As antibiotic-resistant bacteria increase their footprint across the globe, newer tools such as the CRISPR-Cas system hold immense promise to tackle this problem.Scientific enquiry must be the driving force of research. This sentiment is manifested as the profound impact gene editing technologies are having in our current world. There exist three main gene editing technologies today Zinc Finger Nucleases, TALENs and the CRISPR-Cas system. When these systems were being uncovered, none of the scientists set out to design tools to engineer genomes. They were simply trying to understand the mechanisms existing in nature. If it was not for this simple sense of wonder, we probably would not have these breakthrough technologies. In this chapter, we will discuss the history, applications and ethical issues surrounding these technologies, focusing on the now predominant CRISPR-Cas technology. Gene editing technologies, as we know them now, are poised to have an overwhelming impact on our world. However, it is impossible to predict the route they will take in the future or to comprehend the full impact of its repercussions.Patients recovering from cardiovascular surgeries may develop life-threatening complications such as hemodynamic decompensation, making the monitoring of patients for such complications an essential component of postoperative care. However, this need has given rise to an inexorable increase in the number and modalities of data points collected, making it challenging to effectively analyze in real time. While many algorithms exist to assist in monitoring these patients, they often lack accuracy and specificity, leading to alarm fatigue among healthcare practitioners. In this study we propose a multimodal approach that incorporates salient physiological signals and EHR data to predict the onset of hemodynamic decompensation. A retrospective dataset of patients recovering from cardiac surgery was created and used to train predictive models. Advanced signal processing techniques were employed to extract complex features from physiological waveforms, while a novel tensor-based dimensionality reduction method was used to reduce the size of the feature space. These methods were evaluated for predicting the onset of decompensation at varying time intervals, ranging from a half-hour to 12 h prior to a decompensation event. The best performing models achieved AUCs of 0.87 and 0.80 for the half-hour and 12-h intervals respectively. These analyses evince that a multimodal approach can be used to develop clinical decision support systems that predict adverse events several hours in advance.Sepsis, a dysregulated immune system response to infection, is among the leading causes of morbidity, mortality, and cost overruns in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Early prediction of sepsis can improve situational awareness among clinicians and facilitate timely, protective interventions. While the application of predictive analytics in ICU patients has shown early promising results, much of the work has been encumbered by high false-alarm rates and lack of trust by the end-users due to the 'black box' nature of these models. Here, we present DeepAISE (Deep Artificial Intelligence Sepsis Expert), a recurrent neural survival model for the early prediction of sepsis. DeepAISE automatically learns predictive features related to higher-order interactions and temporal patterns among clinical risk factors that maximize the data likelihood of observed time to septic events. A comparative study of four baseline models on data from hospitalized patients at three different healthcare systems indicates that DeepAISE produces the most accurate predictions (AUCs between 0.87 and 0.90) at the lowest false alarm rates (FARs between 0.20 and 0.25) while simultaneously producing interpretable representations of the clinical time series and risk factors.Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. For glaucoma screening, the cup to disc ratio (CDR) is a significant indicator, whose calculation relies on the segmentation of optic disc(OD) and optic cup(OC) in color fundus images. This study proposes a residual multi-scale convolutional neural network with a context semantic extraction module to jointly segment the OD and OC. The proposed method uses a W-shaped backbone network, including image pyramid multi-scale input with the side output layer as an early classifier to generate local prediction output. The proposed method includes a context extraction module that extracts contextual semantic information from multiple level receptive field sizes and adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responses. It can effectively extract global information and reduce the semantic gaps in the fusion of deep and shallow semantic information. We validated the proposed method on four datasets, including DRISHTI-GS1, REFUGE, RIM-ONE r3, and a private dataset. The overlap errors are 0.0540, 0.0684, 0.0492, 0.0511 in OC segmentation and 0.2332, 0.1777, 0.2372, 0.2547 in OD segmentation, respectively. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can estimate the CDR for a large-scale glaucoma screening.Identification of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that bind to ribonucleic acid molecules is an important problem in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. It becomes indispensable to identify RBPs as they play crucial roles in post-transcriptional control of RNAs and RNA metabolism as well as have diverse roles in various biological processes such as splicing, mRNA stabilization, mRNA localization, and translation, RNA synthesis, folding-unfolding, modification, processing, and degradation. The existing experimental techniques for identifying RBPs are time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, identifying RBPs directly from the sequence using computational methods can be useful to annotate RBPs and assist the experimental design efficiently. In this work, we present a method called AIRBP, which is designed using an advanced machine learning technique, called stacking, to effectively predict RBPs by utilizing features extracted from evolutionary information, physiochemical properties, and disordered properties. Moreover, our method, AIRBP, use the majority vote from RBPPred, DeepRBPPred, and the stacking model for the prediction for RBPs.