Cancers arise through the process of somatic evolution fueled by the inception of somatic mutations. We lack a complete understanding of the sources of these somatic mutations. Humans host a vast repertoire of microbes collectively known as the microbiota. The microbiota plays a role in altering the tumor microenvironment and proliferation. In addition, microbes have been shown to elicit DNA damage which provides the driver for somatic mutations. An understanding of microbiota-driven mutational mechanisms would contribute to a more complete understanding of the origins of the cancer genome. Here, we review the modes by which microbes stimulate DNA damage and the effect of these phenomena upon the cancer genomic architecture, specifically in the form of mutational spectra and mutational signatures. For metastasis to occur, cancer cells must exocytose proteases, like matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), that are key in extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation. Growing evidence suggests that cancer cells use distinct spatial and temporal clustering patterns or organizing 'elements' that facilitate secretory vesicle fusion and the subsequent exocytosis of proteins that contribute to metastasis. New approaches to drug discovery are unlocking enormous therapeutic potential residing in cancer-specific molecules. Brachyury is emerging as an exciting new drug target for the rare bone cancer chordoma. Here, recent advances targeting Brachyury in chordoma are discussed and how these might open doors to the targeting of other, more common cancer types. Tumor heterogeneity is a large conundrum in cancer medicine, making most therapeutic interventions palliative rather than curative. Here we discuss the implications of how molecularly targeted therapies in solid malignancies that promote limited cancer cell death may in fact make tumors more heterogeneous, increase aggressive phenotypes, and thus worsen patient outcomes. Published by Elsevier Inc.Patient-derived organoids can recapitulate parental tumor heterogeneity. In a recent study in Cell, Jacob et al. cultivated glioblastoma organoids (GBOs) to mimic tumor heterogeneity and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell immunotherapy, applied it for xenograft establishment and drug testing, and generated a biobank for the timely start of post-operation therapy. PALB2 loss-of-function variants are associated with increased risk of breast and other cancers, but the clinical relevance of missense variants (MVs) remains uncertain. Recent findings reported by Wiltshire et al., Rodrigue et al., and Boonen et al. demonstrate that some MVs disrupt PALB2 function. This new information will support the clinical management of families who carry these MVs and inform their treatment. The need to distribute therapy evenly systemically throughout the large muscle volume within the body makes Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) therapy a challenge. Cell and exon-skipping therapies are promising but have limited effects, and thus enhancing their therapeutic potency is of paramount importance to increase the accessibility of these therapies to DMD patients. In this study, we demonstrate that co-administered glycine improves phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO) potency in mdx mice with marked functional improvement and an up to 50-fold increase of dystrophin in abdominal muscles compared to PMO in saline. Glycine boosts satellite cell proliferation and muscle regeneration by increasing activation of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and replenishing the one-carbon unit pool. The expanded regenerating myofiber population then results in increased PMO uptake. Glycine also augments the transplantation efficiency of exogenous satellite cells and primary myoblasts in mdx mice. Our data provide evidence that glycine enhances satellite cell proliferation, cell transplantation, and oligonucleotide efficacy in mdx mice, and thus it has therapeutic utility for cell therapy and drug delivery in muscle-wasting diseases. Recently, cytoophidium, a nonmembrane-bound intracellular polymeric structure, has been shown to exist in various organisms, including tumor tissues, but its function and mechanism have not yet been examined. Examination of cytoophidia-assembled gene inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) and cytidine triphosphate synthetase (CTPS) mRNA levels showed that only IMPDH1 levels were significantly higher in the clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). IMPDH1 was positively correlated with the metastasis-related gene Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) and served as an independent prognostic factor in ccRCC. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that patients with tumors that expressed high IMPDH1 levels had a shorter overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Furthermore, detection of cytoophidia by immunofluorescence staining in ccRCC tissues showed that IMPDH1-assembled cytoophidia are positively associated with tumor metastasis. Mechanistically, IMPDH1 and YB-1 formed an autoregulatory positive feedback loop IMPDH1 maintained YB-1 protein stabilization; YB-1 induced IMPDH1 expression by binding to the IMPDH1 promoter motif. Functionally, IMPDH1-assembled cytoophidia physically interacted with YB-1 and translocated YB-1 into the cell nucleus, thus correlating with ccRCC metastasis. Our findings provide the first solid theoretical rationale for targeting the IMPDH1/YB-1 axis to improve metastatic renal cancer treatment. Antibody structure couples adaptive and innate immunity via Fab (antigen binding) and Fc (effector) domains that are connected by unique hinge regions. Because antibodies harbor two or more Fab domains, they are capable of crosslinking multi-determinant antigens, which is required for Fc-dependent functions through associative interactions with effector ligands, including C1q and cell surface Fc receptors. The modular nature of antibodies, with distal ligand binding sites for antigen and Fc-ligands, is reminiscent of allosteric proteins, suggesting that allosteric interactions might contribute to Fc-mediated effector functions. This hypothesis has been pursued for over 40 years and remains unresolved. Here, we provide evidence that allosteric interactions between Fab and Fc triggered by antigen binding modulate binding of Fc to low-affinity Fc receptors (FcγR) for a human IgG1. This work opens the path to further dissection of the relative roles of allosteric and associative interactions in Fc-mediated effector functions.