#include <iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct Node { int key; Node* p_left; Node* p_right; }; Node* creatNode(int data) { Node* p = new Node; p->key = data; p->p_left = NULL; p->p_right = NULL; return p; } //NLR void printPreOder(Node* root) { //NLR if (root == NULL) return; cout << root->key << " "; printPreOder(root->p_left); printPreOder(root->p_right); } //LNR void printInOder(Node* root) { //LNR if (root == NULL) return; printPreOder(root->p_left); cout << root->key << " "; printPreOder(root->p_right); } //LRN void printPostOder(Node* root) { //LRN if (root == NULL) return; printPreOder(root->p_left); printPreOder(root->p_right); cout << root->key << " "; } // calculate the height of the given BST int height(Node* root) { if (root == NULL) return 0; else { int lheight = height(root->p_left); int rheight = height(root->p_right); if (lheight > rheight) return(lheight + 1); else return(rheight + 1); } } // calculate the total value of all nodes from a given BST int totalValueNode(Node* root) { if (root == NULL) return 0; else { return root->key + totalValueNode(root->p_left) + totalValueNode(root->p_right); } } //count the number of Node from a given BST int countNode(Node* root) { if (root == NULL) return 0; else { return countNode(root->p_left) + countNode(root->p_right)+1; } } Node* Search(Node* root, int x) { if (root == NULL || root->key == x) { return root; } if (root->key < x) return Search(root->p_right, x); // Key is smaller than root's key return Search(root->p_left, x); } void printGivenLevel(Node* root, int level) { if (root == NULL) return; if (level == 1) cout << root->key << " "; else if (level > 1) { printGivenLevel(root->p_left, level - 1); printGivenLevel(root->p_right, level - 1); } } void LevelOrder(Node* root) { if (root) return; int h = height(root); int i; for (i = 1; i <= h; i++) printGivenLevel(root, i); } void insertNode(Node*& root, int x) { Node* temp = creatNode(x); //empty if (root == NULL) { root = temp; return; } //left if (x < root->key) return insertNode(root->p_left, x); //right else if (x > root->key) return insertNode(root->p_right, x); else return; } Node* LeftMostNode(Node* pRoot) { Node* p = pRoot; while (p->p_left != NULL) p = p->p_left; return p; } Node* RightMostNode(Node* pRoot) { Node* p = pRoot; while (p->p_right != NULL) p = p->p_right; return p; } void removeNode(Node*& root, int x) { if (root == NULL) { return; } //left if (x < root->key) return removeNode(root->p_left, x); //right else if (x > root->key) return removeNode(root->p_right, x); else { //pRoot don't have child if (root->p_left == NULL && root->p_right == NULL) { delete root; root = NULL; }//pRoot have one child else if (root->p_left == NULL || root->p_right == NULL) { Node* p = new Node; p = root; if (root->p_left == NULL) { root = root->p_right; } else { root = root->p_left; } delete p; } else { //TH3: pRoot have two child // p = Node LeftMost of child right ??? // p = Node RightMost of child left ??? Node* p = RightMostNode(root->p_left); // Find the largest node in the left root->key = p->key; // Copy value of that node removeNode(root->p_left, p->key); // remove node that we had copied before } } } void removeTree(Node*& root) { if (root == NULL) { return; } removeTree(root->p_right); removeTree(root->p_left); delete root; } //Check left tree bool isSubTreeLess(Node* root, int value) { if (root == NULL) return true; if (root->key <= value && isSubTreeLess(root->p_left, value) && isSubTreeLess(root->p_right, value)) return true; else return false; } //Check right tree bool isSubTreeGreater(Node* root, int value) { if (root == NULL) return true; if (root->key > value && isSubTreeGreater(root->p_left, value) && isSubTreeGreater(root->p_right, value)) return true; else return false; } //Determine if a given Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree bool isBST(Node* root) { if (root == NULL) return true; if (isSubTreeLess(root->p_left, root->key) && isSubTreeGreater(root->p_right, root->key) && isBST(root->p_left) && isBST(root->p_right)) return true; else return false; }