37-point increase in the MMSE score for every 1-standard-deviation increase in the Hb level. Moreover, an optimal Hb level above 15.0 g/dl was proposed for preventing or alleviating the development of poststroke cognitive impairment in men. After 4-6 years of rehabilitation, the baseline Hb still correlated with MMSE scores. A significant interaction was found between baseline Hb and change in MMSE scores over time, with higher baseline Hb levels predicting faster recovery of global cognitive performance (β, 0.21; 95% confidence interval, 0.03-0.39).These findings warrant further study of anemia as a risk factor for poststroke cognitive impairment.Sub-acute ruminal acidosis is a type of metabolic disorder in which affected cattle show a considerable depression of rumen pH. This leads to a dramatic decline in productivity and consequent loss of income for many dairy farms. The objective of the present study is to identify and characterize novel long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Holstein cattle affected by sub-acute ruminal acidosis. Two replicates from six animals were sequenced that bioinformatically analyzed. Results showed 6679 novel lncRNAs among which 12 intergenic lncRNAs showed differential expression (p value ≤0.05). GO and KEGG analysis revealed that calcium signaling and G protein couple-receptor pathways may be involved in regulating metabolic processes during sub-acute ruminal acidosis. Furthermore, other biological processes including transmembrane transport, adult behavior, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, GABAergic synapse, cholinergic synapse were significantly enriched. The present data suggest that these differentially expressed lncRNAs may play regulatory roles in modulating biological processes associated with sub-acute ruminal acidosis in cattle rumen.The improvement of cryopreserved oocyte survival is imperative for the preservation of female fertility. In this study, we investigate whether P2Y2 receptors (P2Y2R) can be directly implicated in calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis misbalances observed during the cryopreservation process of cumulus oocyte complexes (COC). Firstly, RNA was extracted from bovine immature and mature oocytes and cumulus cells and real-time PCR performed to identify P2Y2R transcripts (experiment 1). Changes in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i of mature COC and oocytes (experiment 2) were measured upon exposure to cryoprotectants (CPA), UTP (P2Y2R stimulator, 100 μM), and/or suramin (P2Y2R inhibitor, 100 and 300 μM). The functional role of P2Y2R was investigated by analyzing the effect on oocyte viability of its modulation prior and during oocyte exposure to CPA (experiment 3). Mature COC were randomly divided into groups, and exposed to CPA and different P2Y2 modulators. Oocytes' viability, cortical granules location, and competence for development were assessed. Results showed that P2Y2R mRNAs are expressed in both oocytes and cumulus cells. Stimulation with UTP and CPA led to [Ca2+]i increase, and this effect was totally or partially blocked by suramin (P2Y2R inhibitor). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ga-017.html Oocyte exposure to CPA and UTP reduced embryo rates compared with control and suramin100μM (P ≤ 0.04). The observed enhanced premature zona hardening in oocytes exposed to CPA (P = 0.04) and UTP (P = 0.005) stimulus was inhibited by suramin 100 μM. In conclusion, inhibition of P2Y2R during cryoprotectant exposure reduces premature intracellular Ca2+ release and significantly improves the developmental competence of exposed bovine oocytes.Periodontal ligament (PDL) stem cell properties are critical in the periodontal tissue regeneration for periodontitis. Previously, we have demonstrated that cigarette smoking attenuates PDL-derived stem cell (PDLSC) regenerative properties. Here, we report the findings on the regenerative properties of human PDLSCs with different donor ages and the underlying mechanisms. Human PDLSCs from 18 independent donors were divided into different age groups (≤ 20, 20-40, and > 40 years old). The proliferation of PDLSCs with donor age of ≤ 20 years old was significantly higher than that of the 20-40- and > 40-years-old groups, whereas the migration of PDLSCs with donor age of ≤ 20 and 20-40 years old was significantly higher than that of the > 40-years-old group. Moreover, the mesodermal lineage differentiation capabilities of PDLSCs were also higher in the donor age group of ≤ 20 years old than the donor age of > 40 years old. In addition, shorter telomere length and lower expression of SSEA4 were found in PDLSCs with donor age of > 40 years old, compared with those with donor age of ≤ 20-years-old group. Besides, PDLSCs with donor age of 20-40 and > 40 years old had higher IL6 and CXCL8 gene expressions. In summary, results from this study revealed the attenuated proliferation, migration, and mesodermal lineage differentiation properties in human PDLSCs with older donor ages. Donor age of PDLSCs should be considered as the selection criteria for the periodontal tissue regeneration treatment.Male reproductive organ plays an important role in sperm production, maintenance and entry to the female reproductive tract, as well as generation and secretion of male sex hormones responsible for the health of male reproductive system. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the experimental and clinical evidence on the utilization of tissue engineering techniques in treating male infertility. Tissue engineering (TE) and regenerative medicine have developed new approaches to treat patients with reproductive disorders such as iatrogenic injuries, congenital abnormalities, and trauma. In some cases, including congenital defects and undescended testis or hypogonadism, the sperm samples are not retrieved. This makes TE a possible future strategy for restoration of male fertility. Here, we have summarized the recent advances in experimental and clinical application of cell-, tissue-, and organ-based regenerative medicine in male reproductive disorders.The RNASET2 ribonuclease, belonging to the highly conserved RH/T2/s RNase gene family, has been recently shown to modulate inflammatory processes in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Indeed, the RNASET2 protein acts as a chemoattractor for macrophages in both in vitro and in vivo experimental settings and its expression significantly increases following bacterial infections. Moreover, we recently observed that injection of human recombinant RNASET2 protein in the body wall of the medicinal leech (a consolidated invertebrate model for both immune response and tissue regeneration) not only induced immune cell recruitment but also apparently triggered massive connective tissue remodelling as well. Based on these data, we evaluate here a possible role of leech recombinant RNASET2 protein (rHvRNASET2) in connective tissue remodelling by characterizing the cell types involved in this process through histochemical, morphological and immunofluorescent assays. Moreover, a time-course expression analysis of newly synthesized pro-collagen1α1 (COL1α1) and basic FGF receptor (bFGFR, a known fibroblast marker) following rHvRNASET2 injection in the leech body wall further supported the occurrence of rHvRNASET2-mediated matrix remodelling.