ments.Chordomas are rare, slow-growing malignant tumors. Given the paucity of data of the disease, the treatment strategies are disputed. We collected clinical and survival information of patients with chordoma diagnosed between 1975 and 2016 from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database. A total of 1797 patients were initially enrolled, including 762 (42.4%) cranial and 1035 (57.6%) spinal chordoma. A total of 1504 patients were further evaluated after screening. In the cranial group, the surgery (gross total resection (GTR) p = 0.001 for overall survival (OS); p = 0.009 for cancer-specific survival (CSS)), tumor extension (distant metastasis p = 0.001 for OS; p = 0.002 for CSS), and the age (p  less then  0.001 for OS) were independent prognostic factors for survival. In the spinal group, the age (p = 0.004), location (p  less then  0.001), GTR (p  less then  0.001), and tumor extension (distant metastasis, p  less then  0.001) were independent prognostic factors for OS; the age (p = 0.007), histological type (p  less then  0.001), GTR (p  less then  0.001), radiation (p = 0.018), chemotherapy (p = 0.006), and tumor extension (p  less then  0.001) were independent prognostic factors for CSS. In this large cohort, a significant association was noted between extent of resection and outcome. Even though adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy did not benefit patients with chordoma, the effect on prognosis can be explored in a further study based on our findings.Ustekinumab is approved for the treatment of psoriasis and Crohn's disease. Because many dermatological conditions are due to immune-mediated development, ustekinumab may be effective in other conditions. A systematic review of the off-label uses of ustekinumab, as well as on-label adverse effect, was performed, reporting on clinical improvement. MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases were searched for studies regarding ustekinumab treatment of rativa (HS), lichen planus (LP), pyoderma gangrenosum (PG), pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP), cutalopecia areata (AA), atopic dermatitis (AD), Bechet's disease, bullous pemphigoid (BP), hidradenitis suppuaneous sarcoidosis, cutaneous systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and vitiligo. Descriptive statistics were performed. 74 articles of 4596 screened were included, and reported on 212 patients receiving ustekinumab treatment. Across all studies, ustekinumab showed promise in treating patients AA (10/12 patients; 83.3% improvement), AD (28/74 patients; 37.8% improvement), HS (42/52 patients; 80.8% improvement), and PRP (25/27 patients; 92.6% improvement), among others. Adverse events were noted with the use of ustekinumab, including development of AA (four patients), AD (three patients), and BP (four patients), among others. Ustekinumab can be a promising option for patients with dermatological conditions refractory to traditional therapies. Adverse events must be monitored in certain patients.Phobia against spiders or snakes is common in humans, and similar phobia-like behaviors have been observed in non-human animals. Visual images of snakes elicit phobia in humans, but sensory modalities that cause snake aversion in non-human animals are not well examined. In this study, we examined visually induced snake aversion in two rodent species. Using a three-compartment experimental chamber, reactions to images of snakes were compared between the diurnal precocious rodent Octodon degus and nocturnal laboratory mice. The snakes whose images were presented do not live in the original habitats of degus or mice. Snake aversion was assessed by presenting snake vs. no-image, snake vs. flower, snake vs. degu, and snake vs. mouse images. The time spent in a compartment with the snake image and with the non-snake images were measured. Degus avoided images of snakes in every tests. In contrast, mice did not display snake aversion. Degus are diurnal animals, i.e., visual information is important for their survival. Since mice are nocturnal, visual information is less important for survival. Such behavioral differences in the two species may explain the difference in visually induced aversion to snakes. A principal component analysis of the stimulus images suggests that elementary cues, such as color, do not explain the differences in the species' aversion to snakes. Finally, snake aversion in degus suggests that aversion is innate, since the animals were born and raised in a laboratory.Methicillin-resistant and Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (MRSA and VRSA, respectively) can seriously jeopardizes bone implants. This research aimed to examine the potential synergistic effects of Melittin and vancomycin in preventing MRSA and VRSA associated bone implant infections. Chitosan/bioactive glass nanoparticles/vancomycin composites were coated on hydrothermally etched titanium substrates by casting method. The composite coatings were coated by Melittin through drop casting technique. Melittin raised the proliferation of MC3T3 cells, making it an appropriate option as osteoinductive and antibacterial substance in coatings of orthopedic implants. Composite coatings having combined vancomycin and Melittin eliminated both planktonic and adherent MRSA and VRSA bacteria, whereas coatings containing one of them failed to kill the whole VRSA bacteria. Therefore, chitosan/bioactive glass/vancomycin/Melittin coating can be used as a bone implant coating because of its anti-infective properties. The association between melanosis coli (MC) and colorectal neoplasms remains unclear. Thus, we primarily aimed to clarify the epidemiology of MC in the Japanese population, identify the relationship between the use of anthranoids and MC, and determine the prevalence of detected intestinal lesions in patients with MC. We subsequently conducted a meta-analysis of published data, including our results, to summarize the influence of MC on the prevalence of colonic neoplasms. We conducted a retrospective survey in Japan to investigate the effects of MC on intestinal disorders. The prevalence of colorectal neoplasms and ileal ulcers was evaluated by colonoscopy, and the clinical characteristics of the participants were investigated using an electronic database. Odds ratios for colorectal neoplasms were calculated. We also performed a meta-analysis using Review Manager to reveal the comprehensive relationship between MC and colorectal neoplasms. We enrolled 690 Japanese participants in the primary study. The prevalence of regular anthranoid use was significantly higher in the MC group than in the control group (50.