Physiological parameters in relation to primary metabolism such as photosynthetic pigment content, soluble sugar content, and invertase enzymes along with morphological parameters were analysed in O. basilicum and O. sanctum. Differential expression profiling uncovered about 8116 and 2810 differentially expressed transcripts in O. basilicum and O. sanctum, respectively. Enrichment of differentially expressed genes were analysed in relation to metabolic pathways, primary metabolism and secondary metabolism. Trichome related genes identified from the Ocimum species vis-à-vis their expression profiles suggested higher expression in O. basilicum. The findings in this study provide interesting insights into the role of trichome-related transcripts in relation to essential oil content in Ocimum species. The study is valuable as this is the first study on revealing the transcripts and their role in trichome development and essential oil biogenesis in two major species of Ocimum. To evaluate the differences in MR findings between nonhemophilic hemosiderotic synovitis (HS) and diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor (D-TGCT) of the knee. This study included 13 patients with histopathologically confirmed intra-articular hemosiderin deposition of the knee (eight with nonhemophilic HS and five with D-TGCT) who underwent preoperative MR imaging including T2*-weighted images (T2*WI). We retrospectively reviewed the MR images and compared MR findings between the two pathologies. Lateral meniscus tear and lateral articular cartilage injury (88% vs. 20%, p < 0.05) and distribution in the suprapatellar bursa of the maximum thickness of T2* hypointense synovium (75% vs. 0%, p < 0.05) were significantly more frequent in nonhemophilic HS than in D-TGCT, respectively. Among patients who underwent contrast-enhanced imaging, all five patients with nonhemophilic HS showed minimal to mild enhancement of the thickened synovium with superficial linear enhancement, whereas all four patients with D-TGCT showed moderate to severe enhancement (p < 0.01). As compared with D-TGCT, lateral meniscus tear, lateral articular cartilage injury, lesser degree of contrast enhancement of the thickened synovium, and distribution in the suprapatellar bursa of the maximum thickness of T2* hypointense synovium were characteristic features of nonhemophilic HS. As compared with D-TGCT, lateral meniscus tear, lateral articular cartilage injury, lesser degree of contrast enhancement of the thickened synovium, and distribution in the suprapatellar bursa of the maximum thickness of T2* hypointense synovium were characteristic features of nonhemophilic HS. This study aims to analyze alveolar bone height (ABH) in the maxillary molar area according to the anatomical relationship between maxillary sinus and maxillary molar teeth via cone beam computed tomography images. In 330 patients, 660 maxillary first molar (M1) and 648 maxillary second molar (M2) were evaluated. ABH measurements were made as to the shortest distance between the furcation midpoints of maxillary molars and the lowest point of the sinus floor. After the measurement, the positions of the maxillary molar teeth relative to the maxillary sinus were classified into four categories as type 1, 2, 3, and 4. ABH measurements in males were significantly higher than females (p < 0.05), but there were no differences between sides (p > 0.05). There were significant differences between types of both M1 and M2 for ABH, and the longest ABH was measured in type 1 (p < 0.05). Type 3 was the most common among 1308 maxillary molars teeth followed by type 1, type 2, and type 4. Determination of the relationship between maxillary molar teeth and the maxillary sinus and analysis of ABH according to this relationship may help plan endodontic treatment, apical surgery, and immediate implant therapy and prevent their complications. Determination of the relationship between maxillary molar teeth and the maxillary sinus and analysis of ABH according to this relationship may help plan endodontic treatment, apical surgery, and immediate implant therapy and prevent their complications.The signalling protein PKCγ is a major regulator of Purkinje cell development and synaptic function. We have shown previously that increased PKCγ activity impairs dendritic development of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Mutations in the protein kinase Cγ gene (PRKCG) cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 (SCA14). In a transgenic mouse model of SCA14 expressing the human S361G mutation, Purkinje cell dendritic development is impaired in cerebellar slice cultures similar to pharmacological activation of PKC. The mechanisms of PKCγ-driven inhibition of dendritic growth are still unclear. Using immunoprecipitation-coupled mass spectrometry analysis, we have identified collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) as a protein interacting with constitutive active PKCγ(S361G) and confirmed the interaction with the Duolink™ proximity ligation assay. We show that in cerebellar slice cultures from PKCγ(S361G)-mice, phosphorylation of CRMP2 at the known PKC target site Thr555 is increased in Purkinje cells confirming phosphorylation of CRMP2 by PKCγ. miRNA-mediated CRMP2 knockdown decreased Purkinje cell dendritic outgrowth in dissociated cerebellar cultures as did the transfection of CRMP2 mutants with a modified Thr555 site. In contrast, dendritic development was normal after wild-type CRMP2 overexpression. In a novel knock-in mouse expressing only the phospho-defective T555A-mutant CRMP2, Purkinje cell dendritic development was reduced in dissociated cultures. This reduction could be rescued by transfecting wild-type CRMP2 but only partially by the phospho-mimetic T555D-mutant. Our findings establish CRMP2 as an important target of PKCγ phosphorylation in Purkinje cells mediating its control of dendritic development. Dynamic regulation of CRMP2 phosphorylation via PKCγ is required for its correct function.Cyclooxygenases are a group of heme-containing isozymes (namely Cox-1 and Cox-2) that catalyze the conversion of arachidonic acid to largely bioactive prostaglandins (PGs). Cox-1 is the ubiquitous housekeeping enzyme, and the mitogen-inducible Cox-2 is activated to cause inflammation. Interestingly, Cox-2 is constitutively expressed in the brain at the postsynaptic dendrites and excitatory terminals of the cortical and spinal cord neurons. Neuronal Cox-2 is activated in response to synaptic excitation to yield PGE2, the predominant Cox-2 metabolite in the brain, which in turn stimulates the release of glutamate and neuronal firing in a retrograde fashion. Cox-2 is also engaged in the metabolism of new endocannabinoids from 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol to modulate their actions at presynaptic terminals. In addition to these interactions, the induction of neuronal Cox-2 is coupled to the trans-synaptic activation of the dopaminergic mesolimbic system and some serotoninergic receptors, which might contribute to the development of emotional behavior.