Aim of this review is to summarize and evaluate the current literature addressing the synchronous combined surgical treatment approach for co-existent post-radical prostatectomy erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence. Severity of stress urinary incontinence is the basic element that defines which option of combined surgery will be offered to a patient. So, for cases of severe erectile dysfunction and severe stress urinary incontinence (>4 pads/day) the only available option is synchronous inflatable penile prosthesis plus artificial urinary sphincter dual implantation. When severe erectile dysfunction coexist with mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence synchronous inflatable penile prosthesis plus male sling or ProAct (Uromedica, Plymouth, MN, USA) device are the current available treatment options. Finally, when severe erectile dysfunction along with mild stress urinary incontinence and with or without climacturia are present, a new surgical technique of simultaneous inflatable penile prosthesis plus urethral mini-sling, named "Andrianne mini-jupette", implantation has been recently proposed. Synchronous combined surgery for post-radical prostatectomy erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence seems to offer similar efficacy and safety results compared with two-stage implantation but in a more cost- and time effective approach. Thus, synchronous surgery, in the hands of experienced prosthetic surgeons, could be potentially a valuable alternative for the management of co-existent post-radical prostatectomy erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence. Nevertheless, in order to acquire robust scientific data further prospective comparative studies on larger numbers of patients are surely needed.Advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) frequently causes systemic inflammation. Recent studies have shown that cancer cells reshape the immune landscape by secreting cytokines or chemokines. This phenotype, called cancer-cell-intrinsic inflammation, triggers a metastatic cascade. Here, we identified the functional role and regulatory mechanism of inflammation driven by advanced ccRCC cells. The inflammatory nature of advanced ccRCC was recapitulated in a preclinical model of ccRCC. Amplification of cancer-cell-intrinsic inflammation during ccRCC progression triggered neutrophil-dependent lung metastasis. Massive expression of inflammation-related genes was transcriptionally activated by epigenetic remodelling through mechanisms such as DNA demethylation and super-enhancer formation. A bromodomain and extra-terminal motif inhibitor synchronously suppressed C-X-C-type chemokines in ccRCC cells and decreased neutrophil-dependent lung metastasis. Overall, our findings provide insight into the nature of inflammatory ccRCC, which triggers metastatic cascades, and suggest a potential therapeutic strategy.Rho GTPases are central regulators of the cytoskeleton and, in humans, are controlled by 145 multidomain guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RhoGEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs). How Rho signalling patterns are established in dynamic cell spaces to control cellular morphogenesis is unclear. Through a family-wide characterization of substrate specificities, interactomes and localization, we reveal at the systems level how RhoGEFs and RhoGAPs contextualize and spatiotemporally control Rho signalling. These proteins are widely autoinhibited to allow local regulation, form complexes to jointly coordinate their networks and provide positional information for signalling. RhoGAPs are more promiscuous than RhoGEFs to confine Rho activity gradients. Our resource enabled us to uncover a multi-RhoGEF complex downstream of G-protein-coupled receptors controlling CDC42-RHOA crosstalk. Moreover, we show that integrin adhesions spatially segregate GEFs and GAPs to shape RAC1 activity zones in response to mechanical cues. This mechanism controls the protrusion and contraction dynamics fundamental to cell motility. Our systems analysis of Rho regulators is key to revealing emergent organization principles of Rho signalling.Stable propagation of epigenetic information is important for maintaining cell identity in multicellular organisms. However, it remains largely unknown how mono-ubiquitinated histone H2A on lysine 119 (H2AK119ub1) is established and stably propagated during cell division. In this study, we found that the proteins RYBP and YAF2 each specifically bind H2AK119ub1 to recruit the RYBP-PRC1 or YAF2-PRC1 complex to catalyse the ubiquitination of H2A on neighbouring nucleosomes through a positive-feedback model. Additionally, we demonstrated that histone H1-compacted chromatin enhances the distal propagation of H2AK119ub1, thereby reinforcing the inheritance of H2AK119ub1 during cell division. Moreover, we showed that either disruption of RYBP/YAF2-PRC1 activity or impairment of histone H1-dependent chromatin compaction resulted in a significant defect of the maintenance of H2AK119ub1. Therefore, our results suggest that histone H1-dependent chromatin compaction plays a critical role in the stable propagation of H2AK119ub1 by RYBP/YAF2-PRC1 during cell division.TAZ promotes growth, development and tumorigenesis by regulating the expression of target genes. However, the manner in which TAZ orchestrates the transcriptional responses is poorly defined. Here we demonstrate that TAZ forms nuclear condensates through liquid-liquid phase separation to compartmentalize its DNA-binding cofactor TEAD4, coactivators BRD4 and MED1, and the transcription elongation factor CDK9 for transcription. TAZ forms phase-separated droplets in vitro and liquid-like nuclear condensates in vivo, and this ability is negatively regulated by Hippo signalling through LATS-mediated phosphorylation and is mediated by the coiled-coil (CC) domain. Deletion of the TAZ CC domain or substitution with the YAP CC domain prevents the phase separation of TAZ and its ability to induce the expression of TAZ-specific target genes. Thus, we identify a mechanism of transcriptional activation by TAZ and demonstrate that pathway-specific transcription factors also engage the phase-separation mechanism for efficient and specific transcriptional activation.