Recent advances in CRISPR/Cas9 based genome editing have considerably advanced genetic engineering of industrial yeast strains. In this study, we report the construction and characterization of a toolkit for CRISPR activation and interference (CRISPRa/i) for a polyploid industrial yeast strain. In the CRISPRa/i plasmids that are available in high and low copy variants, dCas9 is expressed alone, or as a fusion with an activation or repression domain; VP64, VPR or Mxi1. The sgRNA is introduced to the CRISPRa/i plasmids from a double stranded oligonucleotide by in vivo homology-directed repair, allowing rapid transcriptional modulation of new target genes without cloning. The CRISPRa/i toolkit was characterized by alteration of expression of fluorescent protein-encoding genes under two different promoters allowing expression alterations up to ~ 2.5-fold. Furthermore, we demonstrated the usability of the CRISPRa/i toolkit by improving the tolerance towards wheat straw hydrolysate of our industrial production strain. We anticipate that our CRISPRa/i toolkit can be widely used to assess novel targets for strain improvement and thus accelerate the design-build-test cycle for developing various industrial production strains.Determining the selective potential of antibiotics at environmental concentrations is critical for designing effective strategies to limit selection for antibiotic resistance. This study determined the minimal selective concentrations (MSCs) for macrolide and fluoroquinolone antibiotics included on the European Commission's Water Framework Directive's priority hazardous substances Watch List. The macrolides demonstrated positive selection for ermF at concentrations 1-2 orders of magnitude greater (>500 and 7.8 and less then 15.6 µg/L). This highlights the need for compound specific assessment of selective potential. In addition, a sub-MSC selective window defined by the minimal increased persistence concentration (MIPC) is described. Differential rates of negative selection (or persistence) were associated with elevated prevalence relative to the no antibiotic control below the MSC. This increased persistence leads to opportunities for further selection over time and risk of human exposure and environmental transmission.SET domain genes (SDGs) that are involved in histone methylation have been examined in many plant species, but have never been examined in bread wheat; the histone methylation caused due to SDGs is associated with regulation of gene expression at the transcription level. We identified a total of 166 bread wheat TaSDGs, which carry some interesting features including the occurrence of tandem/interspersed duplications, SSRs (simple sequence repeats), transposable elements, lncRNAs and targets for miRNAs along their lengths and transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in the promoter regions. Only 130 TaSDGs encoded proteins with complete SET domain, the remaining 36 proteins had truncated SET domain. The TaSDG encoded proteins were classified into six classes (I-V and VII). In silico expression analysis indicated relatively higher expression (FPKM > 20) of eight of the 130 TaSDGs in different tissues, and downregulation of 30 TaSDGs under heat and drought at the seedling stage. qRT-PCR was also conducted to validate the expression of seven genes at the seedling stage in pairs of contrasting genotypes in response to abiotic stresses (water and heat) and biotic stress (leaf rust). These genes were generally downregulated in response to the three stresses examined.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Respiratory rate and changes in respiratory activity provide important markers of health and fitness. Assessing the breathing signal without direct respiratory sensors can be very helpful in large cohort studies and for screening purposes. In this paper, we demonstrate that long-term nocturnal acceleration measurements from the wrist yield significantly better respiration proxies than four standard approaches of ECG (electrocardiogram) derived respiration. We validate our approach by comparison with flow-derived respiration as standard reference signal, studying the full-night data of 223 subjects in a clinical sleep laboratory. Specifically, we find that phase synchronization indices between respiration proxies and the flow signal are large for five suggested acceleration-derived proxies with [Formula see text] for males and [Formula see text] for females (means ± standard deviations), while ECG-derived proxies yield only [Formula see text] for males and [Formula see text] for females. Similarly, respiratory rates can be determined more precisely by wrist-worn acceleration devices compared with a derivation from the ECG. As limitation we must mention that acceleration-derived respiration proxies are only available during episodes of non-physical activity (especially during sleep).We present a method to determine the bulk temperature of a single crystal diamond sample at an X-Ray free electron laser using inelastic X-ray scattering. The experiment was performed at the high energy density instrument at the European XFEL GmbH, Germany. The technique, based on inelastic X-ray scattering and the principle of detailed balance, was demonstrated to give accurate temperature measurements, within [Formula see text] for both room temperature diamond and heated diamond to 500 K. Here, the temperature was increased in a controlled way using a resistive heater to test theoretical predictions of the scaling of the signal with temperature. The method was tested by validating the energy of the phonon modes with previous measurements made at room temperature using inelastic X-ray scattering and neutron scattering techniques. This technique could be used to determine the bulk temperature in transient systems with a temporal resolution of 50 fs and for which accurate measurements of thermodynamic properties are vital to build accurate equation of state and transport models.Invasive fungal infections are a potentially life-threatening complication in immunocompromised patients. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of posaconazole as compared with other antifungal agents for preventing invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised patients. Embase, CENTRAL, and MEDLINE were searched for randomized conweekmonthtrolled trials (RCTs) up to June 2020. A systematic review with meta-analysis of RCTs was performed using random-effects model. Trial sequential analysis (TSA) was conducted for the primary outcome to assess random errors. A total of five RCTs with 1,617 participants were included. Posaconazole prophylaxis was associated with a significantly lower risk of IFIs (RR, 0.43 [95% CI 0.28 to 0.66, p = 0.0001]) as compared to other antifungal agents. No heterogeneity was identified between studies (I2 = 0%). No significant associations were observed for the secondary outcomes measured, including risk reduction of invasive aspergillosis and candidiasis, clinical failure, all-cause mortality, and treatment-related adverse events, except for infection-related mortality (RR, 0.