McArdle disease is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of muscle glycogen metabolism that presents with pain and fatigue during exercise. Stiff-Person Syndrome is an autoimmune-related neurologic process characterized by fluctuating muscle rigidity and spasm. Reported is a 41-year-old male who presented to the emergency department due to sudden-onset weakness and chest pain while moving his refrigerator at home. Cardiac workup was non-contributory, but a creatine kinase level > 6,000 warranted a muscle biopsy. The biopsy pathology report was misinterpreted to be diagnostic for McArdle disease given the clinical presentation. After 4 years of treatment without symptomatic improvement, a gradual transition of symptoms from pain alone to pain with stiffness was noted. A positive glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody test resulted in a change of diagnosis to Stiff-Person Syndrome. This is the first known case that highlights the similarities between these two rare and distinct disease processes, highlighting the necessity for thorough history taking, maintenance of a broad differential diagnosis, and knowledge of how best to interpret complex pathology reports.Stroke-associated pneumonia is a major cause for poor outcomes in the post-acute phase after stroke. Several studies have suggested potential links between neglected oral health and pneumonia. Therefore, the aim of this prospective observational study was to investigate oral health and microbiota and incidence of pneumonia in patients consecutively admitted to a stroke unit with stroke-like symptoms. This study involved three investigation timepoints. The baseline investigation (within 24 h of admission) involved collection of demographic, neurological, and immunological data; dental examinations; and microbiological sampling (saliva and subgingival plaque). Further investigation timepoints at 48 or 120 h after baseline included collection of immunologica