Neither postnatal dexamethasone treatment nor gestation showed any associations with lesion incidence, frontal cortex (total, white, or grey matter) or hippocampal volume (all p > 0.05). Postnatal dexamethasone did not appear to adversely affect neurodevelopment. Our post-mortem MRI analysis pipeline is suitable for other animal models of brain development.Falls and recurrent falls cause great health and social consequences in older people. However, these problems are poorly understood in Vietnam. A cross-sectional study was performed at seven hospitals in Thai Binh province, Vietnam, to investigate the individual and environmental factors associated with recurrent falls among elderly patients hospitalized due to fall injuries in Vietnam. A history of recurrent falls within the last 12 months, sociodemographic, health, and clinical characteristics, as well as environmental conditions, were obtained via self-reported interviews. Multivariate logistic and Poisson regression models were used to identify associated factors. Overall, the mean fall episodes in the last 12 months were 1.8 (Standard deviation-SD = 1.2) episodes, and the 12-month prevalence of recurrent falls was 40.5%. The individual risk factors included not receiving fall prevention guidelines, walking with devices, loss of sensation in hand or foot, and using pain relief medications. The environmental risk factors comprised having too-high stairs and not having dry, clean, and nonslippery bathrooms. This study highlights a significantly high 12-month prevalence of recurrent falls in older patients hospitalized after falls in Vietnam. Moreover, regular assessments of functional disabilities and hazardous environmental conditions, as well as the provision of prevention programs, have potential to prevent falls and recurrent falls.Organ-on-a-chip academic research is in its blossom. Drug toxicity evaluation is a promising area in which organ-on-a-chip technology can apply. A unique advantage of organ-on-a-chip is the ability to integrate drug metabolism and drug toxic processes in a single device, which facilitates evaluation of toxicity of drug metabolites. Human organ-on-a-chip has been fabricated and used to assess drug toxicity with data correlation with the clinical trial. In this review, we introduced the microfluidic chip models of liver, kidney, heart, nerve, and other organs and multiple organs, highlighting the application of these models in drug toxicity detection. Some biomarkers of toxic injury that have been used in organ chip platforms or have potential for use on organ chip platforms are summarized. Finally, we discussed the goals and future directions for drug toxicity evaluation based on organ-on-a-chip technology.Obesity is a major issue in pets and nutritional strategies need to be developed, like promoting greater protein and fiber intake. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of dietary protein levels and prebiotic supplementation on the glucose metabolism and relationships between the gut, microbiota, metabolome, and phenotype of obese dogs. Six obese Beagle dogs received a diet containing 25.6% or 36.9% crude protein, with or without 1% short-chain fructo-oligosaccharide (scFOS) or oligofructose (OF), in a Latin-square study design. Fecal and blood samples were collected for metabolite analysis, untargeted metabolomics, and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. A multi-block analysis was performed to build a correlation network to identify relationships between fecal microbiota, metabolome, and phenotypic variables. Diets did not affect energy homeostasis, but scFOS supplementation modulated fecal microbiota composition and induced significant changes of the fecal metabolome. Bile acids and several amino acids were related to glucose homeostasis while specific bacteria gathered in metavariables had a high number of links with phenotypic and metabolomic parameters. It also suggested that fecal aminoadipate and hippurate act as potential markers of glucose homeostasis. This preliminary study provides new insights into the relationships between the gut microbiota, the metabolome, and several phenotypic markers involved in obesity and associated metabolic dysfunctions.Human artificial chromosomes (HACs), including the de novo synthesized alphoidtetO-HAC, are a powerful tool for introducing genes of interest into eukaryotic cells. HACs are mitotically stable, non-integrative episomal units that have a large transgene insertion capacity and allow efficient and stable transgene expression. Previously, we have shown that the alphoidtetO-HAC vector does not interfere with the pluripotent state and provides stable transgene expression in human induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) and mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). In this study, we have elaborated on a mouse model of ex vivo iPSC- and HAC-based treatment of hemophilia A monogenic disease. iPSCs were developed from FVIIIY/- mutant mice fibroblasts and FVIII cDNA, driven by a ubiquitous promoter, was introduced into the alphoidtetO-HAC in hamster CHO cells. Subsequently, the therapeutic alphoidtetO-HAC-FVIII was transferred into the FVIIIY/- iPSCs via the retro-microcell-mediated chromosome transfer method. The therapeutic HAC was maintained as an episomal non-integrative vector in the mouse iPSCs, showing a constitutive FVIII expression. This study is the first step towards treatment development for hemophilia A monogenic disease with the use of a new generation of the synthetic chromosome vector-the alphoidtetO-HAC.This paper presents a new constitutive model of high particles concentrated magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) that is based on the hexagonal close-packed structure, which can reflect the micro-structures of the particles under the magnetic field. Firstly, the particle dynamic simulations for the forces sustained by carbonyl iron powder (CIP) particles of MRFs are performed in order to investigate the particles chain-forming process at different time nodes. Subsequently, according to the force analyses, a hexagonal close-packed structure, which differs from the existing single-chain structure and body-cantered cubic structure, is adopted to formulate a constitutive model of MRFs with high concentration of the magnetic-responsive particles. Several experiments are performed while considering crucial factors that influence on the chain-forming mechanism and, hence, change the field-dependent shear yield stress in order to validate the proposed model. These factors include the magnetic induction intensity, volume fraction and radius of CIP particles, and surfactant coating thickness.