The Maxi-Cl phenotype accounts for the majority (app. 60%) of reports on the large-conductance maxi-anion channels (MACs) and has been detected in almost every type of cell, including placenta, endothelium, lymphocyte, cardiac myocyte, neuron, and glial cells, and in cells originating from humans to frogs. A unitary conductance of 300-400 pS, linear current-to-voltage relationship, relatively high anion-to-cation selectivity, bell-shaped voltage dependency, and sensitivity to extracellular gadolinium are biophysical and pharmacological hallmarks of the Maxi-Cl channel. Its identification as a complex with SLCO2A1 as a core pore-forming component and two auxiliary regulatory proteins, annexin A2 and S100A10 (p11), explains the activation mechanism as Tyr23 dephosphorylation at ANXA2 in parallel with calcium binding at S100A10. In the resting state, SLCO2A1 functions as a prostaglandin transporter whereas upon activation it turns to an anion channel. As an efficient pathway for chloride, Maxi-Cl is implicated in a number of physiologically and pathophysiologically important processes, such as cell volume regulation, fluid secretion, apoptosis, and charge transfer. Maxi-Cl is permeable for ATP and other small signaling molecules serving as an electrogenic pathway in cell-to-cell signal transduction. Mutations at the SLCO2A1 gene cause inherited bone and gut pathologies and malignancies, signifying the Maxi-Cl channel as a perspective pharmacological target.Despite a significant number of investigations in the field of phosphazene chemistry, the formation mechanism of this class of cyclic compounds is still poorly studied. At the same time, a thorough understanding of this process is necessary, both for the direct production of phosphazene rings of a given size and for the controlled cyclization reaction when it is secondary and undesirable. We synthesized a series of short linear phosphazene oligomers with the general formula Cl[PCl2=N]n-PCl3+PCl6- and studied their tendency to form cyclic structures under the influence of elevated temperatures or in the presence of nitrogen-containing agents, such as hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) or ammonium chloride. It was established that linear oligophosphazenes are inert when heated in the absence of the mentioned cyclization agents, and the formation of cyclic products occurs only when these agents are involved in the process. The ability to obtain the desired size phosphazene cycle from corresponding linear chains is shown for the first time. Known obstacles, such as side interaction with the PCl6- counterion and a tendency of longer chains to undergo crosslinking elongation instead of cyclization are still relevant, and ways to overcome them are being discussed.Bacterial infections that do not respond to current treatments are increasing, thus there is a need for the development of new antibiotics. Series of 20 N-substituted quaternary salts of cinchonidine (CD) and their quasi-enantiomer cinchonine (CN) were prepared and their antimicrobial activity was assessed against a diverse panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. All tested compounds showed good antimicrobial potential (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values 1.56 to 125.00 μg/mL), proved to be nontoxic to different human cell lines, and did not influence the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Seven compounds showed very strong bioactivity against some of the tested Gram-negative bacteria (MIC for E. coli and K. pneumoniae 6.25 μg/mL; MIC for P. aeruginosa 1.56 μg/mL). To establish a connection between antimicrobial data and potential energy surfaces (PES) of the compounds, activity/PES models using principal components of the disc diffusion assay and MIC and data towards PES data were built. An extensive machine learning procedure for the generation and cross-validation of multivariate linear regression models with a linear combination of original variables as well as their higher-order polynomial terms was performed. The best possible models with predicted R2(CD derivatives) = 0.9979 and R2(CN derivatives) = 0.9873 were established and presented. This activity/PES model can be used for accurate prediction of activities for new compounds based solely on their potential energy surfaces, which will enable wider screening and guided search for new potential leads. Based on the obtained results, N-quaternary derivatives of Cinchona alkaloids proved to be an excellent scaffold for further optimization of novel antibiotic species.We studied the effects of the addition of large neutral amino acids, such as tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Trp), in mice DBA/2J and tetrahybrid mice DBCB receiving a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (HFCD) for 65 days. The locomotor activity, anxiety, muscle tone, mass of internal organs, liver morphology, adipokines, cytokines, and biochemical indices of animals were assessed. The Tyr supplementation potentiated increased anxiety in EPM and contributed to a muscle tone increase, a decrease in the AST/ALT ratio, and an increase in protein anabolism in both mice strains. Tyr contributed to a decrease in liver fatty degeneration and ALT reduction only in DBCB that were sensitive to the development of obesity. The addition of Trp caused an increase in muscle tone and potentiated an increase in anxiety with age in animals of both genotypes. Trp had toxic effects on the livers of mice, which was manifested in increased fatty degeneration in DBCB, edema, and the appearance of micronuclei in DBA/2J. The main identified effects of Tyr on mice are considered in the light of its modulating effect on the dopamine neurotransmitter metabolism, while for the Trp supplement, effects were presumably associated with the synthesis of its toxic metabolites by representatives of the intestinal microflora.Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest-developing areas of science that covers a remarkably wide range of problems to be solved. It has found practical application in many areas of human activity, also in medicine. One of the directions of cooperation between computer science and medicine is to assist in diagnosing and proposing treatment methods with the use of IT tools. This study is the result of collaboration with the Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, from where a database containing information about patients suffering from Bruton's disease was made available. This is a rare disorder, difficult to detect in the first months of life. It is estimated that one in 70,000 to 90,000 children will develop Bruton's disease. But even these few cases need detailed attention from doctors. Based on the data contained in the database, data mining was performed. During this process, knowledge was discovered that was presented in a way that is understandable to the user, in the form of decision trees.