A key feature of macroautophagy/autophagy is the formation of a transient de novo compartment called the phagophore, which envelops cytoplasmic material, ultimately enclosing it within an autophagosome, allowing it to be targeted for degradation. Schütter et al describe a novel mechanism that spatiotemporally coordinates phospholipid synthesis to drive phagophore expansion and autophagosome formation. These authors show that during starvation, fatty acids (FAs) are channeled into phospholipid synthesis, and the newly synthesized lipids are directed toward autophagosome biogenesis.Abbreviations ACS acyl-CoA synthetase; ER endoplasmic reticulum; FA fatty acid; FAS fatty acid synthetase; MCS membrane contact sites; PAS phagophore assembly site.Purpose This study investigated whether perceptual ratings of speech parameters were predictive of transcription intelligibility in quiet and in noise for speakers with Parkinson's disease (PD). Method Ten speakers with PD and five healthy controls read 56 sentences. One group of 60 listeners orthographically transcribed the sentences in quiet, and another group of 60 listeners transcribed in noise. An additional 23 listeners judged a variety of speech parameters, including articulation, prosody, resonance, voice quality, and ease of understanding on a visual analog scale. Scores of the visual analog scale ratings were regressed against transcription intelligibility in quiet and in noise. Results Perceptual ratings of all the speech parameters were lower for speakers with PD. Global speech understanding, indexed by ease of understanding ratings, was associated with transcription intelligibility in quiet and in noise with a stronger effect in noise. Among the rated speech parameters, ease of understanding and voice quality ratings were significant predictors of speech intelligibility in noise. Conclusions Speech in individuals with PD was more difficult for listeners