Compared with seldom IPLF, fully adjusted mean AHEI scores were 3·6 (P = 0·038) points higher among those often IPLF and 9·3 (P < 0·0001) points higher among those always IPLF. Compared with seldom IPLF, those who always IPLF had significantly higher fully adjusted mean component scores for vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes, trans fat and n-3 fats. Adults in PR who intentionally purchase local foods had higher diet quality, especially for intake of plant-based foods and healthy fats, highlighting potential dietary benefits associated with improved local food availability in PR. Adults in PR who intentionally purchase local foods had higher diet quality, especially for intake of plant-based foods and healthy fats, highlighting potential dietary benefits associated with improved local food availability in PR. During a psychotic episode, patients frequently suffer from severe maladaptive beliefs known as delusions. Despite the abundant literature investigating the simple presence or absence of these beliefs, there exists little detailed knowledge regarding their actual content and severity at the onset of illness. This study reports on delusions during the initiation of indicated treatment for first-episode psychosis (FEP). Data were systematically collected from a sample of 636 patients entering a catchment-based early intervention service for FEP. The average severity and frequency of each delusional theme at baseline was reported with the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms. Delusional severity (globally and per theme) was examined across a number of sociodemographic and clinical variables. Delusions were present in the vast majority of individuals experiencing onset of FEP (94%), with persecutory (77.7%) being the most common theme. Persecutory delusions remained consistent in severity across Being a part of our sociocultural history, stories and narratives help us make sense of our lifeworlds. Stories, rumors, and conspiracy theories offer deep meanings when analyzed in specific contexts, and prominently appear in the face of looming uncertainties, anxieties, and fears. Similarly, many narratives have surrounded the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic at the global and local levels as people try to make sense of this invisibly spreading virus and its multidimensional effects. Drawing on the media reports, I show and analyze global-level narratives that reveal geopolitics in play. To present the local level narratives in Pakistan, I build on my long-term ethnographic fieldwork, recent telephone interviews, and content analysis to discuss why these tales emerge and spread. As the pandemic unfolded, local people started drinking "miraculous" tea as a form of prevention, shaving their heads, and/or praying to God to undo His "punishment" and conceptualizing the pandemic as an invented "plot." With my analyses, I compare the "viral rumors" with the virus and argue that these narratives are social phenomena, carrying multiple meanings that need the thorough attention of social scientists, for example, anthropologists, just as we need experts to study a virus.Existing studies addressing alcohol consumption have not captured the multidimensionality of drinking patterns, including drinking frequency, binge drinking, beverage preference and changes in these measures across the adult life course. We examined longitudinal trends in drinking patterns and their association with diet over four decades in ageing US adults from the Framingham Offspring Study (n 4956; baseline mean age 36·2 years). Alcohol intake (drinks/week, drinking frequency, beverage-specific consumption, drinks/occasion) was assessed quadrennially from examinations 1 to 8. Participants were classified as binge drinkers, moderate drinkers or heavy drinkers (4+ and 5+ drinks/occasion; ≤1 and ≤2 drinks/d and >7 and >14 drinks/week for women and men, respectively). Dietary data were collected by a FFQ from examinations 5 to 8 (1991-2008). We evaluated trends in drinking patterns using linear mixed effect models and compared dietary intake across drinking patterns using heterogeneous variance models. Alcohol consumption decreased from 1971 to 2008 (3·7 v. 2·2 oz/week; P less then 0·05). The proportion of moderate (66 v. 59·3 %), heavy (18·4 v. 10·5 %) and binge drinkers (40·0 v. 12·3 %) declined (P less then 0·05). While average wine consumption increased (1·4 v. 2·2 drinks/week), beer (3·4 v. 1·5 drinks/week) and cocktail intake (2·8 v. 1·2 drinks/week) decreased. Non-binge drinkers consumed less sugary drinks and more whole grains than binge drinkers, and the latter consumed more total fat across all examinations (P less then 0·05). There was a significant difference in consumption trends of total grains by drinking level (P less then 0·05). In conclusion, alcohol drinking patterns are unstable throughout adulthood. Higher intakes were generally associated with poorer diets. These analyses support the nuanced characterisation of alcohol consumption in epidemiological studies. Outbreaks and containment measures implemented to control them can increase stress in affected populations. The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on perceived stress levels in the Jordanian population is unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the perceived stress level and factors associated with it in the Jordanian population during the COVID-19 outbreak. Required data, such as those from the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) and possible predictors of perceived stress, were collected through a Web-based survey. Statistical analysis was conducted through SPSS. The mean (SD) of perceived stress score was 19.8 (6.7). Regression analysis revealed that stress was increased in females, young adults, usually being stressed more than others by a health problem, increased perceived severity of the disease, increased overall worry score, and student's worry regarding their studies/graduation. Perceived stress was decreased if participants' self-rated health status score increased. In the context of increasing public health preparedness, the results of this study can be used in designing interventions to alleviate stress in susceptible segments of the Jordanian community. In the context of increasing public health preparedness, the results of this study can be used in designing interventions to alleviate stress in susceptible segments of the Jordanian community.