Magnetic nanocomposites with a core-shell nanostructure have huge applications in different sciences especially in the release of the drugs, because of their exclusive physical and chemical properties. In this research, magnetic@layered double hydroxide multicore@shell nanostructure was synthesized by the facile experiment and is used as novel drug nanocarrier. Magnetic nanospheres were synthesized by a facile one-step solvothermal route, and then, layered double hydroxide nanoflakes were prepared on the magnetic nanospheres by coprecipitation experiment. The synthesized nanostructures were characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM, VSM, and TEM, respectively. After intercalation with Ibuprofen and Diclofenac as anti-inflammatory drugs and using exchange anion experiment, the basal spacing of synthesized layered double hydroxides was compared with brucite nanosheets from 0.48nm to 2.62nm and 2.22nm, respectively. The results indicated that Ibuprofen and Diclofenac were successfully intercalated into the interlay space of LDHs via bridging bidentate interaction. In addition, in-vitro drug release experiments in pH 7.4, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) showed constant release profiles with Ibuprofen and Diclofenac as model drugs with different lipophilicity, water solubility, size, and steric effect. The Fe O @LDH-ibuprofen and Fe O @LDH-diclofenac had the advantage of the strong interaction between the carboxyl groups with higher trivalent cations by bridging bidentate, clarity, and high thermal stability. It is confirmed that Fe O @LDH multicore-shell nanostructure may have potential application for constant drug delivery. The Fe3O4@LDH-ibuprofen and Fe3O4@LDH-diclofenac had the advantage of the strong interaction between the carboxyl groups with higher trivalent cations by bridging bidentate, clarity, and high thermal stability. It is confirmed that Fe3O4@LDH multicore-shell nanostructure may have potential application for constant drug delivery. Non-communicable diseases contribute to 62% of total deaths in India; of concern are the preventable premature deaths, which account for a staggering 48% of mortality. The objective of this study was to establish a consensus research agenda for non-communicable disease prevention and control that has the potential to impact polices, programmes and healthcare delivery in India. To develop a non-communicable disease research agenda, we engaged our community collaborative board and scientific advisory group in a three-step process using two web-based surveys and one in-person meeting. First, the Delphi methodology was used to generate topics. Second, these ideas were deliberated upon during the in-person meeting, leading to the prioritisation of 23 research questions, which were subjected to Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat analysis by the stakeholders using the Snow Card methodology with the scientific advisory group and community collaborative board. This step resulted in the identification of d implementing non-communicable disease programmes and policies in India, investments are needed. These investments should be guided by a national research agenda for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in India. Our findings could form the backbone of a national research agenda for non-communicable diseases in India that could be refined and then adopted by government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental and community-based organisations. To produce the evidence base for selecting and implementing non-communicable disease programmes and policies in India, investments are needed. These investments should be guided by a national research agenda for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in India. Our findings could form the backbone of a national research agenda for non-communicable diseases in India that could be refined and then adopted by government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental and community-based organisations. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) was proposed to be associated with the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The present study aimed to explore the kinetics of IL-6 levels, validate this association in COVID-19 patients, and report preliminary data on the efficacy of IL-6 receptor blockade. We conducted a retrospective single-institutional study of 901 consecutive confirmed cases. Serum IL-6 concentrations were tested on admission and/or during hospital stay. Tocilizumab was given to 16 patients with elevated IL-6 concentration. 366 patients were defined as common cases, 411 patients as severe, and 124 patients as critical according to the Chinese guideline on diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The median concentration of IL-6 was < 1.5pg/ml (IQR < 1.50-2.15), 1.85pg/ml (IQR < 1.50-5.21), and 21.55pg/ml (IQR 6.47-94.66) for the common, severe, and critical groups respectively (P < 0.001). The follow-up kinetics revealed serum IL-6 remained high in critical patients even when cured. An IL-6 concentration higher than 37.65pg/ml was predictive of in-hospital death (AUC 0.97 [95% CI 0.95-0.99], P < 0.001) with a sensitivity of 91.7% and a specificity of 95.7%. In the 16 patients who received tocilizumab, IL-6 concentrations were significantly increased after administration, and survival outcome was not significantly different from that of propensity-score matched counterparts (n = 53, P = 0.12). Serum IL-6 should be included in diagnostic work-up to stratify disease severity, but the benefit of tocilizumab needs further confirmation. Trial registration retrospectively registered. Serum IL-6 should be included in diagnostic work-up to stratify disease severity, but the benefit of tocilizumab needs further confirmation. Trial registration retrospectively registered.Multifunctional lanthanide-based upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), which feature efficiently convert low-energy photons into high-energy photons, have attracted considerable attention in the domain of materials science and biomedical applications. Due to their unique photophysical properties, including light-emitting stability, excellent upconversion luminescence efficiency, low autofluorescence, and high detection sensitivity, and high penetration depth in samples, UCNPs have been widely applied in biomedical applications, such as biosensing, imaging and theranostics. In this review, we briefly introduced the major components of UCNPs and the luminescence mechanism. Then, we compared several common design synthesis strategies and presented their advantages and disadvantages. Several examples of the functionalization of UCNPs were given. Next, we detailed their biological applications in bioimaging and disease treatment, particularly drug delivery and photodynamic therapy, including antibacterial photodynamic therapy.