, or treat postpartum depression.Peer sexual violence is a significant social problem that affects adolescents and can lead to negative mental health and developmental consequences. Peers are a significant source of influence for adolescent behavior. https://www.selleckchem.com/autophagy.html For example, recent studies show training teens to be bystanders can be an effective prevention strategy to reduce peer violence and harassment. Peers can also promote risky behaviors including substance use and violence. The current study examined how sexual violence-specific risk and protective attitudes (e.g., denial of peer sexual violence and positive peer prevention norms) and behaviors (alcohol use and bystander actions to prevent peer sexual violence) clustered within peer networks cross-sectionally and over time. Participants were 1,499 7th-10th graders who took surveys during an academic year and who reported having opportunity to take action as bystanders to peer sexual violence. Participants took surveys 6 months apart online in schools. Questions included nomination of best friends to capture information about peer networks. Social network analyses indicated that there was weak but significant clustering of positive prevention attitudes such as bystander denial and marginal clustering on reactive bystander behaviors to address sexual assault. For comparison, alcohol use and academic grades were analyzed and found to also cluster in networks in these data. These findings suggest that for early adolescents, peer bystander training may be influential for some key bystander attitudes and reactive sexual violence prevention behaviors as individual behaviors are not independent of those of their friends. Immigrants in Europe appear to be at higher risk of psychiatric coercive interventions. Involuntary psychiatric hospitalization poses significant ethical and clinical challenges. Nonetheless, reasons for migration and other risk factors for involuntary treatment were rarely addressed in previous studies. The aims of this study are to clarify whether immigrant patients with acute mental disorders are at higher risk to be involuntarily admitted to hospital and to explore clinical and migratory factors associated with involuntary treatment. In this cross-sectional matched sample study, we compared the rates of involuntary treatment in a sample of first-generation immigrants admitted in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit of a large metropolitan academic hospital to their age-, gender-, and psychiatric diagnosis-matched native counterparts. Clinical, sociodemographic, and migratory variables were collected. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-expanded (BPRS-E) and the Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) scale were administered. McNemar test was used for paired categorical variables and a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. A total of 234 patients were included in the analysis. Involuntary treatment rates were significantly higher in immigrants as compared to their matched natives (32% vs. 24% respectively;  < .001). Among immigrants, involuntary hospitalization was found to be more frequent in those patients whose length of stay in Italy was less than 2 years (OR = 4.2, 95% CI [1.4-12.7]). Recently arrived immigrants appear to be at higher risk of involuntary admission. Since coercive interventions can be traumatic and negatively affect outcomes, strategies to prevent this phenomenon are needed. Recently arrived immigrants appear to be at higher risk of involuntary admission. Since coercive interventions can be traumatic and negatively affect outcomes, strategies to prevent this phenomenon are needed. In the last decade, the research about mind-wandering (MW) significantly improved and allowed us to depth the phenomenology of thoughts. Prototypically, excessive MW was linked with ADHD symptoms. However, many studies have demonstrated the need to relate the type of mind-wandering with specific phenomenological presentations. Participants ( = 53; 54.7% male; age range 18-36 years) selfreported the Mind Excessively Wandering Scale (MEWS), and they were investigated for ADHD, impulsivity levels, and anxiety/depressive symptoms. The exploratory analysis indicated a meaningful correlation between MEWS and anxiety traits and depressive symptoms. There was no significant relationship with ADHD symptoms. These findings based our discussion about MW's phenomenology considering the novel classification model based on the consideration of clinical markers such as thoughts' content. These findings based our discussion about MW's phenomenology considering the novel classification model based on the consideration of clinical markers such as thoughts' content. Haemolysis caused by the use of peristaltic infusion pumps (PIPs) has been described in human and canine packed red blood cells (pRBCs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two different linear PIPs on the haemolysis of feline pRBC units stored for a long time. Feline pRBC units stored with adenine, dextrose, mannitol and sodium chloride (SAGM) were manufactured. After 35-42 days of storage at 2-4°C, a line administration system with a 180 µm filter was attached to every pRBC bag, the system was drained by gravity alone (8 drops/min) and a 1.3 ml sample was collected (G). A NIKI V4 pump was then used at a flow rate of 25 ml/h, the flow was stopped when the infusion system was filled with blood coming from the infusion pump and another 1.3 ml sample was collected (NK). Finally, an Infusomat FmS pump was evaluated, collecting another 1.3 ml sample (IM). Packed cell volume (PCV) was measured in all samples by microhaematocrit centrifugation, total haemoglobin (HGB) was measured using a speci5 ml/h. Thelaziosis caused by the nematode (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) affects the eyes of domestic and wild carnivores, lagomorphs and even humans. The role of cats in spreading thelaziosis remains unclear. The present study assesses the current status of feline infection in Spain and presents the results of the first prophylactic trial conducted in this species. We retrospectively analysed the occurrence of feline thelaziosis (study 1), examined its prevalence based on cross-sectional sampling of endemic areas (study 2), and assessed the therapeutic/prophylactic benefits of a spot-on (moxidectin) and therapeutic efficacy of an eye drop (ivermectin) formulation (study 3). In study 1, 69 -infected cats were examined. Autochthonous cases were detected in 18/26 municipalities surveyed in Spain, which corresponds to 88.4% (n = 61/69) of the total number of cases. In study 2, 74 cats (20 from La Vera region and 54 from Orense province) were examined from 2011 to 2013. Ten of these cats (13.5%) were infected with .