Thrombolytic and anticoagulant medications in this patient suggested the thrombus formation with fibrin-rich content which may be attributable to both cancer and chemotherapy. Dabigatran, an oral anticoagulant, had a benefit for this subtype of ischemic stroke among patients with cancer. Thrombolytic and anticoagulant medications in this patient suggested the thrombus formation with fibrin-rich content which may be attributable to both cancer and chemotherapy. Dabigatran, an oral anticoagulant, had a benefit for this subtype of ischemic stroke among patients with cancer. The anesthetic management of patients with severe pulmonary hypertension is different from that of normal, healthy patients, and regional nerve blocks are commonly used for them. Due to the individual variability of the course, distribution, and branching of the nerves below the inguinal ligament, the supra-inguinal fascia iliaca (SIFI) block has a wider and more stable blocking area. In combination with the sacral plexus block, they can satisfy the needs of surgical anesthesia below the hip. A 46-year-old man with tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary heart disease, World Health Organization (WHO) class III pulmonary hypertension and right heart dysfunction, and American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status class III needed fixation of an intramedullary nail in the left lower extremity. Additionally, he had broken his left lower limb after a recent fall. Both general anesthesia and epidural anesthesia were not appropriate. The patient had a clear history of tuberculosis, computerized tomography scan displayed destructive pneumonophthisis. Furthermore, he had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary heart disease. An ultrasound-guided SIFI combined with a sacral plexus block was successfully performed for surgical anesthesia and avoided all hemodynamic fluctuations. We successfully performed an ultrasound-guided SIFI combined with a sacral plexus block for surgical anesthesia and avoided all hemodynamic fluctuations. Ultrasound-guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block combined with a sacral plexus block can be suitable for anesthesia for patients with severe circulatory compromise. Ultrasound-guided suprainguinal fascia iliaca block combined with a sacral plexus block can be suitable for anesthesia for patients with severe circulatory compromise. Collagen colitis (CC) is a microscopic colitis diagnosed by mucosal biopsy and is extremely rare in children. We reported a child with severe persistent diarrhea that could not be relieved with traditional diarrheal treatment. No abnormalities were found after multiple colonoscopies. A significant increase in total IgE levels was found in the patient's blood. He had a history of mild chronic allergic rhinitis and slightly intermittent wheezing. However, we found that the child had a hyperallergic reaction to multiple respiratory antigens and had mild pulmonary dysfunction. Finally, colonoscopy with biopsy identified the diagnosis of CC. Considering that a respiratory allergic reaction was one of the causes of diarrhea, anti-allergic treatment was given to the child, and his severe diarrhea was soon relieved. Corticosteroid treatment was suggested to the patient, but his parents firmly refused steroid therapy. According to the patient's specific allergic reaction to mites, desensitization treatment was finally chosen for him. After 1 year of desensitization for dust mites, the patient's respiratory symptoms improved, total IgE levels decreased, autoantibodies declined, and diarrhea did not reoccur. Colonoscopy with biopsy showed a significant improvement in pathology. CC in children is rare, and childhood CC induced by a respiratory allergic reaction has not been previously reported. Therefore, this is a special case of CC in a patient who was cured with anti-allergy treatments and desensitization instead of steroid therapy. CC in children is rare, and childhood CC induced by a respiratory allergic reaction has not been previously reported. Therefore, this is a special case of CC in a patient who was cured with anti-allergy treatments and desensitization instead of steroid therapy.Pharmacists with long experience and low personal satisfaction from work are at higher risk of burnout, but the role of specific personality traits is less well understood. In addition, the medical system in China is different from that of other countries, and the characteristics of pharmacist burnout might be different from that of other countries. This study evaluated the roles played by personality, working environment, and work characteristics on burnout and job satisfaction among Chinese hospital pharmacists.This was a cross-sectional study undertaken between April 28 and 30, 2017. The questionnaires were completed at the "National Academic Conference of the Chinese Society of Clinical Pharmacy". Questionnaires were handed out to 1786 pharmacists, and 1394 valid questionnaires were analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques.The final structural model showed that, as expected, personality and working environment factors directly or indirectly predicted burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduction of personal accomplishment) and job satisfaction variables. The analyses were consistent with the features of pharmacists' work characteristics, including job demands, job control, and workload playing mediating roles between antecedent variables (personality and working environment) and emotional outcomes (burnout and job satisfaction). On the other hand, job control and workload did not predict emotional exhaustion.This study indicates that personality is a negative predictor of 2 dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion and depersonalization), while the working environment, especially job demand, is a predictor of burnout and greater emotional exhaustion. Work characteristics are positively related to job satisfaction and play a protective role against burnout.Pernicious placenta previa (PPP) is the main cause of severe obstetric postpartum hemorrhage and hysterectomy and often requires donor blood transfusion. Prophylactic internal iliac artery (IIA) balloon occlusion (BO) combined with cell salvage is increasingly being deployed in parallel transverse uterine incision (PTUI) cesarean section (CS). The aim of this study was to explore the differences in blood management in PTUI CS with or without prophylactic IIA BO and to evaluate the safety and efficacy of cell salvage to reduce the need for donor blood transfusion during PTUI CS.This retrospective study included all women who were diagnosed with PPP and PA and underwent PTUI CS from October 1, 2016, to October 31, 2018. Sixty-four patients were included 34 underwent prophylactic IIA BO (IIA group), whereas 30 were treated without prophylactic IIA BO (control group). The primary outcome was a composite measure of perioperative blood management outcomes, including the estimated blood loss (EBL), donor blood transfusion, salvaged blood returned, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), pre- and postoperative serum hemoglobin and hematocrit.