The potential of palm-oil biofuels to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with fossil fuels is increasingly questioned. So far, no measurement-based GHG budgets were available, and plantation age was ignored in Life Cycle Analyses (LCA). Here, we conduct LCA based on measured CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in young and mature Indonesian oil palm plantations. CO2 dominates the on-site GHG budgets. The young plantation is a carbon source (1012 ± 51 gC m-2 yr-1), the mature plantation a sink (-754 ± 38 gC m-2 yr-1). LCA considering the measured fluxes shows higher GHG emissions for palm-oil biodiesel than traditional LCA assuming carbon neutrality. Plantation rotation-cycle extension and earlier-yielding varieties potentially decrease GHG emissions. Due to the high emissions associated with forest conversion to oil palm, our results indicate that only biodiesel from second rotation-cycle plantations or plantations established on degraded land has the potential for pronounced GHG emission savings.The authors have retracted this article [1] because there are errors in some images. In Fig. 2g, a colony picture for Mock group was incorrect. In Fig. 2k, the invasion pictures for Mock and overexpression ST6Gal-1 cells were incorrect. In Fig. 3g, the colony picture for shNC was incorrect. In Fig. 4f, the authors mistakenly provided WB band for GAPDH. In Fig. 4g, the IHC pictures for 10w in Negative Control and DENA-induced Groups were incorrect, and in Fig. 7f, a IHC picture for GSK-3β in DENA-induced Group (10w) was presented incorrectly. Due to these errors the findings are no longer reliable.INTRODUCTION Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) and concomitant lower limb fractures are a challenge to rehabilitate. Conventionally, postural orientation is an important milestone in the rehabilitative process. We propose an alternative strategy in achieving goals in individuals with an SCI with concomitant injuries that preclude weight bearing below the knee. CASE PRESENTATION A 16-year-old girl sustained a burst fracture of L1 in conjunction with bilateral ankle fractures. During rehabilitation, the calcaneal fracture on the left and tibial plafond fracture on the right prevented her progression in conventional rehabilitation. An alternative strategy "K-ing" (Kneel Standing/Kneel Walking) was adopted to facilitate truncal activation without loading the ankle joints. This was found to be helpful in obtaining upright posture stability without hampering her recovery of associated ankle injuries. DISCUSSION "K-ing" strategy can be useful and presents a simple alternative in the presence of associated ankle injuries. It also avoids complications associated with bedrest when there is delay in initiation of ambulation.Auditory cortex neurons nonlinearly integrate synaptic inputs from the thalamus and cortex, and generate spiking outputs for simple and complex sounds. Directly comparing synaptic and spiking activity can determine whether this input-output transformation is stimulus-dependent. We employ in vivo whole-cell recordings in the mouse primary auditory cortex, using pure tones and broadband dynamic moving ripple stimuli, to examine properties of functional integration in tonal (TRFs) and spectrotemporal (STRFs) receptive fields. Spectral tuning in STRFs derived from synaptic, subthreshold and spiking responses proves to be substantially more selective than for TRFs. We describe diverse spectral and temporal modulation preferences and distinct nonlinearities, and their modifications between the input and output stages of neural processing. These results characterize specific processing differences at the level of synaptic convergence, integration and spike generation resulting in stimulus-dependent transformation patterns in the primary auditory cortex.Manipulating the surface energy, and thereby the wetting properties of solids, has promise for various physical, chemical, biological and industrial processes. Typically, this is achieved by either chemical modification or by controlling the hierarchical structures of surfaces. Here we report a phenomenon whereby the wetting properties of vermiculite laminates are controlled by the hydrated cations on the surface and in the interlamellar space. We find that vermiculite laminates can be tuned from superhydrophilic to hydrophobic simply by exchanging the cations; hydrophilicity decreases with increasing cation hydration free energy, except for lithium. The lithium-exchanged vermiculite laminate is found to provide a superhydrophilic surface due to its anomalous hydrated structure at the vermiculite surface. Building on these findings, we demonstrate the potential application of superhydrophilic lithium exchanged vermiculite as a thin coating layer on microfiltration membranes to resist fouling, and thus, we address a major challenge for oil-water separation technology.The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest bilateral funder of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and control programs worldwide, currently supports implementation of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce HIV incidence among persons at substantial risk for infection, including female sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender women (hereafter referred to as key populations). Recent estimates suggest that 54% of all global new HIV infections in 2018 occurred among key populations and their sexual partners (1). In 2016, PEPFAR began tracking initiation of PrEP by key populations and other groups at high risk (2). The implementation and scale-up of PrEP programs across 35 PEPFAR-supported country or regional programs* was assessed by determining the number of programs reporting any new PrEP clients during each quarter from October 2016 to September 2018. As of September 2018, only 15 (43%) PEPFAR-supported country or regional programs had implemented PrEP programs; however, client volume increased by 3,351% over the assessment period in 15 country or regional programs. Scale-up of PrEP among general population clients (5,255%) was nearly three times that of key population clients (1,880%). Among key populations, the largest increase (3,518%) occurred among MSM. Factors that helped drive the success of these PrEP early adopter programs included initiation of national, regional, and multilateral stakeholder meetings; engagement of ministries of health and community advocates; revision of HIV treatment guidelines to include PrEP; training for HIV service providers; and establishment of drug procurement policies. These best practices can help facilitate PrEP implementation, particularly among key populations, in other country or regional programs to reduce global incidence of HIV infection.