Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) is an antioxidant enzyme, whose activity decreases during the acute phase response in many species. Little is known about PON-1 and its role as a negative acute phase protein during septic inflammation in horses, but promising findings about its utility in diagnosing SIRS and predicting the outcome in diseased horses, were recently highlighted. The objective of the study was to investigate the behaviour of PON-1 in horses after experimentally induced endotoxemia. To this aim, PON-1 activity was measured on 66 plasma samples collected from six clinically healthy mares, previously included in another study, before and at multiple time points between 12 and 240 h after intravenous infusion of Escherichia coli O55B5 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Compared with baseline values, a progressive transient decrease of PON-1 activity was observed starting from 24 h post-infusion, with lowest values observed between 3 to 7 days post-infusion, followed by a normalisation to pre-infusion levels the tenth day. The results of this study suggest that measurement and monitoring of PON-1 activity might be useful to evaluate progression and recovery from endotoxemia in horses. Further studies in horses with naturally occurring sepsis are warranted. The results of this study suggest that measurement and monitoring of PON-1 activity might be useful to evaluate progression and recovery from endotoxemia in horses. Further studies in horses with naturally occurring sepsis are warranted. During the COVID-19 epidemic, the central sterile supply department (CSSD) staff handled many devices, implements and non-disposable protective articles used by suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. As a result, the CSSD staff may have experienced psychological stress, however, the mental state of the CSSD staff during the COVID-19 epidemic has been rarely studied. We aim to investigate the mental state of the CSSD staff and relevant influencing factors experienced during the COVID-19 epidemic. The survey utilising a general information questionnaire, Chinese perceived stress scale (CPSS), self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), and Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC) was conducted with 423 CSSD staff members from 35 hospitals in Sichuan Province, China. Data was analysed in SPSS24.0. Classification and regression tree (CART) was utilised to analyse variables and find variation between groups. A chi-square test was performed on enumeration data, and t-test and analysis of variance were performed on mehe CSSD staff, including taking protective measures regarding the risk factors to ensure they can maintain a healthy mental state. During the epidemic, the CSSD staff's psychological resilience was at a low level; the anxiety level of the CSSD nurses was higher than that of the CSSD logistic staff. Therefore, more attention should be given to the mental health of the CSSD staff, including taking protective measures regarding the risk factors to ensure they can maintain a healthy mental state. DNA and RNA of all cellular life forms and many viruses contain an expansive repertoire of modified bases. The modified bases play diverse biological roles that include both regulation of transcription and translation, and protection against restriction endonucleases and antibiotics. Modified bases are often recognized by dedicated protein domains. However, the elaborate networks of interactions and processes mediated by modified bases are far from being completely understood. We present a comprehensive census and classification of EVE domains that belong to the PUA/ASCH domain superfamily and bind various modified bases in DNA and RNA. We employ the "guilt by association" approach to make functional inferences from comparative analysis of bacterial and archaeal genomes, based on the distribution and associations of EVE domains in (predicted) operons and functional networks of genes. Prokaryotes encode two classes of EVE domain proteins, slow-evolving and fast-evolving ones. Slow-evolving EVE domains in α stress response, and germline development in animals. Medical tests provide important information to guide clinical management. Overtesting, however, may cause harm to patients and the healthcare system, including through misdiagnosis, false positives, false negatives and overdiagnosis. Clinicians are ultimately responsible for test requests, and are therefore ideally positioned to prevent overtesting and its unintended consequences. Through this narrative literature review and workshop discussion with experts at the Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference (Sydney, 2019), we aimed to identify and establish a thematic framework of factors that influence clinicians to request non-recommended and unnecessary tests. Articles exploring factors affecting clinician test ordering behaviour were identified through a systematic search of MedLine in April 2019, forward and backward citation searches and content experts. Two authors screened abstract titles and abstracts, and two authors screened full text for inclusion. Identified factors were categorised into a preliminarof tests; time constraints, physical vulnerabilities and language barriers; availability and ease of access to tests; pre-emptive testing to facilitate subsequent care; contemporary medical practice and new technology CONCLUSION This thematic framework may raise awareness of overtesting and prompt clinicians to change their test request behaviour. The development of a scale to assess clinician knowledge, attitudes and practices is planned to allow evaluation of clinician-targeted interventions to reduce overtesting. This study sought to investigate the clinical characteristics of congenital diaphragmatic eventration (CDE) and to compare the efficacies of thoracoscopy and traditional open surgery in infants with CDE. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 125 children with CDE (90 boys, 35 girls; median age 12.2months, range 1h-7years; body weight 1.99-28.5kg, median body weight 7.87 ± 4.40kg) admitted to our hospital in the previous 10years, and we statistically analyzed their clinical manifestations and surgical methods. A total of 108 children in this group underwent surgery, of whom 67 underwent open surgery and 41 underwent thoracoscopic diaphragmatic plication. A total of 107 patients recovered well postoperatively, except for 1 patient who died due to respiratory distress after surgery. After 1-9.5years of follow-up, 107 patients had significantly improved preoperative symptoms. During follow-up, the location of the diaphragm was normal, and no paradoxical movement was observed. Eleven of the 17 children who did not undergo surgical treatment did not have a decrease in diaphragm position after 1-6years of follow-up.