The paper describes some biological features of the radioprotective effect of double-stranded RNA preparation. It was found that yeast RNA preparation has a prolonged radioprotective effect after irradiation by a lethal dose of 9.4 Gy. 100 % of animals survive on the 70th day of observation when irradiated 1 hour or 4 days after 7 mg RNA preparation injection, 60 % animals survive when irradiated on day 8 or 12. Time parameters of repair of double-stranded breaks induced by gamma rays were estimated. It was found that the injection of the RNA preparation at the time of maximum number of double-stranded breaks, 1 hour after irradiation, reduces the efficacy of radioprotective action compared with the injection 1 hour before irradiation and 4 hours after irradiation. A comparison of the radioprotective effect of the standard radioprotector B-190 and the RNA preparation was made in one experiment. It has been established that the total RNA preparation is more efficacious than B-190. Survival on the 40th day aftemed cell population restores the hematopoietic and immune systems, which determines the survival of lethally irradiated animals.The free-living flatworm Macrostomum mirumnovem is a neopolyploid species whose genome underwent a recent Whole Genome Duplication (WGD). In the result of chromosome fusions of the ancient haploid chromosome set, large metacentric chromosomes were formed. In addition to three pairs of small metacentrics, the current karyotype of M. mirumnovem contains two pairs of large metacentric chromosomes, MMI1 and MMI2. The generation of microdissected DNA libraries enriched for DNA repeats followed by DNA probe preparation and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were performed. The DNA probes obtained marked chromosome regions enriched for different DNA repeats in the M. mirumnovem chromosomes. The size and localization of these regions varied in different copies of large chromosomes. They varied even in homologous chromosomes, suggesting their divergence due to genome re-diploidization after a WGD. Besides the newly formed chromosome regions enriched for DNA repeats, B chromosomes were found in the karyotypes of (small body size, short lifecycle, easy maintenance in the laboratory) make this species a perspective model in the studies of genomic and karyotypic evolution in species passed through a recent WGD event.Narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.), a valuable leguminous crop adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions, has a very short history of domestication. For many centuries it was used mainly as a green manure, since the success and prospects of the multi-purpose use of the species depend on its breeding improvement, in particular, on a particular concentration of alkaloids in seeds and green mass. The first varieties of scientific breeding were created only in the 1930s after the appearance of low-alkaloid mutants. Despite wide prospects for use in various areas of the national economy, unstable productivity and susceptibility to diseases hinder the production of this crop. Obviously, breeders deal only with a small part of the gene pool of the species and limited genetic resources, using mainly low-alkaloid (sweet) genotypes to create new varieties. The genetic potential of the species can be used more efficiently. At the same time, it is rational to create highly alkaloid (bitter) varieties foources of the species and the prospects for their use in marker-assistant selection and genome editing.Radish and small radish (Raphanus sativus L.) are popular and widely cultivated root vegetables in the world, which occupy an important place in human nutrition. Edaphic stressors have a significant impact on their productivity and quality. The main factor determining the phytotoxicity of acidic soils is the increased concentration of mobile aluminum ions in the soil solution. The accumulation of aluminum in root tissues disrupts the processes of cell division, initiation and growth of the lateral roots, the supply of plants with minerals and water. The study of intraspecific variation in aluminum resistance of R. sativus is an important stage for the breeding of these crops. The purpose of this work was to study the genetic diversity of R. sativus crops including 109 accessions of small radish and radish of various ecological and geographical origin, belonging to 23 types, 14 varieties of European, Chinese and Japanese subspecies on aluminum tolerance. In the absence of a rapid assessment methodology specialgetation and to identify genotypes that are contrasting in their resistance to aluminum. We recommend the AlCl3 · 6Н2О concentration of 83 mM for screening the aluminum resistance of small radish and 99 mM for radish. The modified method that we developed is proposed as a rapid diagnosis of aluminum tolerance for the screening of a wide range of R. sativus genotypes and a subsequent study of contrasting forms during a longer cultivation of plants in hydroponic culture (including elemental analysis of roots and shoots, contrasting in resistance of accessions) as well as reactions of plants in soil conditions.New cultivars adapted to major durum wheat growing environments are essential for the cultivation of this crop. The development of new cultivars has required the availability of diverse genetic material and their extensive field trials. In this work, a collection of tetraploid wheat consisting of 85 accessions was tested in the field conditions of Almaty region during 2018 and 2019. The accessions were ranged according to nine agronomic traits studied, and accessions with the highest yield performance for Almaty region of Kazakhstan were revealed. The ANOVA suggested that the performance of agronomic traits were influenced both by Environment and Genotype. Also, the collection was analyzed using seven SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers. From 3 to 6 alleles per locus were revealed, with an average of 4.6, while the effective number of alleles was 2.8. Nei's genetic diversity was in the range of 0.45-0.69. The results showed high values of polymorphism index content (PIC) in the range of 0.46-0.70, with an average of 0.