TP53 and PGAM1 genes play a key role in glycolysis which is an essential metabolic pathway of cancer cells for obtaining energy. The purpose of this work was to evaluate PGAM1 and TP53 mRNA expressions in canine mammary carcinomas (CMC) and to correlate them with animal data and tumour histological features. None of the nine samples analysed revealed PGAM1 DNA sequence variations. PGAM1 and TP53 RNA expressions from 21 CMC were analysed using a one-step reverse transcription-PCR kit and its platform system. Most CMC samples had low levels of PGAM1 mRNA (71.5%) and normal expression of TP53 mRNA (95.2%). Our results suggest a different feature of the Warburg effect on canine mammary cancer cells compared to human cells. Web-based analysis of search queries has become a very useful method in various academic fields for understanding timely and regional differences in the public interest in certain terms and concepts. Particularly in health and medical research, Google Trends has been increasingly used over the last decade. This study aimed to assess the search activity of pain-related parameters on Google Trends from among the most populated regions worldwide over a 3-year period from before the report of the first confirmed COVID-19 cases in these regions (January 2018) until December 2020. Search terms from the following regions were used for the analysis India, China, Europe, the United States, Brazil, Pakistan, and Indonesia. In total, 24 expressions of pain location were assessed. Search terms were extracted using the local language of the respective country. Python scripts were used for data mining. All statistical calculations were performed through exploratory data analysis and nonparametric Mann-Whitney U teststa are indicative of an increased incidence of pain after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as these increased incidences vary across geographical and anatomical locations, our findings could