Well-focused and accurately scaled high-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) images provide a sound basis for feature extraction and target recognition. This paper proposes a novel high-resolution ISAR imaging algorithm, namely modified joint range spatial-variant autofocus and azimuth scaling algorithm (MJAAS). After motion compensation, the shift of the equivalent rotational center (ERC) of the target destroys the linear relationship between the azimuth chirp rates (ACR) of echo signals and the range coordinates of scattering points, thereby leading to the failure of azimuth scaling. Accordingly, a new joint equivalent rotational center position and effective rotational velocity (JERCP-ERV) signal model is established, serving as the basis of MJAAS. By recourse to the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) algorithm, MJAAS can jointly estimate the ERCP and ERV by solving a minimum entropy optimization problem, so as to simultaneously achieve accurate azimuth scaling and range spatial-variant autofocus, which further improves the image focusing performance. MJAAS is not restricted by the modes of motion errors (coherent or non-coherent) and the motion compensation methods, so it can be widely applied to real data with the advantages of strong practicality and high accuracy. Extensive experimental results based on both simulated and real data are provided to corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Activins transduce the TGF-β pathway through a heteromeric signaling complex consisting of type I and type II receptors, and activins also inhibit bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling mediated by type I receptor ALK2. Recent studies indicated that activin A cross-activates the BMP pathway through ALK2R206H, a mutation associated with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). How activin A inhibits ALK2WT-mediated BMP signaling but activates ALK2R206H-mediated BMP signaling is not well understood, and here we offer some insights into its molecular mechanism. We first demonstrated that among four BMP type I receptors, ALK2 is the only subtype able to mediate the activin A-induced BMP signaling upon the dissociation of FKBP12. We further showed that BMP4 does not cross-signal TGF-β pathway upon FKBP12 inhibition. In addition, although the roles of type II receptors in the ligand-independent BMP signaling activated by FOP-associated mutant ALK2 have been reported, their roles in activin A-induced BMP signaling remains unclear. We demonstrated in this study that the known type II BMP receptors contribute to activin A-induced BMP signaling through their kinase activity. Together, the current study provided important mechanistic insights at the molecular level into further understanding physiological and pathophysiological BMP signaling.Evolution of additively manufactured (AM) ceramics' microstructure between manufacturing stages is a hardly explored topic. These data are of high demand for advanced numerical modeling. In this work, 3D microstructural models of Al2O3 greenbody, brownbody and sintered material are presented and analyzed, for ceramic samples manufactured with SLA-based AM workflow, using a commercially available ceramic paste and 3D printer. The novel data, acquired at the micro- and mesoscale, using Computed Tomography (CT), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion-Beam SEM (FIB/SEM) techniques, allowed a deep insight into additive ceramics characteristics. We demonstrated the spatial 3D distribution of ceramic particles, an organic binder and pores at every stage of AM workflow. The porosity of greenbody samples (1.6%), brownbody samples (37.3%) and sintered material (4.9%) are analyzed. Pore distribution and possible originating mechanisms are discussed. The location and shape of pores and ceramic particles are indicative of specific physical processes driving the ceramics manufacturing. We will use the presented microstructural 3D models as input and verification data for advanced numerical simulations developed in the project.The COVID-19 pandemic altered many facets of life. We aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19-related public health guidelines on physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior, mental health, and their interrelations. Cross-sectional data were collected from 3052 US adults 3-8 April 2020 (from all 50 states). Participants self-reported pre- and post-COVID-19 levels of moderate and vigorous PA, sitting, and screen time. Currently-followed public health guidelines, stress, loneliness, positive mental health (PMH), social connectedness, and depressive and anxiety symptoms were self-reported. Participants were grouped by meeting US PA guidelines, reporting ≥8 h/day of sitting, or ≥8 h/day of screen time, pre- and post-COVID-19. Overall, 62% of participants were female, with age ranging from 18-24 (16.6% of sample) to 75+ (9.3%). Self-reported PA was lower post-COVID among participants reporting being previously active (mean change -32.3% [95% CI -36.3%, -28.1%]) but largely unchanged among previously inactive participants (+2.3% [-3.5%, +8.1%]). No longer meeting PA guidelines and increased screen time were associated with worse depression, loneliness, stress, and PMH (p less then 0.001). Self-isolation/quarantine was associated with higher depressive and anxiety symptoms compared to social distancing (p less then 0.001). Maintaining and enhancing physical activity participation and limiting screen time increases during abrupt societal changes may mitigate the mental health consequences.This study provides a novel approach to fabricating Al/C composites using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) for a wide range of structural applications utilizing Al-matrix composites in additive manufacturing. We investigated the effects of LPBF on the fabrication of aluminum/multiwalled carbon nanotube (Al/MWCNT) composites under 25 different conditions, using varying laser power levels and scan speeds. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the specimens, such as elastic modulus and nanohardness, were analyzed, and trends were identified. We observed favorable sintering behavior under laser conditions with low energy density, which verified the suitability of Al/MWCNT composites for a fabrication process using LPBF. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/triparanol-mer-29.html The size and number of pores increased in specimens produced under high energy density conditions, suggesting that they are more influenced by laser power than scan speed. Similarly, the elastic modulus of a specimen was also more affected by laser power than scan speed. In contrast, scan speed had a greater influence on the final nanohardness.