Based on this model, we proposed dosage regimens to achieve trough lamotrigine concentrations within reference interval (2.5-15 mg/L). These results provide clinical useful data to give more rational anticonvulsant therapy in our population.In this work, a multifunctional hierarchical nanoformulation composed of biodegradable chitosan (CS) coated poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocarriers loaded with docetaxel (Doc) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) small interfering RNA (siRNA) electrostatically bound to upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), is developed to treat castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). This theranostic nanoformulation facilitates simultaneous delivery of chemotherapy and gene therapy, as well as a bimodal optical and magnetic resonance imaging agent that could enable image-guided combination therapy. Poly-D-lysine coated NaYF4; Yb20%, Er2%@NaYF4; Gd50% core@shell UCNPs are effective siRNA transfection agents, and Er3+ doping provides upconversion imaging capabilities, while Gd3+ doping enables magnetic resonance contrast enhancement. These properties are maintained upon encapsulation in PLGA-CS. PLGA-CS nanocarriers containing Doc and UCNP-siRNA are 235 ± 5 nm with a zeta potential of +17 ± 4 meV, and have a high Doc encapsulation efficiency of 57 ± 6%. Compared to free Doc, this PLGA-CS nanoformulation containing Doc and UCNP-siRNA exhibits a dramatic decrease in IC50 of ∼14,000 fold (p less then 0.001) through combination therapy in human PC-3 prostate cancer cells. This biocompatible, multimodal, theranostic nanoformulation demonstrates paradigm-shifting enhancement in anticancer activity over free Doc, with unique potential for use in image-guided combination therapy to treat CRPC.Cryptococcal meningitis is a fungal infection that is most commonly thought of as an opportunistic infection affecting immunocompromised patients, classically patients with Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) infection. It is associated with a variety of complications including disseminated disease as well as neurologic complications including intracranial hypertension, cerebral infarcts, vision loss and other neurologic deficits. It is diagnosed by lumbar puncture with CSF studies, including fungal culture and cryptococcal antigen testing. We present a case of cryptococcal meningitis and fungemia in a previously healthy male patient who presented after multiple emergency department visits with persistent headache. After multiple visits, he underwent a lumbar puncture consistent with cryptococcal infection, and he was admitted to the hospital for initiation of antifungal therapy. His workup revealed no known underlying condition leading to immune compromise.Subgaleal hematoma is an uncommon, but potential sequela of birth trauma and instrument-assisted delivery of neonates, as well as head trauma in young children. A rare complication is an infection of the subgaleal hematoma, which typically happens due to concomitant scalp lacerations. Escherichia coli is the most common causative pathogen in peripartum cases, and Staphylococcus aureus predominates in trauma cases. An even more rare complication is infection of the hematoma with intact overlying skin, the proposed mechanism of action of which is a hematogenous spread of the bacteria. In this case, we report a 4-month-old unimmunized girl who sustained a subgaleal hematoma after a falling incident that did not result in any scalp laceration. She presented 5 days later with fever, irritability, increased scalp swelling, skin erythema, and site tenderness. Her blood culture remained sterile, but the hematoma aspirate culture grew Streptococcus pneumoniae. The patient had a recent upper respiratory tract infection that we suspected to be the primary source of infection. She responded well to antibiotic therapy and required no surgical intervention. Conclusion Subgaleal hematoma infection should be suspected in a child who presents with increased hematoma swelling, irritability, fever, and local signs of infection. Early recognition and treatment with antibiotics can prevent further complications, such as abscess formation and skull osteomyelitis.Intrinsic plus hand describes a rare and painful contracture of the intrinsic hand muscles with excessive flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension at the interphalangeal joints. Resulting from many causes to include trauma and neurologic injury, intrinsic plus hand can involve any number of fingers. Emergency department (ED) assessment should include evaluation for cerebrovascular injury, infection, compartment syndrome, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Conservative splinting is generally unsuccessful and ultimately requires operative intervention. We highlight the case of a 61-year-old otherwise healthy male who awoke to a painful and mildly swollen left hand with his fingers held in a contracted position. Evaluation in the ED found no active range of motion in the digits, severe pain with any passive motion, and a negative upper extremity ultrasound for DVT. Ultimately, orthopedic and neurology consults in the ED agreed upon a diagnosis of intrinsic plus hand.Introduction The diagnosis of latent tuberculous infection (LTI) by IGRA continues to generate debate. Experience in the simultaneous use of 2 IGRA tests is scant. The aim of this study was to compare the results of 2 versions of QuantiFERON-TB Gold (In-Tube/Plus) with those of T-SPOT.TB, and to analyse the effectiveness of a dual strategy (T-SPOT.TB + QTF) for the diagnosis of LTI in an immunosuppressed population. Methods We conducted a prospective study (May 2015-June 2017) that included 2,999 immunosuppressed patients and/or candidates for biologics, in whom 2 simultaneous IGRA tests were performed Group 1 (1535 patients) T-SPOT.TB + QuantiFERON-TB Gold-In-Tube (QTF-GIT); Group 2 (1464 patients) T-SPOT.TB + QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QTF-Plus). Results The concordance between QTF-GIT and T-SPOT.TB was 83.19% (κ=0.532). The percentage of positive, negative, and indeterminate results were, respectively 14.33% vs. 17.06%; 82.41% vs. 74.46%; and 3.25% vs. 8.46%. The concordance between QTF-Plus and T-SPOT.TB was 87.