Standard along with nutritional oxalate limitation suggestions decreases urinary : oxalate inside the rock center placing. An 80-year-old man with a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was referred to our department for a solitary lung nodule. The nodule was surgically resected and diagnosed as SCC. Because the lung lesion and a previous skin lesion showed similar histological findings, the origin of the lung tumor was uncertain. Next-generation sequencing using a targeted driver oncogene panel was applied for the further examination. The lung lesion was diagnosed as primary lung SCC, as the two tumors possessed distinct somatic mutations in TP53. Recent advances in clinical sequencing have enabled us to obtain an accurate diagnosis in pathologically challenging cases.Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive hereditary disease commonly observed around the Mediterranean basin presenting as recurrent febrile episodes. We herein describe a Japanese case of genetically-confirmed FMF, in which fever was lacking during attacks. An otherwise healthy 34-year-old man presented with frequent episodes of abdominal pain, which resolved spontaneously. During the attacks, the patient was afebrile, but the inflammatory marker levels in his blood were increased. Abdominal CT demonstrated enhancement of the jejunal membrane. After the initiation of colchicine therapy, the patient experienced no attacks for more than one year. The diagnosis of FMF was confirmed by a genetic analysis.We report an adult case of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome, who had a tonsillectomy at 10 years old and relapsed later. An early 40's-year-old man had been suffering from recurrent fever attack once in 1-2 months during childhood. He was accompanied by fever which was persist for several days, aphthous stomatitis, tongued tonsillitis with moss, pharyngitis, and submandibular lymphadenitis with tenderness. He was not doing well during fare-up. At the time of admission, CRP level was 12.5mg/dl and the remarkably increased expression of CD64 on neutrophils was found. Bacterial infections and collagen diseases were excluded by the several examinations. We suspected PFAPA syndrome, and treated with cimetidine, but cimetidine was not effective. At the time of flare up, administration of prednisolone was remarkably effective. We diagnosed PFAPA syndrome on the basis of clinical courses. Genetic analysis of responsible gene of familial Mediterranean fever, MEFV showed E148Q heterozygous mutation in exon 2.Since an adult case of PFAPA syndrome is likely to be made misunderstanding for infectious recurrent pharyngitis, it is important to note that we should consider PFAPA syndrome as a differential diagnosis when we meet with the adult patient of recurrent fever.BACKGROUND Cochineal dyes are used as additives in various foods for the purpose of red coloration. On the other hand, although it has been reported as a causative agent of immediate allergy, most of them are adult women. We report a case of an 8-year-old boy who developed a cochineal allergy.Current disease history He has been suffering from atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, and food allergies since childhood. At the age of seven, he experienced an unknown anaphylaxis reaction twice. When he was 8 years old, he ate a frankfurter containing hypoallergenic cochineal for the first time; cold sweat, intraoral discomfort, respiratory distress, and urticaria appeared throughout the body. His skin prick tests were positive, with a result of 2+to frankfurter and cochineal dyes (color value 0.1 and 0.01). In the immunoblot assay, binding of IgE antibody was observed with CC38K (the main component of cochineal) and a protein of approximately 80-200 kDa in the high molecular weight region. DISCUSSION We report a case of anaphylaxis with hypoallergenic cochineal onset in a school-age boy.BACKGROUND Widely accepted loading protocols for rush subcutaneous immunotherapy (rSCIT) have not been established. Our aim was to evaluate the loading protocols of rSCIT. METHODS In the low initial dose group (33 patients), the initial dose of standardized house dust mite extract was 1 JAU or less. The target dose at the end of the rush build-up phase was 500 JAU. Next, the initial dose was increased to 10 JAU with the same target dose in the high initial dose group (18 patients). Furthermore, in the modified high initial dosage group (17 patients), the initial dose was 10 JAU but the target dose at the end of the rush phase was 300 JAU. Then, the maintenance dose of 500 JAU was administered at 9 or 10 days after rSCIT initiation. We retrospectively evaluated these protocols. RESULTS A systemic reaction (SR) occurred in 28 out of 33 (84.8%) patients in the low initial dosage group and in 12 out of 18 (66.7%) patients in the high initial dosage group, on the other hand significantly reduced in 4 out of 17 (23.5%) patients in the modified high-dosage group. The amount of antigen reached 339.3±19.0 JAU in the low initial dosage group and 358.3±24.9 JAU in the high initial dosage group at the end of the rush phase, significantly increased 452.9±20.6 JAU in the modified high-dosage group at 9 or 10 days. CONCLUSION In rSCIT using standardized house dust mite extract, lowering the target dose at the end of the rush phase and delaying the administration of the maintenance dose may reduce SR and increase the reached amount of antigen.OBJECTIVE We aim to examine the characteristics of the symptoms induced by exercise provocation tests following allergen consumption in patients who have undergone oral immunotherapy (OIT). METHOD Patients who were positive for exercise provocation tests in Miyagi Children's Hospital from April 2012 to January 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were classified into food-dependent exerciseinduced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) group and post-OIT-FDEIA group. RESULT Six patients in the FDEIA group and 19 patients in the post-OIT-FDEIA group were analyzed. There were no significant differences in age, sex, and number of complications between the FDEIA and post-OIT-FDEIA groups, except for level of total serum immunoglobulin E. The median time from the start of exercise to onset of symptoms was 20 min in the FDEIA group and 25 min in the post-OIT-FDEIA group. The rate of adrenaline administration in post-OIT-FDEIA group was significantly lower. The median time from exercise to onset of severe symptoms requiring adrenaline was 32.