Mitotane is the only drug registered specifically for adrenocortical carcinoma. Finding the optimal dose for a patient is difficult due to large differences in bioavailability, toxicity and effect. We therefore look to improve personalized dosing of mitotane. We searched PubMed for studies related to mitotane dosing, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and combination therapy. Comparison of different dosing strategies have not resulted in an optimal advice. Several computerized pharmacokinetic models have been proposed to predict plasma levels. The current pharmacokinetic models do not explain the full variance in plasma levels. Pharmacogenetics have been proposed to find the unexplained variance. Studies on combination therapy have not yet led to a potential dose adjustment for mitotane. Computerized pharmacokinetics models are promising tools to predict plasma levels, further validation is needed. Pharmacogenetics are introduced in these models, but more research is required before clinical application. We believe that in the near future, personalized mitotane dosage will be aided by a validated web-based pharmacokinetic model with good predictive ability based primarily on clinical characteristics, adjustable for actual plasma levels and dosage. Computerized pharmacokinetics models are promising tools to predict plasma levels, further validation is needed. Pharmacogenetics are introduced in these models, but more research is required before clinical application. We believe that in the near future, personalized mitotane dosage will be aided by a validated web-based pharmacokinetic model with good predictive ability based primarily on clinical characteristics, adjustable for actual plasma levels and dosage.Using six samples of unmarried U.S. residents aged 18-24 who were part of a larger biennial nationally representative survey (2008-2018), the present study examined whether pornography consumption is a risk factor for condomless sex during emerging adulthood. Condomless sex is the norm in popular, commonly consumed, pornography. Further, emerging adulthood is a time of heightened sexual experimentation and risk taking, and many emerging adults view pornography. Consistent with a sexual scripting perspective on media processes and effects, emerging adults who viewed pornography were more likely to have condomless sex than their peers who did not consume pornography. The link between pornography use and condomless sex was similar for men and women, white youth and youth of color, as well as heterosexual and LGB youth. The link was not moderated by age. Further, the link was robust even when indicators of both sexual and nonsexual sensation seeking predilections were included in analyses. These results are consistent with recent suggestions from public health experts that sex education programs need to include modules on pornography literacy. Although several arthroscopic surgical techniques for the treatment of chronic ankle instability (CAI) have been introduced recently, the effect of inferior extensor retinaculum (IER) augmentation remains unclear. To compare the clinical outcomes after arthroscopic anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) repair according to whether additional IER augmentation was performed or not. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. We performed a retrospective review of consecutive patients who underwent arthroscopic ATFL repair surgery for CAI between 2016 and 2018. The mean age of the patients was 35.2 years (range, 19-51 years), and the mean follow-up period was 32.6 months (range, 24-48 months). Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the surgical technique used for CAI arthroscopic ATFL repair (group A; n = 37) and arthroscopic ATFL repair with additional IER augmentation (group R; n = 45). The pain visual analog scale, American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society score, Foot and Ankle Outcome Score, and -inside arthroscopic ATFL repair. However, additional IER augmentation after arthroscopic ATFL repair did not guarantee better clinical outcomes. The clinical and radiologic outcomes of patients with CAI improved after all-inside arthroscopic ATFL repair. However, additional IER augmentation after arthroscopic ATFL repair did not guarantee better clinical outcomes.30 secondary polyphenolic metabolites were characterised in Eucalyptus kino methanol extract using HPLC-MS/MS. The antitumor activity of the extract in combination with low level ionising radiation in female mice with solid tumors from inoculated Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells was investigated. Tumor cell-inoculated mice received daily extract doses (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kgBW) with or without a single exposure to 0.25 Gy γ-rays, and cis-platin as a reference anticancer drug. Changes in the tumor volume, oxidative state, levels of caspase-3, TGF-β and Nf-κB were assessed by q-PCR. Surprisingly, a dose of 200 mg/kg extract together with γ-radiation remarkably reduced the tumor volume, improved the oxidative and apoptotic biomarker levels. In conclusion, results showed that a combination of kino extract with low level γ-radiation synergistically reduced tumor progression due to the antioxidant and anti-proliferative activities of the polyphenolics in the extract.The use of biological motion (BM) stimuli (point-light walkers PLW) may be a novel alternative to improve the clinical impact of Action Observation treatments in Parkinson's Disease, by directing the patient's attentional focus on gait kinematics. However, the recognition of biological motion in Parkinson's patients has thus far been controversial. To evaluate the clinical feasibility of using BM stimuli in Action Observation treatments, we aimed at investigating whether Parkinson's patients in the ON-state condition can identify and use gender-specific cues conveyed by the body structure and by the kinematics of gait of a PLW. 30 Parkinson's patients and 30 healthy elderly observers were tested in a gender identification task with PLW. Parkinson's patients were able to correctly identify the gender of PLW; no differences were found between the two groups of observers. While for both groups, the gender identification task was easier when it required a judgment on a healthy PLW. Lastly, we found that females were more sensitive than males in our identification task.