Movement frequency peaked during the nestling and fledgling periods, indicating that both breeders and non-breeders were likely prospecting to inform dispersal. A literature review revealed that Kirtland's warblers moved farther than most species in absolute distances and farther than all other species relative to normal daily movements. We argue that similarly long-distance movements likely exist in many other species but have gone undetected because of technological limitations, research biases, and logistical challenges. Underestimation of the scale of these poorly understood life history behaviors has important implications for the ecology, evolution, and conservation of animals. VIDEO ABSTRACT.A fundamental question of physiology is how gut-brain signaling stimulates appetite. While many studies have emphasized the importance of vagal afferents to the brain in inducing satiation, little is known about whether and how the vagal-mediated gut-brain pathway senses orexigenic signals and stimulates feeding. Here, we identified a previously uncharacterized population of fasting-activated catecholaminergic neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). After characterizing the anatomical complexity among NTS catecholaminergic neurons, we surprisingly found that activation of NTS epinephrine (ENTS) neurons co-expressing neuropeptide Y (NPY) stimulated feeding, whereas activation of NTS norepinephrine (NENTS) neurons suppressed feeding. Monosynaptic tracing/activation experiments then showed that these NTS neurons receive direct vagal afferents from nodose neurons. Moreover, activation of the vagal→NPY/ENTS neural circuit stimulated feeding. Our study reveals an orexigenic role of the vagal→NTS pathway in controlling feeding, thereby providing important insights about how gut-brain signaling regulates feeding behavior.The domestication and subsequent global dispersal of livestock are crucial events in human history,