In Kaplan-Meier analyses of patients categorized according to the ROC-derived optimal thresholds, CCT, the 3 × 3 foveal VD of SCP, the 3 × 3 mm and 6 × 6 mm foveal VD of DCP and the 6 × 6 mm foveal VD of SCP were strongly associated with a higher risk of IDH over the 30-days follow-up. In HD patients, a single OCT-A measurement may represent a non-invasive, rapid tool to evaluate the compliance of vascular bed to HD stress and to stratify the risk of IDH in the short term.In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients, left ventricular (LV) maximal wall thickness (MWT) is one of the most important factors determining sudden cardiac death (SCD) risk. In a large unselected sample of HCM patients, we aimed to simulate what changes would occur in the calculated SCD risk according to the European HCM Risk-SCD calculator when MWT measured using echocardiography was changed to MWT measured using MRI. All consecutive patients with HCM who underwent cardiac MRI were included. MWT measured with echocardiography and MRI were compared, and 5-year SCD risk according to the HCM Risk-SCD calculator was computed using four different models. The final population included 673 patients [389 (57.8%) males, median age 50 years, interquartile range (36-60)]. The median MWT was lower measured by echocardiography than by MRI [20 (17-24) mm vs 21 (18-24) mm; p  less then  0.0001]. There was agreement between echocardiography and MRI in the measurement of maximal LV wall thickness in 96 patients (14.3%). The largest differences between echo and MRI were - 13 mm and + 9 mm. The differences in MWT by echocardiography and MRI translated to a maximal difference of 8.33% in the absolute 5-year risk of SCD, i.e., the echocardiography-based risk was 8.33% lower than the MRI-based estimates. Interestingly, 13.7% of patients would have been reclassified into different SCD risk categories if MRI had been used to measure MWT instead of echocardiography. In conclusion, although there was high general intermodality agreement between echocardiography and MRI in the MWT measurements, the differences in MWT translated to significant differences in the 5-year risk of SCD.Analysis of scoliosis requires thorough radiographic evaluation by spinal curvature estimation to completely assess the spinal deformity. Spinal curvature estimation gives orthopaedic surgeons an idea of severity of spinal deformity for therapeutic purposes. Manual intervention has always been an issue to ensure accuracy and repeatability. Computer assisted systems are semi-automatic and is still influenced by surgeon's expertise. Spinal curvature estimation completely relies on accurate identification of required end vertebrae like superior end-vertebra, inferior end-vertebra and apical vertebra. In the present work, automatic extraction of spinal information central sacral line and medial axis by computerized image understanding system has been proposed. The inter-observer variability in the anatomical landmark identification is quantified using Kappa statistic. The resultant Kappa value computed between proposed algorithm and observer lies in the range 0.7 and 0.9, which shows good accuracy. Identification of the required end vertebra is automated by the extracted spinal information. Difference in inter and intra-observer variability for the state of the art computer assisted and proposed system are quantified in terms of mean absolute difference for the various types (Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, Type-IV, and Type-V) of scoliosis.Although plants and animals are evolutionarily distant, the structure and function of their chromosomes are largely conserved. This allowed the establishment of a human-Arabidopsis hybrid cell line in which a neo-chromosome was formed by insertion of segments of Arabidopsis chromosomes into human chromosome 15. We used this unique system to investigate how the introgressed part of a plant genome was maintained in human genetic background. The analysis of the neo-chromosome in 60- and 300-day-old cell cultures by next-generation sequencing and molecular cytogenetics suggested its origin by fusion of DNA fragments of different sizes from Arabidopsis chromosomes 2, 3, 4, and 5, which were randomly intermingled rather than joined end-to-end. The neo-chromosome harbored Arabidopsis centromeric repeats and terminal human telomeres. Arabidopsis centromere wasn't found to be functional. Most of the introgressed Arabidopsis DNA was eliminated during the culture, and the Arabidopsis genome in 300-day-old culture showed significant variation in copy number as compared with the copy number variation in the 60-day-old culture. Amplified Arabidopsis centromere DNA and satellite repeats were localized at particular loci and some fragments were inserted into various positions of human chromosome. Neo-chromosome reorganization and behavior in somatic cell hybrids between the plant and animal kingdoms are discussed.During language comprehension, the brain processes not only word meanings, but also the grammatical structure-the "syntax"-that strings words into phrases and sentences. Yet the neural basis of syntax remains contentious, partly due to the elusiveness of experimental designs that vary structure independently of meaning-related variables. Here, we exploit Arabic's grammatical properties, which enable such a design. We collected magnetoencephalography (MEG) data while participants read the same noun-adjective expressions with zero, one, or two contiguously-written definite articles (e.g., 'chair purple'; 'the-chair purple'; 'the-chair the-purple'), representing equivalent concepts, but with different levels of syntactic complexity (respectively, indefinite phrases 'a purple chair'; sentences 'The chair is purple.'; definite phrases 'the purple chair'). We expected regions processing syntax to respond differently to simple versus complex structures. Single-word controls ('chair'/'purple') addressed definiteness-based accounts. In noun-adjective expressions, syntactic complexity only modulated activity in the left posterior temporal lobe (LPTL), ~ 300 ms after each word's onset indefinite phrases induced more MEG-measured positive activity. The effects disappeared in single-word tokens, ruling out non-syntactic interpretations. In contrast, left anterior temporal lobe (LATL) activation was driven by meaning. Overall, the results support models implicating the LPTL in structure building and the LATL in early stages of conceptual combination.