Many people are intrigued by the extraordinary life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome - his background, a widely popular ministry, his family, and his former wife Anita. This complete guide will cover the pastor Chris Oyakhilome and LoveWorld Incorporated. All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry Family and wife Anita and private jets Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the president and founder of LoveWorld Incorporated, is also the pastor of Christ Embassy. Many consider him to be the Man God. His Christian ministry is located in Lagos Nigeria. Christ Embassy has numerous branches around the world, making it a truly international church. Pastor Chris is a well-known Nigerian pastor who is the leader of one of the largest African congregations. LoveWorld and Christ Embassy are two of the many organizations that have thrived under the guidance of the respected Pastor. The minister of healing and spirit is also a best-selling author, television host, educator and evangelist. He has helped millions improve their lives by offering his services to God. Background Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 , in Edo State, Nigeria. His father was the first to have a son. His younger brother Pastor Ken Oyakhilome is a prominent participant at LoveWorld Incorporated. The sister of Pastor Ken Oyakhilome, Katty Worigren, formerly Oyakhilome is also associated in the ministry as the director of the LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry. Pastor Chris received his architecture degree from Ambrose Alli University. He also holds an Honorary Deg