The reaction proceeds with an increase of the unit-cell volume, which, suppressed by high pressure, results in a significant decrease of the reaction rate. The crystal lattice of S-PEATPBB shows high elasticity. The quality of the partially reacted crystal remains the same after decompression from 0.75 GPa to 0.1 MPa.The engineering of supramolecular architectures needs accurate descriptions of the intermolecular interactions in crystal structures. Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) is an effective building block used in the construction of promising functional materials. The parallel packing of the neutral TTF-TTF system was studied previously using the high-level quantum chemical method, advancing it as a valuable model system. The recently developed tight-binding quantum chemical method GFN2-xTB and local coupled-cluster method DLPNO-CCSD(T) were used to investigate the stacking interactions of TTF and selected derivatives deposited in the Cambridge Structural Database. Using the interaction energy of the TTF-TTF dimer calculated at the CCSD(T)/CBS level as the reference, the accuracies of the two methods are investigated. The energy decomposition analysis within the DLPNO-CCSD(T) framework reveals the importance of dispersion interaction in the TTF-related stacking systems. The dispersion interaction density plot vividly shows the magnitude and distribution of the dispersion interaction, providing a revealing insight into the stacking interactions in crystal structures. The results show that the GFN2-xTB and DLPNO-CCSD(T) methods could achieve accuracy at an affordable computational cost, which would be valuable in understanding the nature of parallel stacking in supramolecular systems. Breast cancer (BC) is a major public health problem diagnosed in more than 2 million women worldwide in 2018, causing more than 600,000 deaths. 90% of deaths due to breast cancer are caused by metastasis. Metastasis is a complex process that is divided into several steps, including separation of tumor cells from the primary tumor, invasion, cell migration, intravasation, vasculature survival, extravasation, and colonization of the secondary site. Astaxanthin (AXT) is a marine-based ketocarotenoid that has many different potential functions such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and oxidative stress-reducing properties to potentially reduce the incidence of cancer or inhibit the expansion of tumor cells. This study aims to investigate the effects of astaxanthin as a new metastasis inhibitor on T47D human invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer cell. To investigate the effects of the astaxanthin as a new metastasis inhibitor on T47D cell, expression levels of anti-maspin, anti-Kai1, anti-BRMS1, and anti-MKK4 were examined by western blot. Also, we evaluated differences of these suppressors expression levels in tissue sections of 10 patients diagnosed with in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma by immunohistochemistry method. 250 μM astaxanthin increased the activation of all metastasis suppressing proteins. Also, these metastasis suppressors showed higher expression in invasive ductal carcinoma tissues than in situ ductal carcinoma patients. We think that astaxanthin is a promising therapeutic agent for invasive ductal carcinoma patients. The effects of astaxanthin on metastasis in breast cancer should be investigated further based on these results. Breast, cancer, metastasis. Breast, cancer, metastasis. Retroperitoneal soft-tissue sarcoma is a very rare neoplasm, the most frequent histological subtype is liposarcoma with up to 45% of all cases. Unspecific clinical presentation, late diagnosis and high local recurrence rate represent important problems in clinical practice. We present the case of an adult patient with an unusual large liposarcoma of the retroperitoneum analyzing diagnostic workup, surgical approach and therapeutic strategies. A 68-years old female was admitted with weight gain (+12 kg) and increasing abdominal girth. Computed tomography scan imaging showed a retroperitoneal tumor with 40 cm maximum diameter. Biopsy revealed a myxoid liposarcoma. The interdisciplinary curative surgical treatment included preoperative ureteral splinting, en-bloc tumorexstirpation, ileocecal resection, right ureteral resection and vascular reconstruction of the Arteria iliaca communis. The postoperative course was uneventful. After sixteen months the patient developed multifocal local recurrence requiring extensive surgical resection of tumor and retroperitoneal fat (Figs. 3, 4). However, thirteen months later the tumor reappeared and the patient was assigned to palliative chemotherapy. The patient is still alive with stable tumor disease. The removal of a huge retroperitoneal sarcoma is a significant challenge for the surgeon. Accurate planning, interdisciplinary treatment options, and radical surgery are essential. However, the recurrence risk is exceptionally high because of the enormous tumor dimensions and the big tumor surface, multimodal therapeutic approaches may improve the outcome in these patients. Liposarcoma, Retroperitoneum, Surgery. Liposarcoma, Retroperitoneum, Surgery.The birth and adult development of 'Dolly' the sheep, the first mammal produced by the transfer of a terminally differentiated cell nucleus into an egg, provided unequivocal evidence of nuclear equivalence among somatic cells. This ground-breaking experiment challenged a long-standing dogma of irreversible cellular differentiation that prevailed for over a century and enabled the development of methodologies for reversal of differentiation of somatic cells, also known as nuclear reprogramming. Thanks to this new paradigm, novel alternatives for regenerative medicine in humans, improved animal breeding in domestic animals and approaches to species conservation through reproductive methodologies have emerged. Combined with the incorporation of new tools for genetic modification, these novel techniques promise to (i) transform and accelerate our understanding of genetic diseases and the development of targeted therapies through creation of tailored animal models, (ii) provide safe animal cells, tissues and organs for xenotransplantation, (iii) contribute to the preservation of endangered species, and (iv) improve global food security whilst reducing the environmental impact of animal production.