As urbanization has expanded dramatically, the impacts of urban noise on wildlife have drawn increasing attention. However, previous studies have focused primarily on diurnal songbirds and much less on nocturnal nonpasserines such as nightjars. The savanna nightjar has recently successfully colonized urban areas in Taiwan. Using 1925 calls recorded from 67 individuals, we first investigated the individual differences of the acoustic structures; and, for those acoustic variables with significant individual differences, we examined the correlation between the acoustic structures and the ambient noise levels. We then compared the transmission efficacy of vocal individuality among three sets of acoustic variables all acoustic variables, noise-related variables, and noise-unrelated variables. Using seven artificial frequency-shifted calls to represent seven different individuals in playback-recording experiments, we also investigated the transmission efficacy of vocal individuality and variable accuracy in three different urban noise levels (high, medium, low). We found that all 30 acoustic variables derived from the acoustic structures demonstrated significant individual differences, and 14 frequency-based variables were negatively correlated with ambient noise levels. Although transmission efficacy was significantly affected by urban noise, individuality information was still transmitted with high accuracy. Furthermore, the noise-unrelated structures (which included the maximum frequency, the maximum amplitude frequency, and the mean frequency of the call) had a significantly higher transmission efficacy of vocal individuality than the noise-related variables (which included the minimum frequency, the frequency at the start and the end of the call) in both field observation and playback-recording experiments. We conclude that these noise-unrelated acoustic features may be one of the key preadaptations for this nocturnal nonpasserine to thrive so successfully in its newly adopted urban environment.Cell biology relies largely on reproducible visual observations. Unlike cell culture, tissues are heterogeneous, making difficult the collection of biological replicates that would spotlight a precise location. In consequence, there is no standard approach for estimating the statistical significance of an observed pattern in a tissue sample. Here, we introduce SET (for Synthesis of Epithelial Tissue), a method that can accurately reconstruct the cell tessellation formed by an epithelium in a microscopy image as well as thousands of alternative synthetic tessellations made of the exact same cells. SET can build an accurate null distribution to statistically test if any local pattern is necessarily the result of a process, or if it could be explained by chance in the given context. We provide examples in various tissues where visible, and invisible, cell and subcellular patterns are unraveled in a statistically significant manner using a single image and without any parameter settings. Characterize the types and doses of commonly administered perioperative drugs in inguinal hernia (IH) repair for premature infants. Single-center, retrospective cohort study. In total, 112 premature infants underwent IH repair between 2010 and 2015. Twenty-one drugs were used during IH repair, with each infant receiving a median seven drugs. Acetaminophen (88%), bupivacaine (84%), cisatracurium (74%), sevoflurane (72%), and propofol (71%) were the most commonly used agents. Thirty-two infants underwent additional procedures with IH repair. Additional procedures were not associated with a higher number of perioperative drugs, however infants with additional procedures were exposed to higher cumulative doses of cisatracurium (p < 0.001) and fentanyl (p = 0.002). There is wide variability in the drugs and doses used for a common surgical procedure in this population, even within a single center. Future research should focus on the safety and efficacy of the most commonly used perioperative drugs described in this study. There is wide variability in the drugs and doses used for a common surgical procedure in this population, even within a single center. Future research should focus on the safety and efficacy of the most commonly used perioperative drugs described in this study. Severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (sBPD) can lead to long term morbidity. We created a sBPD multidisciplinary team in 2011 to optimize care and improve outcomes. Retrospective chart review of three groups between 2008 and 2016 patients with sBPD born before 2011, patients with sBPD born after 2011, and patients with moderate BPD born after 2011. Infants with sBPD after 2011 had a shorter NICU length of stay compared with children born before 2011 (mean 140 days vs 170 days p < 0.007), weighed more at discharge (z-score -0.8 vs -1.35 p = 0.01), had less failure to thrive post discharge (32% vs 51% p = 0.05) and had more well visits in the first six months of life (mean 6.7 vs 5.3 p = 0.04). No difference was observed in the rate of readmissions in the first two years of life. Our multidisciplinary team has improved the inpatient management of patients with sBPD. Our multidisciplinary team has improved the inpatient management of patients with sBPD.Tumor necrosis factor-like cytokine 1A (TL1A, TNFSF15) is implicated in inflammatory bowel disease, modulating the location and severity of inflammation and fibrosis. TL1A expression is increased in inflamed mucosa and associated with fibrostenosing Crohn's disease. Tl1a-overexpression in mice causes spontaneous ileitis, and exacerbates induced proximal colitis and fibrosis. Intestinal fibroblasts express Death-receptor 3 (DR3; the only know receptor for TL1A) and stimulation with TL1A induces activation in vitro. However, the contribution of direct TL1A-DR3 activation on fibroblasts to fibrosis in vivo remains unknown. TL1A overexpressing naïve T cells were transferred into Rag-/- , Rag-/- mice lacking DR3 in all cell types (Rag-/-Dr3-/-), or Rag-/- mice lacking DR3 only on fibroblasts (Rag-/-Dr3∆Col1a2) to induce colitis and fibrosis, assessed by clinical disease activity index, intestinal inflammation, and collagen deposition. Rag-/- mice developed overt colitis with intestinal fibrostenosis. In contrast, Rag-/-Dr3-/- demonstrated decreased inflammation and fibrosis.