standing and selfcare skills of T2G patients. Disease and self-care awareness among diabetics should be increased in Nepali healthcare system by involving pharmacists for better patient's related outcomes. The infection with coronavirus and non-survivor cases have been escalated since the first inception between January and March 2020. Therefore, reviewing the collated clinical characteristics of non-survivors might assist in current preventive efforts, triaging, and management of survivors. The aim of this review was to summarize the clinical characteristics of non-survivor cases due to the infection caused by a novel coronavirus and to identify the relevant data that might put the new cases at increased mortality. We have identified three published articles on novel coronavirus reported during December 01, 2020, to March 15, 2020, which have described the mortality rate in Wuhan, Hubei, China. The mean duration of studies (i.e., the three retrospective studies with 278 cases) was 24.7 days, and the duration of onset to dyspnea was variable between 8 and 5 days. The main reported complications were acute respiratory distress, pneumonia, acute kidney injury, and acute cardiac disease. The overall major coecreased in the later-dated study to 3.4%.Tetracera scandens is a southeast Asian shrub that belongs to family Dilleniaceae. Over the years, different parts of the plant have been used for the management of different diseases, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, rheumatism, diarrhea, hepatitis, and inflammation. This variety of medical indications has attracted the attention of many researchers to this plant species, leading to the conduction of many research studies on different parts of the plant. These studies have confirmed some of the aforementioned activities of the plant, whereas other indications remain to be ascertained. This article is an attempt to summarize the studies conducted on T. scandens and to explore the isolated phytochemicals.The ancient Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda has a treatment for symptom complexes of a variety of diseases. One such combination of Ayurvedic medications has potential for use in COVID 19 infection, and hence a prospective study was conducted with this formulation as an add-on, in COVID positive patients in a dedicated COVID hospital. The objective of the study was to evaluate the additional benefit of an Ayurvedic regime in COVID positive patients on the basis of rate of clinical improvement. The Ayurvedic formulation was administered as an add-on to Standard of Care (SoC) in patients with mild to moderate symptoms, in this prospective, open-label, comparative study. Control group received SoC only. Patients receiving Dasamoolkaduthrayam Kashaya and Guluchyadi Kwatham in tablet form in addition to the SoC showed a faster recovery from breathlessness with reduced ageusia. Patients on the treatment group could be discharged earlier than those from the control group. Addition of Dasamoolkaduthrayam Kashaya and Guluchyadi Kwatham to SoC appeared to accelerate recovery of patients hospitalized for COVID 19 infection, in terms of reduction of symptoms and duration of hospital stay.The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on healthcare services. Deprioritisation of nonemergency clinical services and growing concerns of adverse outcomes of COVID-19 in cancer patients is having a deleterious impact across oncologic practice. We report cancer surgery outcomes taking into account the acuity of the COVID-19 situation. A prospectively maintained database of the Department of Surgical Oncology was analysed from 1st May to 30th June, 2020, to evaluate the perioperative outcomes, morbidity and mortality following major surgical procedures. A total of 359, preoperatively, tested negative for COVID-19 underwent surgery. Median age was 52 years with 26.7% (n = 96) above the age of 60 years. Sixty-one percent (n = 219) patients were American Society of Anaesthesiology grades II-III. As per surgical complexity grading, 36.8% (n = 132) cases were lower grades (I-III) and 63.2% (n = 227) were complex surgeries (IV-VI). 5.3% (n = 19) had ≥ grade III Clavien-Dindo complication, and the postoperative mortality rate was 0.27% (n = 1). Major complication rates in patients > 60 years were 9.3% in comparison to 4.1% in less then  60 years (p = 0·63). The median hospital stay was 1-10 days across subspecialties. Postoperatively, repeat COVID 19 testing in 2 suspected patients were negative. Our study showed that after screening, triaging and prioritisation, asymptomatic cases may undergo cancer surgeries without increased morbidity during COVID-19 pandemic.Morquio syndrome (MS) is an autosomal recessive defect caused by the deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase. Odontoid hypoplasia, periodontoid soft tissue deposition, and cervical stenosis lead to myelopathy and quadriparesis in these patients. Craniovertebral junction instability in MS possesses a surgical challenge as bones are yet to completely ossify. The atlantoaxial dislocation (AAD) is reducible, and the need of transoral decompression for the soft tissue deposition ventral to odontoid is debatable. We present a series of four cases (mean age 4.3 ± 0.4 years) operated through posterior-only approach (n = 2, C1-lateral mass to C2 pars-interarticularis [Goel's technique]; n = 1 sublaminar wiring followed by C1-lateral mass to C2 pars-interarticularis; and n = 1 suboccipital plate with pars-interarticularis of C2 screw and pedicle of C3 and rod fixation). All patients had acceptable outcome and doing well at the last follow-up (12-96-follow-up). None of our patient needed transoral decompression. Patients with MS frequently manifest with spastic quadriparesis at an early age due to reducible AAD. Early surgical fixation with posterior C1-C2 screw and rod technique is recommended for the favorable surgical outcome and long-term stability of the cervical spine.A 28-year-old normotensive female presented with Horner's syndrome and paresthesia over the left side of the chest. Imaging study showed a large heterogeneous enhancing lesion in short-T1 inversion recovery sequence with flow voids in T2W sequence of magnetic resonance imaging. The lesion was located in the left-sided D1 and D2 regions extending into the neural foramina and apical part of the lung. During surgery, even minimal dissection of the tumor resulted in marked fluctuation in hemodynamic parameters, requiring temporary suspension of the surgery multiple times until hemodynamic parameters were brought under control by the anesthesiologist with drugs. The massive fluctuation in hemodynamic parameters in an unprepared and unanticipated scenario was a challenge for the anesthetist and surgeon. The tumor was radically excised with improvement of paresthesia in the immediate postoperative period, but Horner's syndrome persisted. After 18-months of follow-up, she was relieved of all symptoms including Horner's syndrome.