In 5 years after PCIwS the ratio between concentric/eccentric LVH was 21, whereas after CABG - 12. Conclusions Within the 1st year after revascularization, patients with CABG had more severe LVH. In 5 years after PCIwS the ratio between concentric/eccentric LVH was 21, whereas after CABG - 12. The aim To study was to use mathematical modeling in assessing the stress-strain state of the bone-implant system during plate osteosynthesis with a PHILOS plate of a proximal humerus fracture with polylactic acid implants. Materials and methods Two bone-implant systems with a three-fragment humerus fracture according to the Neer classification (type 11-C1 according to the AO / ASIF classification) were selected for the study, one of which was with additional reinforcement of the head fragment with two polylactic acid implants (PLA - polylactide Ingeo™ Biopolymer 4032D). Sawbones (Europe AB, Malmö, Sweden) built the humeral model on 3D scanning of the composite model № 3404 of the left humerus. Results A comparative analysis of the obtained results of mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of the bone-implant systems showed that with given constraints (hand abduction to 90°), the use of two polylactic acid implants can reduce the stress in the plate and screws, respectively, by 11% and 6% . Conclusions The use of polylactic acid implants during osteosynthesis of three- and four-fragment fractures of the proximal humerus, especially in the case of osteoporosis, allows providing for the reinforcement of metal structures and supporting of the articular surface without deterioration of fixation rigidity. Conclusions The use of polylactic acid implants during osteosynthesis of three- and four-fragment fractures of the proximal humerus, especially in the case of osteoporosis, allows providing for the reinforcement of metal structures and supporting of the articular surface without deterioration of fixation rigidity. The aim To estimate the prevalence of anemia in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, major pathogenetic variants and their relationship with the activity of the inflammatoryprocess and the severity of the disease. Materials and methods 118 patients with ankylosing spondylitis participated in the study, which performed hematologic, biochemical, immunological studies with general haemopoiesis and ferrokinetics parameters, plasma levels of CRP and IL-6. Results It was found that in Ukrainian population of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, 28.8% of patients has anemic syndrome. The anemia spectrum is represented by ACD (44.1%), ACD with iron deficiency (29.4%) and IDA (23.5%). It is shown that the severity of anemic syndrome increases with the increase of the stage of activity of the inflammatory process. The presence and severity of anemia are closely related to the severe course of the disease, evaluated by the BASDAI and ASDAS index, and laboratory markers of inflammation CRP and IL-6 of serum. Conclusions The obtained data is promising for the search of effective means of correction of anemic syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Conclusions The obtained data is promising for the search of effective means of correction of anemic syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Introduction The lumbar lordosis angle measured by radiology under normal conditions is between 135-1400. Any deviation from the values is associated with a change in static-dynamic loads and should translate into a change in bone tissue within the lumbar-sacral border, which results from a change in the distribution of load forces acting on individual parts of the vertebral bodies. The aim To determine the relationship between individual variants of lordosis (hypolordosis, hyperlordosis, norm) and the general density of the spongy part of individual vertebral bodies and in selected zones of the lumbosacral zone (L5 / S1). Material and methods The study group was a population of women over 50 (n = 277), it was divided into three subgroups, i.e. women with normal, shallow and deepened lordosis. In the sagittal view, the density of vertebral bodies from L1 to S1 was assessed. Results The difference in the overall density of individual stems between normal lordosis and extreme values was significant (p≥0.05) only for the L1, L2 and S1 vertebrae, whereas in the case of an excessive lordosis angle, the density of spongy bone tissue showed significant differences for all measurement points. Conclusions Deviations from the correct values of the lumbar lordosis angle result in a change in compressive and shear forces, which is reflected in the reconstruction of bonetissue. This can be a clue to differentiate the physiotherapy program of women reporting back pain - depending on the size of the lumbar lordosis angle. Conclusions Deviations from the correct values of the lumbar lordosis angle result in a change in compressive and shear forces, which is reflected in the reconstruction of bonetissue. This can be a clue to differentiate the physiotherapy program of women reporting back pain - depending on the size of the lumbar lordosis angle. The aim is to establish the features of morphological and morphometric changes in the skin of guinea pigs in erythemal, early post-erythemal and late post-erythemic periods after local ultraviolet irradiation. Materials and methods Studies were conducted on 54 albino guinea pigs weighing 400-500 g. Ultraviolet erythema was caused by irradiation in 1 minimum erythemal dose. The control group included intact guinea pigs. After 2, 4 hours, on the 3rd, 8th, 15th, 21st, 28th day, the fragments of the irradiated skin were investigated using histochemical and morphometric methods. Results After 2, 4 hours after irradiation, dyscirculatory changes in the skin develop. By the 3rd day of the experiment a morphological picture of acute inflammation in the epidermis and dermis develops, apoptotic keratinocytes appear (sunburn cells), which is accompanied by thickening of the epidermis and an increase in the density of fibroblasts. By the 8th day proliferative-hyperplastic and degenerative changes begin to prevail, including dystrophic nature, the thickness of the epidermis and the density of fibroblasts reach a maximum.