbial taxonomy. The HemN-like class C radical SAM methyltransferases (RSMTs) MqnK, MenK and MenK2 have recently been shown to facilitate specific menaquinone methylation reactions at position C-8 (MqnK/MenK) or C-7 (MenK2) to synthesize 8-methylmenaquinone, 7-methylmenaquinone and 7,8-dimethylmenaquinone. However, the vast majority of protein sequences from the MqnK/MenK/MenK2 family belong to organisms, whose capacity to produce methylated menaquinones has not been investigated biochemically. Here, representative putative menK and menK2 genes from Collinsella tanakaei and Ferrimonas marina were individually expressed in Escherichia coli (wild-type or ubiE deletion mutant) and the corresponding cells were found to produce methylated derivatives of the endogenous MK and 2-demethylmenaquinone. Cluster and phylogenetic analyses of 828 (methyl)menaquinone methyltransferase sequences revealed signature motifs that allowed to discriminate enzymes of the MqnK/MenK/MenK2 family from other radical SAM enzymes and to identify C-7-specific menaquinone methyltransferases of the MenK2 subfamily. This study will help to predict the methylation status of the quinone/quinol pool of a microbial species (or even a microbial community) from its (meta)genome and contribute to the future design of microbial quinone/quinol pools in a Synthetic Biology approach.Esophageal cancer (EC) is a common cancer and is histopathologically classified into esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and esophageal adenocarcinoma. EC is a worldwide public health issue because of late diagnosis and lack of effective therapy. In contrast to standard tumor biopsies, liquid biopsies are emerging as a tool which is minimally invasive that can complement or even substitute more classical approaches. Specifically, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has shown promise in cancer-related clinical applications. Indeed, cfDNA has been shown to be an effective circulating biomarker for non-invasive cancer diagnosis and monitoring of cancer patients. Although the clinical application of cfDNA has been reported on other cancers, few studies have evaluated its use in EC. Here, we review this relevant literature and discuss limitations and advantages of its application in the diagnosis and monitoring of EC. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare life-threatening thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) characterized by the severe deficiency of ADAMTS13 activity (<10%). Rapid ADAMTS13 testing is crucial for early diagnosis and optimal management of TTP patients and other TMAs. The objective of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the performance of the recently commercialized HemosIL Acustar ADAMTS13 activity chemiluminescent immunoassay (Instrumentation Laboratory, Bedford, Massachusetts, United States) in a multicentric study between Spain and Portugal. A comparison method was performed to compare HemosIL Acustar with an in-house FRETS-VWF73 assay and two commercial ELISA assays the TECHNOZYM ADAMTS13 Activity (Technoclone GmbH, Vienna, Austria) and the DG-EIA ADAMTS-13 Activity (Diagnostic Grifols, SA, Barcelona, Spain). A set of 241 frozen plasma samples with known ADAMST13 levels was used. Agreement between methods was assessed with focus on two cut-off ADAMTS13 activity values <10% (the clinical accepted cut-off value to confirm TTP diagnosis) and<5%.