Correlation analysis revealed significant positive associations between time on CPB and syndecan-1 (rs = 0.488, P  less then  0.001) and level of syndecan-1 and neutrophil count (rs = 0.351, P = 0.038) at 4-8 h. Intravenous administration of recombinant syndecan-1 in mice resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in the number of circulating neutrophils, concurrent with decreased bone marrow neutrophil number. CONCLUSIONS Longer duration of CPB is associated with increased plasma levels of soluble syndecan-1, a signal for EG degradation, which can induce neutrophil egress from the bone marrow. Development of therapy targeting EG shedding may be beneficial in patients with prolonged CPB. BACKGROUND Increased health care spending concerns have generated interest in reducing operating room (OR) costs, but the cost awareness of the surgical team selecting intraoperative supplies remains unclear. This work characterizes knowledge of supply cost among surgeons and OR staff in a large academic hospital and seeks to examine the role of experience and training with regards to cost insight. METHODS This work is a cross-sectional study of surgeons, trainees, nurses, and surgical technicians (n = 372) across all surgical specialties at a large academic hospital. Participants completed a survey reporting frequency of use and estimated cost for 11 common surgical supplies as well as opinions on access to cost information in the OR. Cost estimation error was expressed as the ratio of estimated-to-actual cost, and groups were compared with one-way analysis of variance and chi-squared testing. Spearman correlation (ρ) was used to describe the relationship between monotonic variables. RESULTS Overestimation error was universal and ranged widely (3.80-49.79). There was no significant difference in estimation accuracy when stratified by role or years of experience. Less expensive items had higher rates of estimation error than more expensive items (P  less then  0.001), and a moderately strong relationship was found between decreased item cost and increased estimation error (ρ 0.49). The overwhelming majority (91%) of respondents expressed a desire to learn more about supply pricing. CONCLUSIONS Price knowledge of common supplies is globally impaired for entire surgical team but coexists with a strong desire to augment cost awareness. Improved access to cost information has a high potential to inform surgical decision-making and decrease OR waste. For a long time, the structural basis of TXA2 receptor is limited due to the lack of crystal structure information, till the release of the crystal structure of TXA2 receptor, which deepens our understanding about ligand recognition and selectivity mechanisms of this physiologically important receptor. In this research, we report the successful implementation in the discovery of an optimal pharmacophore model of human TXA2 receptor antagonists through virtual screening. Structure-based pharmacophore models were generated based on two crystal structures of human TXA2 receptor (PDB entry 6IIU and 6IIV). Docking simulation revealed interaction modes of the virtual screening hits against TXA2 receptor, which was validated through molecular dynamics simulation and binding free energy calculation. ADMET properties were also analyzed to evaluate the toxicity and physio-chemical characteristics of the hits. The research would provide valuable insight into the binding mechanisms of TXA2 receptor antagonists and thus be helpful for designing novel antagonists. Bacteria use two-component systems (TCSs) to sense and respond to their environments. Free-living bacteria usually contain dozens of TCSs, each of them responsible for sensing and responding to a different range of signals. Differences in the content of two-component systems are related with the capacity of the bacteria to colonize different niches or improve the efficiency to grow under the conditions of the existing niche. This review highlights differences in the TCS content between Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus as a case study to exemplify how the ability to sense and respond to the environment is relevant for bacterial capacity to colonize and survive in/on different body surfaces. Pre-term birth is a major health concern that occurs in approximately 10% of births worldwide. Despite high incidence rate, long-term consequences of pre-term birth remain unclear. Recent evidence suggests that elevated oxidative stress observed in pre-term born infants could persist into adulthood. Given that oxidative stress is known to play an important role in response to physical activity and hypoxia, we investigated whether oxidative stress responses to acute exercise in normoxia and hypoxia may be differently modulated in pre-term vs. full-term born adults. Twenty-two pre-term born and fifteen age-matched full-term born controls performed maximal incremental cycling tests in both normoxia (FiO2 0.21) and normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 0.13; simulated altitude of 3800 m) in blinded and randomized manner. Plasma levels of oxidative stress (advanced oxidation protein products [AOPP] and malondialdehyde), antioxidant (ferric reducing antioxidant power, glutathione peroxidase, catalase [CAT] and superoxide dismutase [SOD]) and nitrosative stress markers (nitrotyrosine, nitrite and total nitrite and nitrate [NOx]) were measured before and immediately after each test. AOPP (+24%, P less then 0.001), CAT (+38%, P less then 0.001) and SOD (+12%, P=0.018) and NOx (+17%, P=0.024) significantly increased in response to exercise independently of condition and birth status. No difference in response to acute exercise in normoxia was noted between pre-term and full-term born adults in any of measured markers. Hypoxic exposure during exercise resulted in significant increase in AOPP (+45%, P=0.008), CAT (+55%, P=0.019) and a trend for an increase in nitrite/nitrate content (+35%, P=0.107) only in full-term and not pre-term born individuals. These results suggest that prematurely born adult individuals exhibit higher resistance to oxidative stress response to exercise in hypoxia.