The raised source/drain (RSD) structure is one of thin film transistor designs that is often used to improve device characteristics. Many studies have mentioned that the high impact ionization rate occurring at a drain side can be reduced, owing to a raised source/drain area that can disperse the drain electric field. In this study, we will discuss how the electric field at the drain side of an RSD device is reduced by a vertical lightly doped drain (LDD) scheme rather than a RSD structure. We used different raised source/drain forms to simulate the drain side electric field for each device, as well as their output characteristics, using Integrated Systems Engineering (ISE-TCAD) simulators. Different source and drain thicknesses and doping profiles were applied to verify the RSD mechanism. We found that the electric fields of a traditional device and uniform doping RSD structures are almost the same (~2.9 × 105 V/cm). The maximum drain electric field could be reduced to ~2 × 105 V/cm if a vertical lightly doped drain RSD scheme was adopted. A pure raised source/drain structure did not benefit the device characteristics if a vertical lightly doped drain design was not included in the raised source/drain areas.Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome10 (PTEN), phospho-v-Akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (AKT), and the Rapamycin-Insensitive Companion of mTOR (Rictor) expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry in 10 canine mammary adenomas (CMAs), 40 canine mammary carcinomas (CMCs), and 30 feline mammary carcinomas (FMCs). All the CMAs, 25 of 40 CMCs (63%) and 7 of 30 FMCs (23%), were PTEN-positive. In dogs, no CMAs and 15 of 25 CMCs (37%) expressed phospho-AKT (p-AKT), while 24 of 30 FMCs (82%) were p-AKT-positive. One of 10 CMAs (10%), 24 of 40 CMCs (60%) and 20 of 30 FMCs (67%) were Rictor-positive. In the dog, PTEN expression correlated with less aggressive tumors, absence of lymphatic invasion, and longer survival. P-AKT expression correlated with more aggressive subtype, lymphatic invasion, and poorer survival and Rictor expression with lymphatic invasion. In cats, PTEN correlated with less aggressive carcinomas, absence of lymphatic invasion, and better survival. P-AKT and Rictor expression correlated with poorer survival. PTEN expression was inversely correlated with p-AKT and Rictor in both species, while p-AKT positively correlated with Rictor expression. A strong PTEN/AKT pathway involvement in behavior worsening of CMT and FMTs is demonstrated, providing a rationale for further studies of this pathway in veterinary oncology.Hard tissues, e.g., bone, are mechanically stiff and, most typically, mineralized. To design scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration, mechanical, physico-chemical and biological cues must align with those found in the natural tissue. Combining these aspects poses challenges for material and construct design. Silk-based materials are promising for bone tissue regeneration as they fulfill several of such necessary requirements, and they are non-toxic and biodegradable. They can be processed into a variety of morphologies such as hydrogels, particles and fibers and can be mineralized. Therefore, silk-based materials are versatile candidates for biomedical applications in the field of hard tissue engineering. This review summarizes silk-based approaches for mineralized tissue replacements, and how to find the balance between sufficient material stiffness upon mineralization and cell survival upon attachment as well as nutrient supply.Epidermal growth factor receptor I (EGFR) is overexpressed in many cancers. The extracellular domain of EGFR has four binding epitopes (domains I- IV). All clinically approved anti-EGFR antibodies bind to domain III. Imaging agents that bind to domains other than domain III of EGFR are needed for accurate quantification of EGFR, patient selection for anti-EGFR therapeutics and monitoring of response to therapies. We recently developed a domain II-specific antibody fragment 8709. In this study, we have evaluated the in vitro and in vivo properties of 89Zr-8709-scFv-Fc (105 kDa). We conjugated 8709-scFv-Fc with the deferoxamine (DFO) chelator and radiolabeled the DFO-8970-scFv with 89Zr. We evaluated the binding of 89Zr-DFO-8709-scFv-Fc in EGFR positive and negative cell lines DLD-1, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435, respectively, and in mouse xenograft models. Simultaneously, we have compared the binding of 89Zr-8709-scFv-Fc with 111In-nimotuzumab, a domain III anti-EGFR antibody. DFO-8709-scFv-Fc displayed similar cell binding specificity as 8709-scFv-Fc. Saturation cell binding assay and immunoreactive fraction showed that radiolabeling did not alter the binding of 8709-scFv-Fc. Biodistribution and microPET showed good uptake of 89Zr-8709-scFv-Fc in xenografts after 120 h post injection (p.i). and was domain-specific to EGFR domain II. 89Zr-8709-scFv-Fc did not compete for binding in vitro and in vivo with a known domain III binder nimotuzumab. The results show that 89Zr-8709-scFv-Fc is specific to domain II of EGFR making it favorable for quantification of EGFR in vivo, hence, patient selection and monitoring of response to treatment with anti-EGFR antibodies.Cotinine (COT) and 6-hydroxy-L-nicotine (6HLN) are two nicotinic derivatives that possess cognitive-improving abilities and antioxidant properties in different rodent models of Alzheimer's disease (AD), eluding the side-effects of nicotine (NIC), the parent molecule. In the current study, we evaluated the impact of COT and 6HLN on memory deterioration, anxiety, and oxidative stress in the scopolamine (SCOP)-induced zebrafish model of AD. For this, COT and 6HLN were acutely administered by immersion to zebrafish that were treated with SCOP before testing. The memory performances were assessed in Y-maze and object discrimination (NOR) tasks, while the anxiety-like behavior was evaluated in the novel tank diving test (NTT). The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and oxidative stress were measured from brain samples. The RT-qPCR analysis was used to evaluate the npy, egr1, bdnf, and nrf2a gene expression. Our data indicated that both COT and 6HLN attenuated the SCOP-induced anxiety-like behavior and memory impairment and reduced the oxidative stress and AChE activity in the brain of zebrafish.