Objective The aim of this study was to describe emergent approaches to integrated care for older people with complex care needs and investigate the viability of measuring integrated care. Methods A case study approach was used. Sites were recruited following discussion with senior staff in health and social care agencies. Service arrangements were categorised using a framework developed by the researchers. To investigate joint working within the sites, the development model for integrated care was adapted and administered to the manager of each service. Data were collected in 2018. Results Six case study sites were recruited illustrating adult social care services partnerships in services for older people with home care providers, mental health and community nursing services. Most were established in 2018. Service arrangements were characterised by joint assessment and informal face-to-face discussions between staff. The development of an infrastructure to promote partnership working was evident between adultnd the immediate context of Greater Manchester to wider integrated care. The evidence can be used by commissioners and services, providing a sound basis for further work as service systems develop. What are the implications for practitioners? This research is important because it is one of the first pieces of work to examine the new integrated care arrangements in Greater Manchester. By providing guidance to promote evidence-based practice, this study contributes to service development in Greater Manchester and the achievement of the broad national service objectives of improving user and carer experiences and ensuring value for money.In March 2020, a severe respiratory syndrome developed in a cat, 1 week after its owner received positive test results for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Viral RNA was detected in the cat's nasopharyngeal swab samples and vomitus or feces; immunoglobulin against the