How to Make New Ones When You Lose Your Drivers License Losing your drivers license can be an aggravating experience particularly when it's needed to get to work or school. First you need to attempt to keep in mind where it may have gone and after that carefully backtrack your steps. It is also essential to report the loss to the cops as this will create a proof in the event somebody else uses your license fraudulently. Fortunately there are steps you can require to change your license rapidly and easily. Retract Your Steps Among the first things to do when you lose your drivers license is to backtrack your actions. If you lost it in the last few minutes or hours, try to think of where you were when you last had it and backtrack your actions in reverse chronological order. If think you might have dropped it at a restaurant or bank, talk to the manager to see if it has been discovered. If you still can't discover your driver's license, call the police and submit a report. This can help you show that it is actually missing, which will make it more challenging for someone to take your identity. It can also help if you require to make an application for a job or get credit in the future. A lot of states have comparable procedures for getting a new driver's license after losing it. You will likely require to submit an application, offer proof of identity, pay a charge, and wait for your new driver's license to arrive in the mail. Throughout this time, you can ask for that the DMV put a confirmation flag on your license, which will signal police that it is stolen if somebody attempts to use it. Check Your Addresses Getting a new driver's license will require you to supply your existing address. This is an essential step in order to ensure that your photo file and DMV records match up. It likewise helps to avoid bad guys from committing scams by presenting as you. They can redirect your mail, rob you of cas