Cool 1 script Cellphone and Magnifying Glass stare at eachother. Cellphone: … Magnifying Glass: … Cellphone:, are you gonna do anything? Magnifying Glass: Nnnnnope! Cellphone: WH- WHY NO- Magnifying Glass: Shush, sheesh! I have the right to do anything I want! Like standing around...and..uh.. Magnifying Glass: Like looking at that conveniently placed weirdo plant over there! Cellphone: ..why conveniently placed? Magnifying Glass: So i can escape from this conversation. Magnifying Glass runs over to the plant, where a few other objects are gazing. Shovel: What in the world?? App: OHMAHGODITSAGIANTBLUEGLOWINGPLAMTABOUTTOBURSTWHYISTHISHEREHOWDIDITGETHEREWHYAREWEALLSTARINGATIT Teabag: ...Why am i wasting my time here. Shovel: W-wasting time? Not at all! J-just look at this magnificent- Magnifying Glass: Heyyy, my bro, Shovel! What’s up! Shovel: This amazing plant is what’s up! Just look at it! Weight Detector: B-but just look at that alien thing!! It could blow up and an army of object-eating mutant aliens could kill us all ANY MINUTE! Magnifying Glass: Oh, don’t worry, Weight Detector! It won’t blow up any minute! Weight Detector: O-oh, really? Phew! I thought it would blow up any- Magnifying Glass: IT’LL BLOW UP ANY SECOND!!!!! Weight Detector: aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH- Shovel: MAGNIFYING GLASS! Didn’t we talk about this!? Magnifying Glass: Well, sor-REE, i just liked pulling a lil’ prank, you know? Shovel: Whatever. Anyway, Weight Detector, are you okay? My FRIEND over here was just pulling a prank.. Weight Detector: Yeah,’s okay.. Shamrock: Everyone, gaze and watch! The oh-so-mysterious plant is about to open up a WHOLE NEW WORLD of possibilities! 2-Dot Domino: Ooh! A new type of food? I loooove food. 3-Dot Domino: Naaah. I would prefer a new rhino! Rhinos are awesome! 2-Dot Domino: Well, what about a rhino-berry? 3-Dot Domino: Uhhhhhhhh- *The plant starts glowing and pulsing.*