Different weights were assigned to the different attributes in each criterion according to their importance. The analysis also included a significant constraint the potential spreading of exotic invasive fish species if connection was reestablished through dam removal. This procedure started with the georeferencing of 1201 transversal obstacles that were further characterized for their relative permeability to fish migration. In conclusion the model used allowed to identify 158 priority barriers, as well as the 5 most fragmented tributaries, which means the most impacted by river regulation. In 8 cases the barriers were big dams (> 15 m), whereas in the remaining 150 were weirs. From a final rank of 20 most impacting structures, the MCDA results also identified two cases where potential removal could trigger the additional impact to native fish species related to the sprawl of alien populations. Environmental factors such as air pollution may contribute to the development of childhood obesity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk-2837808A.html However, current epidemiological evidence is limited and inconsistent. We investigated the associations between long-term air pollution exposure and obesity in a large population of Chinese children and adolescents. A total of 44,718 children and adolescents (50.5% boys) aged 7 to 18years were recruited from seven provinces/municipalities in China. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the prevalence of general and central obesity were measured. Satellite-based spatial-temporal models were used to estimate ambient concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter<1.0μm (PM ), <2.5μm (PM ), <10.0μm (PM ) and nitrogen dioxide (NO ). We used mixed-effects linear and logistic regression models to examine the associations between air pollution exposure and body weight measures. Exposure to PM , PM , PM and NO was associated with increased BMI Z-score, waist circumference and WHtR, and higher prevalence of both general and central obesity. Generally, stronger associations were observed for particles, especially PM and PM , than for NO . Also, the associations of particles were generally more stable in two-pollutant models. Overall, the associations were more pronounced in boys than in girls except for general obesity. Long-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased body weight and higher prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents, suggesting potential obesogenic effects of air pollution. Long-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased body weight and higher prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents, suggesting potential obesogenic effects of air pollution.Residential solid fuel combustion is a major emission source of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in most developing countries, including China; however, accurate estimates of PAH emissions are often challenged by limited real-world emission factors (EFs) under field conditions, which can hardly be repeated in laboratory-controlled tests. In this study, a series of field measurements was conducted to determine the emissions of 28 PAHs from different fuel-stove combinations. A total of 14 fuel-stove combinations were studied. The total EFs of 28 PAHs (EFPAH28), on the basis of fuel mass, ranged from 20.7 to 535 mg/kg, with relatively lower EFs for coal than for biomass. Biomass burning in gasifier stoves had lower PAH EFs and fewer toxic PAH species than biomass burning in traditional brick stoves. Fuel type was a significant factor affecting PAH emissions, while stove difference had a relatively smaller influence. Much higher EFs were found from these field tests than from the idealized laboratory tests, which indicated significant underestimation in inventories based on the laboratory-based EFs. Biomass and coal had different profiles, with larger intra-fuel variations in coal than those in biomass. Highly variable values of some, though not all, commonly used isomer ratios indicated substantial biases in source apportionment relying on single or simple ratios without correction, and the MCE was found to be significantly corrected with some ratios.Low emission vehicle technologies need widespread adoption in the transport sector to overcome its significant decarbonisation challenges. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) represent an intermediate technology between pure electric vehicles and internal combustion engines that have proven capability in reducing petroleum consumption. HEV customers often cite improved fuel economy as a major benefit from adopting this technology; however, outstanding questions remain regarding their respective emission levels. Through an extensive literature study, we show that several issues remain with HEV emissions performance which stem from frequent high-power cold starts, engine calibration issues and inefficient operating conditions for catalytic converters. HEVs have more NOx, HC, CO and particle number emissions compared to conventional vehicles by up to 21.0, 5.8, 9.0 and 23.3 times, respectively. Improved engine control algorithms, after-treatment design and thermal design of three-way catalysts emerge as research priorities for improving the emissions performance of HEVs.Internalizing problems are characterized by deficits in emotion processing and regulation. They are among the most common problems in children and adolescents and mark an increased risk for depressive and anxiety disorders in later life. First evidence suggests that sleep alterations are related to the development and/or persistence of mood and anxiety disorders in children, adolescents, and adults. Most recently, data from clinical samples showed that brain activity in the sigma frequency band (9-16 Hz, i.e. sleep spindle frequency) is associated with internalizing problems in children and adolescents. However, less is known about the association between sigma power and internalizing problems in healthy participants within this age group. Here, we re-analyzed longitudinal data (25 healthy subjects (18 females) at two time points (T1 childhood mean age 9.52 ± 0.77; T2 adolescence mean age 16.08 ± 0.91) by correlating sigma power with measures for internalizing problems. Moreover, we calculated sigma power ratios (frontal/central, frontal/parietal, frontal/occipital) to examine whether these measures would reflect developmental changes more accurately.