The Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) has provided validation reports based on recommendations from community Validation Task Forces for structures in the PDB since 2013. To further enhance validation of small molecules as recommended from the 2016 Ligand Validation Workshop, wwPDB, Global Phasing Ltd., and the Noguchi Institute, recently formed a public/private partnership to incorporate some of their software tools into the wwPDB validation package. Augmented wwPDB validation report features include two-dimensional (2D) diagrams of small-molecule ligands and carbohydrates, highlighting geometric validation outcomes; 2D topological diagrams of oligosaccharides present in branched entities generated using 2D Symbol Nomenclature for Glycan representation; and views of 3D electron density maps for ligands and carbohydrates, illustrating the goodness-of-fit between the atomic structure and experimental data (X-ray crystallographic structures only). These improvements will impact confidence in ligand conformation and ligand-macromolecular interactions that will aid in understanding biochemical function and contribute to small-molecule drug discovery.Clonal dynamics and mutation burden in healthy human prostate epithelium are relevant to prostate cancer. We sequenced whole genomes from 409 microdissections of normal prostate epithelium across 8 donors, using phylogenetic reconstruction with spatial mapping in a 59-year-old man's prostate to reconstruct tissue dynamics across the lifespan. Somatic mutations accumulate steadily at ∼16 mutations/year/clone, with higher rates in peripheral than peri-urethral regions. The 24-30 independent glandular subunits are established as rudimentary ductal structures during fetal development by 5-10 embryonic cells each. Puberty induces formation of further side and terminal branches by local stem cells disseminated throughout the rudimentary ducts during development. During adult