For each deposited file, metadata are created through the application of the conceptual metadata schema CIDOC CRM, an ISO standard for Cultural Heritage Information, which was adopted by ARIADNE, the European Union Research Infrastructure for archaeological resources. Concepts specific to mining archaeology research are organized with the DARIAH Back Bone Thesaurus, a model for sustainable interoperable thesauri maintenance, developed in the European Union Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. Metadata are created through the extraction of information from the documentation and the transformation to a knowledge graph using semantic web standards. To facilitate usage, graph data are exported to hierarchical and tabular formats representing sites and objects with their geographic locations, temporal and typological assignments and links to the research activities and documents. Metadata are deposited together with the documentation into the repository.This article examines the institutional rationale of China's Belt and Road Initiative for Sino-Latin American interregionalism and global multilateralism. Applying Pedersen's ideational-institutional realism approach and research on interregionalism, we provide a more nuanced analysis than mainstream realist theorising dominating research on China's foreign policies. We argue that China's interregional relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) entail a cooperative strategy to counter US hegemony in its own 'backyard'. At a cognitive level, we show that the worldviews of Chinese foreign policy elites are informed by the tenets of realism. At an institutional level, interregionalism serves as a soft balancing device. In the power dimension, China uses cooperative relations with LAC to create soft power, enhancing access to raw materials, and promoting Chinese values, worldviews, and policies to the region. Hence, China-LAC interregionali