Grx1 ablation resulted in the suppression of ethanol-induced NF-κB signaling, its downstream signal, and Akt signaling cascades, which are required for protection against Fas-mediated apoptosis. Accordingly, blocking NK-κB prevented Fas-induced apoptosis in WT mice but not Grx1-/- mice. Furthermore, the number of Kupffer cells and related proinflammatory cytokines, including Akt, were lower in Grx1-/- livers than those of the controls. Grx1 is essential for adaptation to alcohol exposure-induced oxidative injury by modulating Fas-SSG and Fas-induced apoptosis. Grx1 is essential for adaptation to alcohol exposure-induced oxidative injury by modulating Fas-SSG and Fas-induced apoptosis.The core machinery for vesicular membrane trafficking broadly comprises of coat proteins, RABs, tethering complexes and SNAREs. As cellular membrane traffic modulates key processes of mitogenic signaling, cell migration, cell death and autophagy, its dysregulation could potentially results in increased cell proliferation and survival, or enhanced migration and invasion. Changes in the levels of some components of the core machinery of vesicular membrane trafficking, likely due to gene amplifications and/or alterations in epigenetic factors (such as DNA methylation and micro RNA) have been extensively associated with human cancers. Here, we provide an overview of association of membrane trafficking with cancer, with a focus on mutations and variants of coat proteins, RABs, tethering complex components and SNAREs that have been uncovered in human cancer cells/tissues. The major cellular and molecular cancer-driving or suppression mechanisms associated with these components of the core membrane trafficking machinery shall be discussed.The incidence of cancer is growing worldwide, and it is becoming the most common cause of death. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a group of RNA transcripts with a length larger than 200 nucleotides that cannot encode proteins or peptides. LncRNAs regulate different biological functions by controlling gene expressions at transcriptional, translational, and post-translational levels. Non-coding RNA activated by DNA damage (NORAD) is a highly conserved lncRNA necessary for genome stability. LncRNA NORAD is dysregulated in various types of cancers. This biomarker has been involved in numerous processes associated with carcinogeneses, such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, invasion, and metastasis. In this paper, we reviewed the role of lncRNA NORAD and its biological functions in various human cancers to provide future research insights. To understand mechanisms underlying vasopressin hypersecretion in stroke and its association with brain injury, we investigated effects of blocking aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) on vasopressin neuronal activity and cerebral injuries in male rats of unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Establishing MCAO model without or with microinjection of TGN-020 into the SON, performing Western blots and immunohistochemistry and analyzing the expression levels and spatial distribution of functional proteins in the SON and/or the cerebral cortex. MCAO increased plasma vasopressin levels, caused neurological damage and increased glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) in the SON and the cortex of MCAO side. In the SON, MCAO significantly increased c-Fos in vasopressin neurons and astrocytic somata in the ventral glial lamina. MCAO significantly reduced glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and AQP4 around vasopressin neurons, which accompanied separation of GFAP from AQP4. By contrast, blocking AQP4 by microinjection of TGN-020 into the SON blocked MCAO-evoked GSK-3β increase as well as the reduction of AQP4 relative to GFAP around vasopressin neurons in the SON. In the cortex, TGN-020 in the SON also blocked MCAO-evoked increase in GSK-3β while reduced neurological damages. These findings indicate that MCAO disrupts interactions of GFAP with AQP4 in astrocytic processes in the SON, which increases vasopressin neuronal activity. Blocking AQP4 in the SON can block abnormal activation of vasopressin neurons and alleviate ischemic brain injury, which provides novel targets for alleviating ischemic brain injury. These findings indicate that MCAO disrupts interactions of GFAP with AQP4 in astrocytic processes in the SON, which increases vasopressin neuronal activity. Blocking AQP4 in the SON can block abnormal activation of vasopressin neurons and alleviate ischemic brain injury, which provides novel targets for alleviating ischemic brain injury. Diabetes is a high-risk factor for neurocognitive dysfunction. Diabetic acute hyperglycaemia accompanied by high osmotic pressure can induce immune cell dysfunction, but its mechanism of action in brain microglia remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the role of the mechanically sensitive ion channel Piezo1 in the dysfunction of microglia in acute hyperglycaemia. To construct an in vitro acute hyperglycaemia model using the BV2 microglial cell line, Piezo1 in microglia was inhibited by GsMTx4 and siRNA, and the changes in microglial function were further evaluated. High concentrations of glucose upregulated the expression of Piezo1, led to weakened cell proliferation and migration, and reduced the immune response to inflammatory stimulating factors (Aβ and LPS). Additionally, LPS upregulated Piezo1 in BV2 microglial cultures in vitro. The activation of Piezo1 channels increased the intracellular Ca concentration and reduced the phosphorylation of JNK1 and mTOR. Inhibiting Piezo1 did not affect cell viability at average glucose concentrations but improved acute HCG-induced cell damage and increased the phosphorylation of JNK1 and mTOR, suggesting that the latter modification may be a potential downstream mechanism of Piezo1. Piezo1 is necessary for microglial damage in acute hyperglycaemia and may become a promising target to treat hyperglycaemic brain injury. Piezo1 is necessary for microglial damage in acute hyperglycaemia and may become a promising target to treat hyperglycaemic brain injury.Among the bacterial resistance mechanisms, efflux pumps are responsible for expelling xenobiotics, including bacterial cell antibiotics. Given this problem, studies are investigating new alternatives for inhibiting bacterial growth or enhancing the antibiotic activity of drugs already on the market. With this in mind, this study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Estragole against the RN4220 Staphylococcus aureus strain, which carries the MsrA efflux pump, as well as Estragole's toxicity in the Drosophila melanogaster arthropod model. The broth microdilution method was used to perform the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) tests. Estragole was used at a Sub-Inhibitory Concentration (MIC/8) in association with erythromycin and ethidium bromide to assess its combined effect. As for Estragole's toxicity evaluation over D. melanogaster, the fumigation bioassay and negative geotaxis methods were used. The results were expressed as an average of sextuplicate replicates. A Two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test was used.