Land-use intensification is a major driver of biodiversity loss. However, understanding how different components of land use drive biodiversity loss requires the investigation of multiple trophic levels across spatial scales. Using data from 150 agricultural grasslands in central Europe, we assess the influence of multiple components of local- and landscape-level land use on more than 4,000 above- and belowground taxa, spanning 20 trophic groups. Plot-level land-use intensity is strongly and negatively associated with aboveground trophic groups, but positively or not associated with belowground trophic groups. Meanwhile, both above- and belowground trophic groups respond to landscape-level land use, but to different drivers aboveground diversity of grasslands is promoted by diverse surrounding land-cover, while belowground diversity is positively related to a high permanent forest cover in the surrounding landscape. These results highlight a role of landscape-level land use in shaping belowground communities, and suggest that revised agroecosystem management strategies are needed to conserve whole-ecosystem biodiversity.Haemophilia A and B are rare congenital, recessive X-linked disorders caused by lack or deficiency of clotting factor VIII (FVIII) or IX (FIX), respectively. The severity of the disease depends on the reduction of levels of FVIII or FIX, which are determined by the type of the causative mutation in the genes encoding the factors (F8 and F9, respectively). The hallmark clinical characteristic, especially in untreated severe forms, is bleeding (spontaneous or after trauma) into major joints such as ankles, knees and elbows, which can result in the development of arthropathy. Intracranial bleeds and bleeds into internal organs may be life-threatening. The median life expectancy was ~30 years until the 1960s, but improved understanding of the disorder and development of efficacious therapy based on prophylactic replacement of the missing factor has caused a paradigm shift, and today individuals with haemophilia can look forward to a virtually normal life expectancy and quality of life. Nevertheless, the potential development of inhibitory antibodies to infused factor is still a major hurdle to overcome in a substantial proportion of patients. Finally, gene therapy for both types of haemophilia has progressed remarkably and could soon become a reality.Recent theoretical proposals have argued that cobaltates with edge-sharing octahedral coordination can have significant bond-dependent exchange couplings thus offering a platform in 3d ions for such physics beyond the much-explored realisations in 4d and 5d materials. Here we present high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering data within the magnetically ordered phase of the stacked honeycomb magnet CoTiO3 revealing the presence of a finite energy gap and demonstrate that this implies the presence of bond-dependent anisotropic couplings. We also show through an extensive theoretical analysis that the gap further implies the existence of a quantum order-by-disorder mechanism that, in this material, crucially involves virtual crystal field fluctuations. Our data also provide an experimental observation of a universal winding of the scattering intensity in angular scans around linear band-touching points for both magnons and dispersive spin-orbit excitons, which is directly related to the non-trivial topology of the quasiparticle wavefunction in momentum space near nodal points.Although macrophages are recognized as important players in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases, their roles in cholestatic liver fibrosis remain incompletely understood. We previously reported that long noncoding RNA-H19 (lncRNA-H19) contributes to cholangiocyte proliferation and cholestatic liver fibrosis of biliary atresia (BA). We here show that monocyte/macrophage CD11B mRNA levels are increased significantly in livers of BA patients and positively correlated with the progression of liver inflammation and fibrosis. The macrophages increasingly infiltrate and accumulate in the fibrotic niche and peribiliary areas in livers of BA patients. Selective depletion of macrophages using the transgenic CD11b-diphtheria toxin receptor (CD11b-DTR) mice halts bile duct ligation (BDL)-induced progression of liver damage and fibrosis. Meanwhile, macrophage depletion significantly reduces the BDL-induced hepatic lncRNA-H19. Overexpression of H19 in livers using adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (AAV9) counteracts the effects of macrophage depletion on liver fibrosis and cholangiocyte proliferation. Additionally, both H19 knockout (H19-/-) and conditional deletion of H19 in macrophage (H19ΔCD11B) significantly depress the macrophage polarization and recruitment. lncRNA-H19 overexpressed in THP-1 macrophages enhance expression of Rho-GTPase CDC42 and RhoA. In conclusions, selectively depletion of macrophages suppresses cholestatic liver injuries and fibrosis via the lncRNA-H19 and represents a potential therapeutic strategy for rapid liver fibrosis in BA patients.Due to the absence of curative treatments for glioblastoma (GBM), we assessed the efficacy of single and combination treatments with a translationally relevant 2nd generation TRAIL-receptor agonist (IZI1551) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeant proteasome inhibitor marizomib in a panel of patient-derived glioblastoma cell lines. These cells were cultured using protocols that maintain the characteristics of primary tumor cells. IZI1551+marizomib combination treatments synergistically induced apoptotic cell death in the majority of cases, both in 2D, as well as in 3D spheroid cultures. In contrast, single-drug treatments largely failed to induce noticeable amounts of cell death. Kinetic analyses suggested that time-shifted drug exposure might further increase responsiveness, with marizomib pre-treatments indeed strongly enhancing cell death. Cell death responses upon the addition of IZI1551 could also be observed in GBM cells that were kept in a medium collected from the basolateral side of a human hCMEC/D3 BBB model that had been exposed to marizomib. Interestingly, the subset of GBM cell lines resistant to IZI1551+marizomib treatments expressed lower surface amounts of TRAIL death receptors, substantially lower amounts of procaspase-8, and increased amounts of cFLIP, suggesting that apoptosis initiation was likely too weak to initiate downstream apoptosis execution. Indeed, experiments in which the mitochondrial apoptosis threshold was lowered by antagonizing Mcl-1 re-established sensitivity to IZI1551+marizomib in otherwise resistant cells. Overall, our study demonstrates a high efficacy of combination treatments with a latest-generation TRAIL receptor agonist and the BBB permeant proteasome inhibitor marizomib in relevant GBM cell models, as well as strategies to further enhance responsiveness and to sensitize subgroups of otherwise resistant GBM cases.