3% and a sensitivity of 61.9%. In Primary Care agreement was 36.1%, with a specificity of 98.4% and a sensitivity of 42.8%. Infectious lesions represented the largest concordance difference obtained, with 27% less in Primary Care compared to Minor Surgery. Minor Surgery is an effective support in the initial diagnosis of lesions referred for evaluation at Primary Care. However, it is necessary to implement improvements in diagnostic efficacy of Primary Care. Minor Surgery is an effective support in the initial diagnosis of lesions referred for evaluation at Primary Care. However, it is necessary to implement improvements in diagnostic efficacy of Primary Care.High amounts of deposited nitrogen (N) dramatically influence the stability and functions of alpine ecosystems by changing soil microbial community functions, but the mechanism is still unclear. To investigate the impacts of increased N deposition on microbial community functions, a 2-year multilevel N addition (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 kg N ha-1 year-1) field experiment was set up in an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau. Soil microbial functional genes (GeoChip 4.6), together with soil enzyme activity, soil organic compounds and environmental variables, were used to explore the response of microbial community functions to N additions. The results showed that the N addition rate of 40 kg N ha-1 year-1 was the critical value for soil microbial functional genes in this alpine steppe. A small amount of added N (≤40 kg N ha-1 year-1) had no significant effects on the abundance of microbial functional genes, while high amounts of added N (>40 kg N ha-1 year-1) significantly increased the abundance of soil organic carbon degradation genes. Additionally, the abundance of microbial functional genes associated with NH4+, including ammonification, N fixation and assimilatory nitrate reduction pathways, was significantly increased under high N additions. Further, high N additions also increased soil organic phosphorus utilization, which was indicated by the increase in the abundance of phytase genes and alkaline phosphatase activity. Plant richness, soil NO2-/NH4+ and WSOC/WSON were significantly correlated with the abundance of microbial functional genes, which drove the changes in microbial community functions under N additions. These findings help us to predict that increased N deposition in the future may alter soil microbial functional structure, which will lead to changes in microbially-mediated biogeochemical dynamics in alpine steppes on the Tibetan Plateau and will have extraordinary impacts on microbial C, N and P cycles.Climate change is expected to increase the prevalence of water-borne diseases especially in developing countries. Climate-resilient drinking water supplies are critical to protect communities from faecal contamination and thus against increasing disease risks. However, no quantitative assessment exists for the impacts of short-term climate variability on faecal contamination at different drinking water sources in developing countries, while existing understanding remains largely conceptual. This critical gap limits the ability to predict drinking water quality under climate change or to recommend climate-resilient water sources for vulnerable communities. This study aims to provide such quantitative understanding by investigating the relationships between faecal contamination and short-term climate variability across different types of water sources. We collected a novel dataset with over 20 months' monitoring of weather, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliforms, at 233 different water sources in three hich highlight the urgent need of protecting vulnerable communities from the severe climate impacts.Tropical peatlands are areas of high carbon density that are important in biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Drainage and burning of tropical peatlands releases about 5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, yet there is great uncertainty in these estimates. Our comprehensive literature review of parameters required to calculate GHG emissions from burnt peat forests, following the international guidelines, revealed many gaps in knowledge of carbon pools and few recent supporting studies. To improve future estimates of the total ecosystem carbon balance and peatfire emissions this study aimed to account for all carbon pools aboveground, deadwood, pyrogenic carbon (PyC) and peat of single and repeatedly burnt peat forests. A further aim was to identify the minimum sampling intensity required to detect with 80% power significant differences in these carbon pools among long unburnt, recently burnt and repeatedly burnt peat swamp forests. About 90 Mg C ha-1 remains aboveground as deadwood after a single fire and half of this remains after a second fire. One fire produces 4.5 ± 0.6 Mg C ha-1 of PyC, with a second fire increasing this to 7.1 ± 0.8 Mg C ha-1. For peat swamp forests these aboveground carbon pools are rarely accounted in estimates of emissions following multiple fires, while PyC has not been included in the total peat carbon mass balance. Peat bulk density and peat carbon content change with fire frequency, yet these parameters often remain constant in the published emission estimates following a single and multiple fires. Our power analysis indicated that as few as 12 plots are required to detect meaningful differences between fire treatments for the major carbon pools. Further field studies directed at improving the parameters for calculating carbon balance of disturbed peat forest ecosystems are required to better constrain peatfire GHG emission estimates.Moving towards a greener economy requires detailed information on the environmental impacts of global value chains. Environmentally-extended multi-regional input-output (MRIO) analysis plays a key role in providing this information, but current databases are limited in their spatial (e.g. EXIOBASE3) or sectoral resolution (e.g. Eora26 and GTAP) as well as their indicator coverage. Here, we present an automated, transparent, and comparably time-efficient approach to improve the resolution, quality, and indicator coverage of an existing MRIO database. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/CP-690550.html Applied on EXIOBASE3, we disaggregate and improve the limited spatial resolution by weighting each element with country and sector specific shares derived from Eora26, FAOSTAT, and previous studies. The resolved database covers 189 countries, 163 sectors, and a cutting-edge set of environmental and socio-economic indicators from the years 1995 to 2015. The importance of our improvements is highlighted by the EU-27 results, which reveal a significant increase in the EU's water stress and biodiversity loss footprint as a result of the spatial disaggregation and regionalized assessment.