Massive Mechanical Screening regarding 2nd MBenes for the Electroreduction associated with CO2 to C1 Hydrocarbon Energizes. Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are considered sister imprinting disorders. Although both AS and PWS congenital neurodevelopmental disorders have chromosome 15q11.3-q13 dysfunction, their molecular mechanisms differ owing to genomic imprinting, which results in different parent-of-the-origin gene expressions. Recently, several randomized controlled trials have been proceeded to treat specific symptoms of AS and PWS. Due to the advance of clinical management, early diagnosis for patients with AS and PWS is important. PWS is induced by multiple paternal gene dysfunctions, including those in MKRN3, MAGEL2, NDN, SNURF-SNPRPN, NPAP1, and a cluster of small nucleolar RNA genes. PWS patients exhibit characteristic facial features, endocrinological, and behavioral phenotypes, including short and obese figures, hyperphagia, growth hormone deficiency, hypogonadism, autism, or obsessive- compulsive-like behaviors. In addition, hypotonia, poor feeding, failure to thrive, and typical facial featuresk intervention, including geneticists, neurologists, rehabilitation physicians, and pulmonologists, are important. Epilepsy is common in patients with AS, and after proper treatment, seizures could be effectively controlled in late childhood or early adulthood for both AS and PWS patients. Copyright © 2019 Tzu Chi Medical Journal.The high incidence of colorectal cancer and the occurrence of interval cancers after screening colonoscopy support the need to develop methods to increase adenoma detection rate (ADR). This review focuses on the importance of ADR and the impact of new techniques on ADR based on meta-analysis data. The low-cost interventions (such as water-aided colonoscopy, second observation, and dynamic position change) were effective in increasing ADR. So were enhanced imaging techniques and add-on devices. Increase with higher cost interventions such as newer scopes is uncertain. Water exchange (WE) has the highest ADR compared with water immersion, air insufflation, and carbon dioxide insufflation. Second observation with forward or retroflexed views improved the right colon ADR. Add-on devices result in only modest improvement in ADR, of particular help in low performing endoscopists. The second-generation narrow-band imaging (NBI) provided a two-fold brighter image than the previous system. The improvement in ADR with NBI required the "best" quality bowel preparation. New endoscopic techniques incur various additional costs, nil for WE, small for tip attachments but large for the newer scopes. In conclusion, one or more of the above methods to improve ADR may be applicable in Taiwan. A comparison of these approaches to determine which is the most cost-effective is warranted. Copyright © 2019 Tzu Chi Medical Journal.Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are complicated and cannot be used alone to diagnose lower urinary tract dysfunctions (LUTDs) and guide treatment. Patients with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), impaired detrusor contractility, and hypersensitive bladder might present with voiding predominant symptoms, whereas patients with detrusor overactivity (DO), dysfunctional voiding, or BOO might also present with storage symptoms. To clearly identify the pathophysiology of LUTD, a comprehensive urodynamic study (UDS) including pressure flow and image during the storage and emptying phases, naming videourodynamic study (VUDS), is necessary. This study is especially mandatory in the diagnosis of (1) male LUTS refractory to medical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, (2) female voiding dysfunction and urinary retention, (3) diagnosis of overactive bladder syndrome refractory to first-line medication, (4) management of female stress urinary incontinence and postoperative LUTS, (5) diagnosis and management of neurogenic LUTD, (6) pediatric urinary incontinence and enuresis, (7) geriatric urinary incontinence, and (8) recurrent bacterial cystitis. Although VUDS should not be used as a screening test for any LUTS, it should be considered when the initial management cannot relieve LUTS, or when invasive surgical procedure is planning to undertake for patients with refractory LUTS. VUDS should be recommended as the second-line investigation when the initial diagnosis and treatment based on the symptoms alone or noninvasive tests fail to improve LUTS. Copyright © 2019 Tzu Chi Medical Journal.Exosomes, 60-200-nm extracellular vesicles secreted from cells, have been used as an active pharmaceutical ingredient or drug carrier in disease treatment. Human- and plant-derived exosomes are registered in clinical trials, but more complete reports are available for human-derived exosomes. Because exosomes act as vesicles and carry cell secreting components, they have been used as drug or peptide vehicles to treat diseases. The dendritic cells (DCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are two popular cell sources for exosome preparation. Exosomes from DCs can initiate inflammation in patients, particularly in patients with cancer, as they contain the tumor antigen to induce specific inflammation response. A well-established cell bank of MSCs is available, and these cells can be used as an alternative source for exosome preparation. The major application of MSC-derived exosomes is in inflammation treatment. Exosomes in clinical trials need to comply with good manufacturing practice (GMP). Three important issues are prevalent in GMP for exosomes, i.e., upstream of cell cultivation process, downstream of the purification process, and exosome quality control. This paper concisely reviews exosome development, including exosome generation and clinical trial application. Copyright © 2019 Tzu Chi Medical Journal.The visual impairment associated with inherited retinal degeneration and age-related degeneration of photoreceptors is causing substantial challenges in finding effective therapies. However, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived therapeutic cells such as photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells provide the ultimate options in the rescue of lost photoreceptors to improve the visual function in end-stage degeneration. Retinal cells derived from iPSC are therapeutic cells that could be promising in the field of cell replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. This review presents an overview of the photoreceptor degeneration, methods of iPSC generation, iPSC in retinal disease modeling, summarizes the photoreceptor differentiation protocols, and challenges remained with photoreceptor cell replacement for the treatment of retinal diseases. Thus, the burden and increased incidence of visual impairment emphasizes the need of novel therapy, where iPSC-derived photoreceptor and RPE cells proved to be promising for curing the retinal dysfunction and act as renovation in approach to improve visual function.