Besides, MDA level decreased in AEGAK2 and hippocampal but not hypothalamic MDA decreased in AEGAK1 compared with control. However, concomitant administration of AECONS and AEGAK enhanced plasma, hippocampal and hypothalamic biomarkers except hypothalamic MDA level. The present study demonstrates that AECONS and AEGAK synergistically enhances hippocampal and hypothalamic glutamate and Na+/K+-ATPase activity, which are accompanied by NO and SOD-dependent antioxidant enrichment. These findings therefore suggest that AECONS+AEGAK could be a better therapeutic candidate in hippocampal-hypothalamic-related neurodegenerative diseases. These findings therefore suggest that AECONS+AEGAK could be a better therapeutic candidate in hippocampal-hypothalamic-related neurodegenerative diseases. CCR5 and/or CXCR4 receptors on CD4+ T cell membranes are the active sites for HIV to bind. The different classes of drugs have unique mechanism of action to cease the virus but we are concentrating in the first class i.e. NNRTI that destroys the virus while it binds to the cell surface gp120 protein. The drugs are having several impurities that can be genotoxic and few are reported in the monographs. This study proposes the affinity of the impurities to the active site through molecular docking to a receptor (PDB ID 4MBS) from the library of analogues available for the antiretroviral drugs. As these drugs are taken for long term, this study will give a prominent idea for testing the impurities and its genotoxicity. We have done molecular docking of 37 impurities and drugs with GLIDE module of schrodinger software for their binding affinities. In this study, receptor CCR5 and/or CXCR4 is selected containing glycoprotein that mediates virus binding to CD4+ T cell. Didanosine E and Zidovudine D shows maxy.Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an acute or subacute demyelinating disease that affects mainly the optic nerve and spinal cord. A major proportion of NMOSD cases have a relationship with autoimmunity to aquaporin 4 (AQP4) found on the central nervous system. NMOSD can occur repeatedly, causing symptoms such as decreased vision and weakness of limbs. The main goal of current therapy is to relieve acute symptoms and prevent recurrence of the disease. Without timely and appropriate treatment, the recurrence and disability rates are high. In the present work, we review recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with NMOSD, as well as the pathogenesis and mechanisms of AQP4-IgG-seropositive NMOSD. The main protease of SARS-CoV-2 (Mpro) is one of the targets identified in SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. The application of X-ray diffraction crystallography made available the three-dimensional structure of this protein target in complex with ligands, which paved the way for docking studies. Our goal here is to review recent efforts in the application of docking simulations to identify inhibitors of the Mpro using the program AutoDock4. We searched PubMed to identify studies that applied AutoDock4 for docking against this protein target. We used the structures available for Mpro to analyze intermolecular interactions and reviewed the methods used to search for inhibitors. The application of docking against the structures available for the Mpro found ligands with an estimated inhibition in the nanomolar range. Such computational approaches focused on the crystal structures revealed potential inhibitors of Mpro that might exhibit pharmacological activity against SARS-CoV-2. Nevertheless,ology. Furthermore, one of these studies reported the binding of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to Mpro. This study ignores the scientific evidence against the use of these antimalarial drugs to treat COVID-19.There have been intense research interests in sirtuins since the establishment of their regulatory roles in a myriad of pathological processes. In the last two decades, much research efforts have been dedicated to the development of sirtuin modulators. Although synthetic sirtuin modulators are the focus, natural modulators remain an integral part to be further explored in this area as they are found to possess therapeutic potential in various diseases including cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic disorders. Owing to the importance of this cluster of compounds, this review gives a current stand on the naturally occurring sirtuin modulators, , associated molecular mechanisms and their therapeutic benefits.. Furthermore, comprehensive data mining resulted in detailed statistical data analyses pertaining to the development trend of sirtuin modulators from 2010-2020. Lastly, the challenges and future prospect of natural sirtuin modulators in drug discovery will also be discussed.Curcumin, a yellow pigment in Asian spice, is a natural polyphenol component of Curcuma longa rhizome. Curcuminoid components include curcumin, demethoxycurcumin (DMC), and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC). Previous studies established curcumin as a safe agent based on preclinical and clinical evaluations and curcuminoids have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS). The present review collects and summarizes clinical and preclinical studies of curcumin interactions, with an emphasis on the effect of curcumin and curcumin analogs on the mRNA and protein levels of microsomal CYP450 enzymes (phase I metabolism) and their interactions with toxicants, drugs and drug probes. The literature search was conducted using keywords in various scientific databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar. Studies concerning the impact of curcumin and curcumin analogs on microsomal enzyme activity are reviewed and include oral, topical, and systemic treatment in humans and experimental animals, as well as studies from in vitro research. When taken together the data identified some inconsistent results between various studies. The findings showed significant inhibition of CYP450 enzymes by curcumin and its analogs. However such effects often differed when curcumin and curcumin analogs were coadministered with toxicant and other drugs and drug probes. We conclude from this review that herb-drug interactions should be considered when curcumin and curcumin analogs are consumed.