Histone modifications play critical roles in DNA damage repair to safeguard genome integrity. However, how different histone modifiers coordinate to build appropriate chromatin context for DNA damage repair is largely unknown. Here, we report a novel interplay between the histone methyltransferase KMT5A and two E3 ligases RNF8 and RNF168 in establishing the histone modification status for DNA damage repair. KMT5A is a newly identified substrate of RNF8 in vitro and in vivo. In response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), RNF8 promotes KMT5A recruitment onto damaged chromatin in a ubiquitination-dependent manner. RNF8-induced KMT5A ubiquitination increases the binding capacity of KMT5A to RNF168. Interestingly, KMT5A not only drives a local increase in H4K20 monomethylation at DSBs, but also promotes RNF168's activity in catalyzing H2A ubiquitination. We proved that the interaction between the H2A acidic patch and KMT5A R188/R189 residues is critical for KMT5A-mediated regulation of H2A ubiquitination. Taken together, our results highlight a new role for KMT5A in linking H4K20 methylation and H2A ubiquitination and provide insight into the histone modification network during DNA damage repair.Tissues typically harbor subpopulations of resident immune cells that function as rapid responders to injury and whose activation leads to induction of an adaptive immune response, playing important roles in repair and protection. Since the lens is an avascular tissue, it was presumed that it was absent of resident immune cells. Our studies now show that resident immune cells are a shared feature of the human, mouse, and chicken lens epithelium. These resident immune cells function as immediate responders to injury and rapidly populate the wound edge following mock cataract surgery to function as leader cells. Many of these resident immune cells also express MHCII providing them with antigen presenting ability to engage an adaptive immune response. We provide evidence that during development immune cells migrate on the ciliary zonules and localize among the equatorial epithelial cells of the lens adjacent to where the ciliary zonules associate with the lens capsule. These findings suggest that the vasculature-rich ciliary body is a source of lens resident immune cells. We identified a major role for these cells as rapid responders to wounding, quickly populating each wound were they can function as leaders of lens tissue repair. Our findings also show that lens resident immune cells are progenitors of myofibroblasts, which characteristically appear in response to lens cataract surgery injury, and therefore, are likely agents of lens pathologies to impair vision like fibrosis.COVID-19 is highly transmissible; however, its severity varies from one individual to another. Variability among different isolates of the virus and among its receptor (ACE2) may contribute to this severity, but comorbidity plays a major role on disease prognosis. Many comorbidities have been reported to be associated with severe COVID-19 patients. We have collected data from retrospective studies which include clinical and epidemiological features of patients and categorize them into severe/mild, ICU/non-ICU and survivors/dead patients. In this review, we give an update about SARS-CoV-2 structure with emphasis on the possible reasons for the severity of the virus in patients. We also collected information and patients' data to highlight the relation between COVID-19 patients and comorbidities.Novel coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) is a respiratory distress syndrome caused by a new type of coronavirus. Understanding the genetic basis of susceptibility and prognosis to COVID-19 is of great significance to disease prevention, molecular typing, prognosis, and treatment. However, so far, there have been only two genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on the susceptibility of COVID-19. Starting with these reported DNA variants, we found the genes regulated by these variants through cis-eQTL and cis-meQTL acting. We further did a series of bioinformatics analysis on these potential risk genes. The analysis shows that the genetic variants on EHF regulate the expression of its neighbor CAT gene via cis-eQTL. There was significant evidence that CAT and the SARS-CoV-2-related S protein binding protein ACE2 interact with each other. Intracellular localization results showed that CAT and ACE2 proteins both exists in the cell membrane and extracellular area and their interaction could have an impact on the cell invasion ability of S protein. In addition, the expression of these three genes showed a significant positive correlation in the lungs. Based on these results, we propose that CAT plays a crucial intermediary role in binding effectiveness of ACE2, thereby affecting the susceptibility to COVID-19. For several decades, a myriad of factors have contributed to the inadequate diagnosis and management of depression in Parkinson's disease (PD), leaving up to 60% of significantly symptomatic patients untreated. Poor access to evidence-based neuropsychiatric care is one major barrier to achieving optimal Parkinson's outcomes. The goal of this study was to compare the efficacy of individual Parkinson's-informed, video-to-home cognitive-behavioral therapy (experimental group), to clinic-based treatment as usual (control group), for depression in PD. Ninety United States military veterans with clinical diagnoses of both depression and PD were computer-randomized (11) to either the experimental or control group; randomization was stratified by baseline antidepressant use and blind to all other baseline data. The acute treatment period spanned 10 weeks and was followed by a 6-month extension phase. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was the a priori primary outcome. Depression treatment response was defined 2021 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. The success of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG) is dependent on long-term graft patency, which is negatively related to early wall thickening. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bromodeoxyuridine-brdu.html Avoiding high-pressure distension testing for leaks and preserving the surrounding pedicle of fat and adventitia during vein harvesting may reduce wall thickening. A single-centre, factorial randomized controlled trial was carried out to compare the impact of testing for leaks under high versus low pressure and harvesting the vein with versus without the pedicle in patients undergoing CABG. The primary outcomes were graft wall thickness, as indicator of medial-intimal hyperplasia, and lumen diameter assessed using intravascular ultrasound after 12 months. Ninety-six eligible participants were recruited. With conventional harvest, low-pressure testing tended to yield a thinner vessel wall compared with high-pressure (mean difference [MD;low minus high] -0.059 mm, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.12,+0.0039, p = .066). With high pressure testing, veins harvested with the pedicle fat tended to have a thinner vessel wall than those harvested conventionally (MD [pedicle minus conventional] -0.