000), pancreatic duct opacification (86% vs 25%, p less then 0.000) and stent placement (73% vs 20%, p less then 0.000). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tat-beclin-1-tat-becn1.html An EUS-guided approach also appeared superior with regard to clinical outcomes such a pain resolution. The adverse event rate between the two treatment modalities could not be compared due to insufficient data. All included studies were found to be of low quality. Conclusion Based on limited available data, EUS-guided PD intervention appears superior to ERP-guided PD intervention.Background The adenoma detection rate (ADR) is an indicator for quality colonoscopy. However, many missed adenomas have been found in colonoscopies performed by endoscopists with an ADR ≥25%. Adenomas per positive participant (APP) correlates well with the adenoma miss rate. This study aimed to evaluate whether APP added additional information on the detection rate for advanced adenomas (AADR) and proximal adenomas (pADR) and among endoscopists with acceptable ADRs (≥25%). Methods A total of 47 endoscopists performed 7,339 screening colonoscopies that were retrospectively reviewed. Using a cutoff APP value of 2.0, endoscopist performance was classified into a high APP group and a low APP group. Endoscopist performance was also classified as acceptable ADR (25-29%), high-standard ADR (30-39%) and aspirational ADR (≥40%). Generalized linear models were used to assess the relationship between AADR and pADR, and ADR, after adjusting for potential confounders. Results After adjusting for endoscopist performance and patient characteristics, endoscopists with high APP had a significant 2.1% increase AADR (95% CI, 0.3% - 3.9%; p=0.02) and 2.1% increase pADR (95% CI, -0.8% - 5.1%; p=0.15) when compared to endoscopists with low APP. Eleven (24%), 18 (38%) and 18 (38%) endoscopists were classified as having acceptable ADRs, high-standard ADRs and aspirational ADRs, respectively. Eighteen percent of acceptable ADRs, 44% of high-standard ADRs and 72% of aspirational ADRs had APP values higher than the cutoff (p=0.02). Conclusion APP is helpful for identifying more meticulous endoscopists who can detect more advanced adenomas. Endoscopists who only achieved an acceptable ADR had the lowest APP.[Abstract] Background and study aims Treatment of anastomotic leakage in reconstruction after esophagectomy remains challenging. This report presents a new endoscopic filling method for persistent fistula after conservative treatment of anastomotic leakage (PFACTAL) after anastomotic insuffiency. Patients and methods Ten of 14 patients with PFACTAL after esophagectomy underwent treatment with the present method in which polyglycolic acid (PGA) sheet and fibrin glue were endoscopically filled into the sight of anastomotic leakage (PAFi method) using own delivery tube and spread tube, respectively. Results Every patient underwent jejunostomy, out of concern for nutrition. All patients with PFACTAL were cured using the PAFi method. Mean number of applications of the PAFi method was 1.7, and the period from the first and final use of the PAFi method to the resumption of oral intake was 31.6 and 14.7 days respectively. Conclusions The presented filling method offers a new endoscopic approach for PFACTAL after esophagoectomy.Ayahuasca is a psychoactive drug which has been used by indigenous cultures in the amazonas basin for hundreds of years for medical and religious purpose. Backpackers who came in contact with ayahuasca exported its use in the western world and increased its popularity. By presenting a case report of a patient seeking medical help due to psychotic symptoms after having attended an ayahuasca ritual we give an short overview of pharmacology, legal status, use and side effects of the substance.Since the clinical introduction of PET/CT in the year of 2001 and PET/MRI in the year of 2010, hybrid imaging-guided precision medicine has become an important component of diagnostic algorithms in oncology. The written report represents the primary mode of communication between the referring physician and both the nuclear medicine physician and the radiologist. Reports have considerable impact on patient management and patient outcome, and serve as a legal documentation of the services provided and the expert impression of the interpreting physician. A high-quality hybrid imaging study should result in a likewise high-quality, structured written report which satisfactorily answers the clinical question of the referring physician. In this manuscript, consensus recommendations for structure and content of oncologic hybrid imaging reports and conclusive impressions are provided. Moreover, exemplary structured reports are provided. The recommendations for structured reporting provided in this document should foster further standardization and harmonization of oncologic reports in the context of hybrid imaging. They should also simplify communication with referring physicians and support both acceptance and appreciation of the clinical value of oncologic hybrid imaging. CITATION FORMAT · Derlin T, Gatidis S, Krause BJ et al. Konsensusempfehlung zur strukturierten Befunderstellung onkologischer PET-Hybridbildgebung. Nuklearmedizin DOI10.1055/a-1176-0275.Since the clinical introduction of PET/CT in the year of 2001 and PET/MRI in the year of 2010, hybrid imaging-guided precision medicine has become an important component of diagnostic algorithms in oncology. The written report represents the primary mode of communication between the referring physician and both the nuclear medicine physician and the radiologist. Reports have considerable impact on patient management and patient outcome, and serve as a legal documentation of the services provided and the expert impression of the interpreting physician. A high-quality hybrid imaging study should result in a likewise high-quality, structured written report which satisfactorily answers the clinical question of the referring physician. In this manuscript, consensus recommendations for structure and content of oncologic hybrid imaging reports and conclusive impressions are provided. Moreover, exemplary structured reports are provided. The recommendations for structured reporting provided in this document should foster further standardization and harmonization of oncologic reports in the context of hybrid imaging.