the integrity of ecological assemblages affected by diversity loss or gain. To describe the developmentand feasibility of a preference elicitation instrument, OABCare, using choice-based adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA) among patients with overactive bladder (OAB). This was a two-phase study. In Phase 1, an extensive literature review along with patient and provider focus groups yielded the attributes and levels for our OABCare instrument. The hierarchical Bayesian random-effects model generated utilities and mean relative importance scores of treatment attributes. Phase 2 consisted of a cohort study to assess the association between OAB treatment uptake and treatment attributes elicited from OABCare, using generalized linear models. Literature reviewand provider and patient focus groups in Phase 1 yielded themes related to OAB management that were used to develop 11 attributes for the ACA instrument. For Phase 2 of the study, 108 patients were recruited who completed the OABCare instrument. Results showed that the top five attributes with the highest mean utility values were cnhance the quality of OAB care. Future work will evaluate the OABCare instrument in different subgroups based on sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment characteristics, and its integration into clinical care settings. To estimate the incremental associations between the implementation of expanded Medicaid eligibility and prerelease Medicaid enrollment assistance on Medicaid enrollment for recently incarcerated adults. Data include person-level merged, longitudinal data from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and the Wisconsin Medicaid program from 2013 to 2015. We use an interrupted time series design to estimate the association between each of two natural experiments and Medicaid enrollment for recently incarcerated adults. First, in April 2014 the Wisconsin Medicaid program expanded eligibility to include all adults with income at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. Second, in January 2015, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections implemented prerelease Medicaid enrollment assistance at all state correctional facilities. We collected Medicaid enrollment, and state prison administrative and risk assessment data for all nonelderly adults incarcerated by the state who were released between January 2013 aprerelease enrollment assistance are associated with increased Medicaid enrollment upon release from prison. States should consider these two policies as potential tools for improving access to timely health care as individuals transition from prison to community. The goal of this study was to evaluate and report details of a remotely taught surgical laboratory. Observational. Second-year veterinary students (n = 143) enrolled in a surgical laboratory; 9 weeks were taught traditionally, and 6 weeks were taught remotely. Because of the global pandemic, remote laboratories were developed and delivered. Students performed surgical procedures in model organs remotely while being observed by and receiving feedback from instructors on an internet-based video platform. Methods for remote surgical teaching were explored, and successes and challenges were detailed. Surveys were administered to the students and faculty to gather perspectives on their experience and subsequent confidence. Surveys were completed by 81 of 143 (57%) students and seven of seven (100%) instructors. The mean overall student satisfaction score (1 not at all satisfied, 10 very satisfied) for in-person instruction was 8.2, and the mean score for remote instruction was 6.2 (P < .001). Overall, the instructors had a mean satisfaction score of 8 for in-person laboratories and a mean satisfaction score of 6 for remotely taught laboratories. Most students had a perception of greater one-on-one instructor attention in remote laboratories. Students reported similar confidence levels for three surgical procedures. The described remote teaching method resulted in the perception of greater instructor attention given to students. Student and instructor satisfaction was lower with remote teaching than with in-person teaching. The described method of remote teaching may be applied to teaching surgical students in settings when face-to-face instruction cannot be achieved and may be developed further to create an experience equivalent to face-to-face instruction. The described method of remote teaching may be applied to teaching surgical students in settings when face-to-face instruction cannot be achieved and may be developed further to create an experience equivalent to face-to-face instruction.Are people with flawed faces regarded as having flawed moral characters? An "anomalous-is-bad" stereotype is hypothesized to facilitate negative biases against people with facial anomalies (e.g., scars), but whether and how these biases affect behavior and brain functioning remain open questions. We examined responses to anomalous faces in the brain (using a visual oddball paradigm), behavior (in economic games), and attitudes. At the level of the brain, the amygdala demonstrated a specific neural response to anomalous faces-sensitive to disgust and a lack of beauty but independent of responses to salience or arousal. At the level of behavior, people with anomalous faces were subjected to less prosociality from participants highest in socioeconomic status. At the level of attitudes, we replicated previously reported negative character evaluations made about individuals with facial anomalies, and further identified explicit biases directed against them as a group. Across these levels of organization, the specific amygdala response to facial anomalies correlated with stronger just-world beliefs (i.e., people get what they deserve), less dispositional empathic concern, and less prosociality toward people with facial anomalies. Characterizing the "anomalous-is-bad" stereotype at multiple levels of organization can reveal underappreciated psychological burdens shouldered by people who look different.This study aimed to explore the associations of COX-2 polymorphisms rs5275, rs20417, and rs2745557 with the susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis among Chinese Han people. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) was adopted for genotyping COX-2 polymorphisms rs5275, rs20417, and rs2745557 among 109 AS patients and 122 healthy controls. Genotype distribution in the control group was examined for these three polymorphisms to test whether it conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) expectation. A χ2 -test was employed to compare genotype and allele frequencies between the two groups. Besides this, logistic regression analyses were also performed to adjust age and gender. A p less than .05 represented a significant level. Genotype distribution of our studied polymorphisms showed fine conformity to HWE in the controls. An increasing effect on AS risk was detected for the polymorphism rs5275 under GG versus AA contrast (crude OR, 3.040; 95% CI, 1.015-9.104), and the adjustment for age and gender did not change such a relationship (adjusted OR, 3.