Parasitic helminths infect over one-fourth of the human population resulting in significant morbidity, and in some cases, death in endemic countries. Despite mass drug administration (MDA) to school-aged children and other control measures, helminth infections are spreading into new areas. Thus, there is a strong rationale for developing anthelminthic vaccines as cost-effective, long-term immunological control strategies, which, unlike MDA, are not haunted by the threat of emerging drug-resistant helminths nor limited by reinfection risk. Advances in vaccinology, immunology, and immunomics include the development of new tools that improve the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of vaccines; and some of these tools have been used in the development of helminth vaccines. The development of anthelminthic vaccines is fraught with difficulty. Multiple lifecycle stages exist each presenting stage-specific antigens. Further, helminth parasites are notorious for their ability to dampen down and regulate host immunity. One of the first significant challenges in developing any vaccine is identifying suitable candidate protective antigens. This review explores our current knowledge in lead antigen identification and reports on recent pre-clinical and clinical trials in the context of the soil-transmitted helminths Trichuris, the hookworms and Ascaris. Ultimately, a multivalent anthelminthic vaccine could become an essential tool for achieving the medium-to long-term goal of controlling, or even eliminating helminth infections.Shp1, encoded by the gene Ptpn6, is a protein tyrosine phosphatase that transduces inhibitory signals downstream of immunoreceptors in many immune cell types. Blocking Shp1 activity represents an exciting potential immunotherapeutic strategy for the treatment of cancer, as Shp1 inhibition would be predicted to unleash both innate and adaptive immunity against tumor cells. Antibodies blocking the interaction between CD47 on tumor cells and SIRPĪ± on macrophages enhance macrophage phagocytosis, show efficacy in preclinical tumor models, and are being evaluated in the clinic. Here we found that Shp1 bound to phosphorylated peptide sequences derived from SIRPĪ± and transduced the anti-phagocytic signal, as Shp1 loss in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages increased phagocytosis of tumor cells in vitro. We also generated a novel mouse model to evaluate the impact of global, inducible Ptpn6 deletion on anti-tumor immunity. We found that inducible Shp1 loss drove an inflammatory disease in mice that was phenotypicalltumors. Overall, our preclinical data suggested that targeting Shp1 may be an attractive therapeutic strategy for boosting the immune response to cancer via a mechanism involving both innate and adaptive leukocytes.STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI) is an autosomal dominant disorder due to gain-of-function mutations in STING1, also known as TMEM173, encoding for STING. It was reported as a vasculopathy of infancy. However, since its description a wider spectrum of associated manifestations and disease-onset has been observed. We report a kindred with a heterozygous STING mutation (p.V155M) in which the 19-year-old proband suffered from isolated adult-onset ANCA-associated vasculitis. His father suffered from childhood-onset pulmonary fibrosis and renal failure attributed to ANCA-associated vasculitis, and died at the age of 30 years due to respiratory failure. In addition, an overview of the phenotypic spectrum of SAVI is provided highlighting (a) a high phenotypic variability with in some cases isolated manifestations, (b) the potential of adult-onset disease, and (c) a novel manifestation with ANCA-associated vasculitis.The risk and severity of specific infections are increased during pregnancy due to a combination of physiological and immunological changes. Characterizing the maternal immune system during pregnancy is important to understand how the maternal immune system maintains tolerance towards the allogeneic fetus. This may also inform strategies to prevent maternal fatalities due to infections and optimize maternal vaccination to best protect the mother-fetus dyad and the infant after birth. In this review, we describe what is known about the immunological changes that occur during a normal pregnancy.COVID-19 is a global pandemic currently in an acute phase of rapid expansion. While public health measures remain the most effective protection strategy at this stage, when the peak passes, it will leave in its wake important health problems. Historically, very few viruses have ever been eradicated. Instead, the virus may persist in communities causing recurrent local outbreaks of the acute infection as well as several chronic diseases that may arise from the presence of a "suppressed" virus or as a consequence of the initial exposure. An ideal solution would be an anti-viral medication that (i) targets multiple stages of the viral lifecycle, (ii) is insensitive to frequent changes of viral phenotype due to mutagenesis, (iii) has broad spectrum, (iv) is safe and (v) also targets co-morbidities of the infection. In this Perspective we discuss a therapeutic approach that owns these attributes, namely "lipid raft therapy." Lipid raft therapy is an approach aimed at reducing the abundance and structural modifications of host lipid rafts or at targeted delivery of therapeutics to the rafts. Lipid rafts are the sites of the initial binding, activation, internalization and cell-to-cell transmission of SARS-CoV-2. They also are key regulators of immune and inflammatory responses, dysregulation of which is characteristic to COVID-19 infection. Lipid raft therapy was successful in targeting many viral infections and inflammatory disorders, and can potentially be highly effective for treatment of COVID-19.Complement, a part of the innate arm of the immune system, is integral to the frontline defense of the host against innumerable pathogens, which includes RNA viruses. Among the major groups of viruses, RNA viruses contribute significantly to the global mortality and morbidity index associated with viral infection. Despite multiple routes of entry adopted by these viruses, facing complement is inevitable. The initial interaction with complement and the nature of this interaction play an important role in determining host resistance versus susceptibility to the viral infection. Many RNA viruses are potent activators of complement, often resulting in virus neutralization. Yet, another facet of virus-induced activation is the exacerbation in pathogenesis contributing to the overall morbidity. The severity in disease and death associated with RNA virus infections shows a tip in the scale favoring viruses. Growing evidence suggest that like their DNA counterparts, RNA viruses have co-evolved to master ingenious strategies to remarkably restrict complement.