It is speculated that by combining StTPS5 and resistance marker genes, StMBF1c is activated twice to participate in potato bacterial wilt resistance, in which EPI, PTI involved.Plants secrete purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) under phosphorus (P) shortage but the contribution of plant PAPs to P acquisition is not well understood. The goals of this study were to investigate comprehensively the transcription patterns of PAPs under P shortage in poplar (Populus × canescens), to identify secreted PAPs and to characterize their contribution to mobilize organic P. Phylogenetic analyses of the PAP family revealed 33 putative members. In this study, distinct, tissue-specific P responsive expression patterns could be shown for 23 PAPs in roots and leaves. Root-associated PAP activities were localized on the root surface by in-vivo staining. The activities of root-surface PAPs increased significantly under low P availability, but were suppressed by a PAP inhibitor and corresponded to elevated P uptake from ATP as an organic P source. By proteomic analyses of the root apoplast, we identified three newly secreted proteins under P shortage PtPAP1 (Potri.005G233400) and two proteins with unknown functions (Potri.013G100800 and Potri.001G209300). Our results, based on the combination of transcriptome and proteome analyses with phosphatase activity assays, support that PtPAP1 plays a central role in enhanced P acquisition from organic sources, when the phosphate concentrations in soil are limited.Contrary to animals, little is known in plants about enzymes able to produce fatty acid epoxides. In our attempt to find and characterize a new fatty acid epoxygenase in Arabidopsis thaliana, data mining brought our attention on CYP77B1. Modification of the N-terminus was necessary to get enzymatic activity after heterologous expression in yeast. The common plant fatty acid C182 was converted into the diol 12,13-dihydroxy-octadec-cis-9-enoic